#include <mudlib.h> #define PATH "d/coronos/w/angel/city/gardens/" #define MONST "d/coronos/w/angel/city/monst/" inherit ROOM; void reset(status arg) { object obj; if(!present("wombat")) { obj = clone_object(MONST+"wombat"); move_object(obj,this_object()); } if(arg) return; set_weather(1,3,0); set_short("the city garden"); set_long( "Continuing through the garden the ground becomes a bit more \n"+ "arid and the green grass seems to become much more sparse. \n"+ "Within the dry patch of ground is a start of a burrow. A \n"+ "large rock sets off to one side. Footprints lay within the \n"+ "sandy soil.\n"); set_day_desc( "The sun shines down, an occasional cloud making the only shade.\n"); set_night_desc("The moon shines down from high above.\n"); set_listen("A soft scraping is heard from around you.\n"); set_smell("As you sniff the air you get a bit of dry sand "+ "in your nose.\n"); set_items(({ "grass#green grass", "The blades of grass have beomce fewer and far between", "rock#large rock", "A good sized rock which sits beside the hole", "sandy soil#soil#sand", "Simple sandy soil, however, it contains many footprints", "footprint#footprints", "They appear to be prints made from a wombat", })); set_exits(({ PATH+"garden5","northwest", PATH+"garden6","north", PATH+"garden11","east", PATH+"garden13","southeast", })); set_weather(1,4,0); }