Name Icewind Dale~
Repop A strong wind sweeps down from the north chilling your bones.
SCZone 0
Builders Calin~
VNUMs 12000 12150
NQuit 0
Open 1
Homeland 0

Name wolf tundra white~
Short a tundra wolf~
A tundra wolf snarls and attacks.
AMax 8
NHeight 0
ActBits 8
Alignment 2
Level 25
Sex 1
MobType 18
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name no name~
Short (none)~
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Level 0
Guard 0

Name dwarven guard~
Short a dwarven guard~
A dwarven guard is here protecting the watch tower entrance.
This tough looking dwarf proudly stands guard at the entrance to this
watch tower, all the guards have been selected from amongst the fiercest
dwarven warriors. 
AMax 2
ActBits 2
ActBits3 2
Affect_By 512
Alignment 2
Money 300
Level 50
Sex 1
MobType 32
Hp 2
Guard 1
GDamR -40

Name a dwarven soldier~
Short A dwarven soldier~
A dwarven soldier watches you carefully.
Standing no more than 4 feet tall, this dwarf is covered from head to toe
in chain armour, he winks at you and continies on with his duties. 
AMax 5
NHeight 0
AffectTWO 8
Alignment 2
Money 200
Level 50
Sex 1
MobType 4
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name dwarf dwarven soldier sleeping~
Short a dwarven soldier~
A dwarven soldier relaxes here, waiting for his turn on duty.
AMax 2
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Alignment 2
Money 200
Level 50
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name dwarf cleric priest stumpet raki prac~
Short Stumpet Rakingclaw~
Stumpet Rakingclaw looks up as you interupt her meditation.
A female dwarf with shiny golden hair and beard looks apon you warmly as
you enter, she wears studded leather armour and a golden cloak, sheathed on
her belt is a glittering mithril mace. 
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 258
Affect_By 2097280
AffectTWO 8
Alignment 2
Money 6000
Level 325
Sex 2
MobType 2
Hp 40
Guard 0
ASklTaught 0 125
ASklTaught 1 255
ASklTaught 2 218
ASklTaught 3 236
ASklTaught 4 101

Name man adventurer~
Short a hardy adventurer~
A hardy adventurer rests here trying to ward off the chill.
This tough looking adventurer rests his hand on the pommel of his dagger
as he notices you watching him, he looks as though he can take care of
AMax 2
ActBits 2
Alignment 2
Money 200
Level 50
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name dwarf bloody warrior~
Short a bloody dwarven warrior~
A bloody dwarf moans and staggers towards you.
Bleeding from many wounds under his chaimail armour this dwarf can barely
walk, you stop and wonder what the hell is going on. 
AMax 5
NHeight 0
ActBits4 1
Affect_By 64
Alignment 2
Money 200
Level 50
MobType 2
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name barbarian warrior enraged orc~
Short an orcish barbarian~
An orcish barbarian licks his lips and attacks.
Wearing tattered armour and snarling with bloodlust this orc will stop at
nothing to please his master the evil Dark Lord Pillai. 
AMax 6
NHeight 0
ActBits 9
Alignment 2
Money 200
Level 50
MobType 25
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_poison

Name trauma orc warrior leader prac~
Short trauma the orcish captain~
Trauma the orcish captain leads the assault.
Standing well over 6 feet tall, and wearing spiked obsidian armour, this
orc is one to be feared, his hatred for the dwarves has spurred him on in
this raid. 
AMax 1
ActBits 257
Money 2000
Level 300
MobType 25
Hp 20
Guard 0
ASklTaught 0 585
ASklTaught 1 249
ASklTaught 2 183
ASklTaught 3 239

Name hidden dwarf cowardly~
Short a cowardly dwarf~
A cowardly dwarf hides here.
This dwarf is petrified, instead of running to warn the watch tower of
the imminent attack all he can do is cower in fear. 
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Affect_By 65536
Level 25
MobType 2
Hp 2
Guard 0


Name corpse~
Short a nomad corpse~
The frozen corpse of a nomad lies here.
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name twinkle scimitar 2apb apb~
Short a long thin scimitar called "Twinkle"~
A scimitar lies here abandoned in the dust.
Type 5
Extra 4456449
Wear 24577
Values 0 65 0 3 0 0 0 5 3 0 0
Weight 10
Cost 300
Affect 19 2 2 0 0

Name mace enchanted 2apb apb~
Short an enchanted mithril mace~
A glittering mace lies in the dust here.
Type 5
Extra 34078721
Wear 24577
Values 0 35 0 8 0 0 0 5 3 0 0
Weight 22
Cost 2000
Affect 19 2 1 0 0
Affect 18 2 1 0 0

Name aura rage trauma floating~
Short Trauma's R a G E~
A shimmering aura of rage and hatred hovers here.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 131073
Values 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 5
Cost 4
Affect 18 2 1 0 0
Affect 20 2 1 0 0

Name pillai symbol dark apb~
Short a dark symbol of Pillai ~
A dark symbol of Pillai
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 5
Values 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 2
Cost 2
Affect 19 1 1 0 0

Name battered dwarven chain shirt~
Short a battered dwarven chain shirt~
A battered dwarven chain shirt lies here.
Type 9
Wear 9
Values 3 3 3 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 0
Weight 10
Cost 0
Affect 13 10 1 0 0

Name axe spiked double heartseeker apb~
Short a double bladed axe called, "Heart Seeker"~
A HUGE double bladed axe is stuck into the ground here.
Type 5
Extra 262145
Wear 16385
Values 0 20 0 12 0 0 0 3 6 0 0
Weight 28
Cost 5
Affect 19 1 1 0 0
Affect 18 1 1 0 0

Name water trough wooden~
Short a wooden water trough~
A wooden water trough sits along the eastern wall.
Type 17
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name wickedly spiked kneeguard~
Short a wickedly spiked kneeguard~
A wickedly spiked kneeguard lies here.
Type 9
Wear 2097153
Values 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0
Weight 2
Cost 2
Affect 22 1 1 0 0

Name chest heart~
Short a chest with a heart shaped lock~
A small chest is here with a heart shaped lock.
Type 15
Wear 0
Values 50000 13 12019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name heart key~
Short a heart shaped key~
A heart shaped key is here on the ground unused.
Type 18
Wear 16385
Timer 10
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name symbol meditation apb~
Short a symbol of total meditation~
A symbol of meditation is laying on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 33554434
Wear 5
Values 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 9
Cost 309
Affect 15 5 1 0 0
Affect 13 15 1 0 0
Affect 20 3 1 0 0

Name ticket~
Short a ticket saying drop me~
A ticket saying "The God of Sun in the Citadel is your next stop!"
Type 9
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0


Name Unused~
Flags 4

Name ~

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 2 100
Door 1 0 0 12001 0 0
Door 5 0 0 4733 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 1 1
Door 1 0 0 12002 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12000 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 2 100
Door 0 0 0 12003 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12001 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 1 100
Door 0 0 0 12004 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12002 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 0 0 0 12005 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12003 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset O 12000 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 12006 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12023 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12004 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12008 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12007 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 0 0 0 12017 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12005 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 4 0 0 12025 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12005 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12005 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12009 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12008 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12010 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12009 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12011 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12010 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12012 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 2 100
Door 1 0 0 12011 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12013 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12014 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12012 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12018 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 3 100
Door 4 0 0 12012 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12015 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 3 100
Door 3 0 0 12016 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12014 0 0

Name A Blocked Pass~
This is a dead-end blocked off by several rocks, it is almost like there
used to be something here but due to several natural disasters it is sealed
off forever. 
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12015 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 2 100
Door 1 0 0 12019 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12006 0 0

Name A Dead End~
The trail comes to an end here, you cannot go any further due to large
chunks of rock and ice that block the way from a recent avalanche, maybe you
should turn back the way you came. 
Flags2 256
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12013 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12020 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12017 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 1 100
Reset M 12000 2 100
Door 2 0 0 12021 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12019 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 0 0 0 12020 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12022 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Reset M 12000 1 100
Door 0 0 0 12021 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12023 0 0

Name A Long Windy Trail~
This trail winds its way through these mountains, heading towards the
formidable Icewind Dale, where only the bravest adventurers would dare
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12022 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12005 0 0

Name A Steep Incline~
The path here starts to get very steep as it climbs towards the top of
the peak, you hope there will be some kind of shelter or cave soon as you
need to find a place to seek refuge from the elements. 
Flags2 256
Sector 19
Door 4 0 0 12026 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12007 0 0

Name A Steep Incline~
The path here starts to get very steep as it climbs towards the top of
the peak, you hope there will be some kind of shelter or cave soon as you
need to find a place to seek refuge from the elements. 
Sector 19
Door 4 0 0 12027 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12025 0 0

Name Approaching the Peak~
The path here starts to get very steep as it climbs towards the top of
the peak, you hope there will be some kind of shelter or cave soon as you
need to find a place to seek refuge from the elements. 
Sector 19
Door 4 0 0 12028 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12026 0 0

Name The Peak of Mount Kosiousko~
The strong wind from the north blows in your face as you reach the peak,
to the north Icewind Dale stretches as far as the eye can see, the icy
plains inhabited by the barbarians and monsters that prey upon each other to
survive in the harsh environment. 
Sector 19
Door 0 0 0 12029 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12031 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12027 0 0

Name The Peak of Mount Kosiousko~
The strong wind from the north blows in your face as you reach the peak,
to the north Icewind Dale stretches as far as the eye can see, the icy
plains inhabited by the barbarians and monsters that prey upon each other to
survive in the harsh environment. 
Sector 19
Door 1 0 0 12030 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12028 0 0

Name Entrance to a Watch Tower~
Here stands a wooden watch tower, built long ago by the dwarves it still
looks serviceable and seems a good place to stop and rest before continuing
on your journey. 
Sector 19
Reset M 12002 3 100
Reset O 12017 -1 2
Reset M 12002 1 100
Reset O 12017 -1 2
Door 1 515 0 12032 30 30
Sturdy wooden door~
Door 2 0 0 12031 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12029 0 0

Name The Peak of Mount Kosiousko~
The strong wind from the north blows in your face as you reach the peak,
to the north Icewind Dale stretches as far as the eye can see, the icy
plains inhabited by the barbarians and monsters that prey upon each other to
survive in the harsh environment. 
Sector 19
Door 0 0 0 12030 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12028 0 0

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 12033 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12035 0 0
Door 3 515 0 12030 30 30
Sturdy wooden door~

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 12036 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12034 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12032 0 0

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12003 3 100
Reset O 219 12003 100
Reset O 223 12003 100
Reset O 222 12003 100
Door 0 0 0 12037 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12035 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12033 0 0

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 12034 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12080 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12032 0 0

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12003 2 100
Reset O 221 12003 80
Reset O 220 12003 90
Reset O 223 12003 90
Door 0 3 0 12063 30 30
Door 1 0 0 12037 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12033 0 0

Name A Sturdy Watch Tower~
You are in a strudy watch tower, here is a dwarven soldier looking out
for any enemys that may come. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12003 2 100
Door 1 3 0 12038 30 30
sturdy wooden door~
Door 2 0 0 12034 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12036 0 0

Name A Dusty Storeroom~
This is the small storeroom for the outpost, it contains some barrels of
food and water and some rusty pieces of old armour, which lie neglected in a
pile in the corner. 
Flags 4
Reset O 12014 -5 100
Door 3 3 0 12037 30 30
sturdy wooden door~
Door 5 259 0 12039 30 30

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 12040 0 0
Door 4 259 0 12038 30 30

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Reset M 12010 3 100
Reset O 12008 -1 25
Door 1 0 0 12041 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12039 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12042 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12040 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12043 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12041 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12044 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12042 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 0 0 0 12045 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12043 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 0 0 0 12046 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12044 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12047 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12045 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Reset M 12010 5 100
Reset O 12008 -1 25
Door 1 0 0 12048 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12046 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12049 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12047 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 1 0 0 12050 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12048 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Reset M 12011 5 100
Reset O 12004 -1 3
Door 0 0 0 12051 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12049 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 0 0 0 12052 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12050 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Reset M 12011 5 100
Reset O 12004 -1 3
Reset M 12013 2 100
Door 0 0 0 12054 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12051 0 0

Name ~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Door 2 0 0 12051 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Reset M 12012 5 100
Reset O 12009 -1 10
Reset O 12003 -1 25
Door 2 0 0 12052 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12055 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 4 0 0 12054 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12056 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 0 0 0 12057 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12055 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 0 0 0 12058 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12056 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Sector 47
Door 2 0 0 12057 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12059 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Flags 32
Door 2 0 0 12060 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12058 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 12059 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12061 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 12060 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12062 0 0

Name A Secret Tunnel~
You have found a secret tunnel!  , this tunnel is used as an escape route
in case the tower is ever overrun by the barbarians from the north, so that
the dwarves would not be trapped and killed. 
Flags 32
Door 4 0 0 12000 0 0
Door 5 0 0 12061 0 0

Name Sleeping Quarters~
This small wooden tower was build many years ago by the late King Bruenor
so that his people could keep a lookout for the barbarians to the north as
they often raided into the dwarven mines which lie to the south. Many
dwarves bustle about in performing their daily duties. 
Door 0 0 0 12064 0 0
Door 2 3 0 12036 30 30

Name Sleeping Quarters~
This is the sleeping area for this watch tower, all around you are
snoring dwarves resting up untill it is their turn on duty, up ahead you can
hear the soft chanting of someone deep in prayer. 
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 12077 0 0
Door 1 0 0 12065 0 0
Door 2 0 0 12063 0 0
Door 3 0 0 12066 0 0

Name A Dwarf's Alcove~
This is the sleeping area for this watch tower, all around you are
snoring dwarves resting up untill it is their turn on duty, up ahead you can
hear the soft chanting of someone deep in prayer. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12004 6 100
Reset O 9947 -1 30
Door 3 0 0 12064 0 0

Name A Dwarf's Alcove~
This is the sleeping area for this watch tower, all around you are
snoring dwarves resting up untill it is their turn on duty, up ahead you can
hear the soft chanting of someone deep in prayer. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12004 6 100
Reset O 60 -1 20
Door 1 0 0 12064 0 0

Name Stumpet's Private Bedroom~
This room is barely furnished, except for an oaken bed in the corner. At
the foot of the bed is a small chest. 
Flags 4
Reset O 12018 -5 100
Reset O 92 -3 20
Reset O 68 -3 20
Reset O 3550 -3 40
Reset O 12002 -3 1
Reset O 12001 -3 1
Door 5 0 0 12077 0 0

Name Room of Cleansing~
This is where the dwarves come to pray and to have their wounds healed,
some beds lie along the northern wall and on the east is a shrine to the
dwarven god Moridin. 
Flags2 6
Flags 65540
Reset M 12005 1 100
Reset O 12088 -1 10
Reset O 3400 -1 10
Reset O 3401 -1 10
Reset O 3402 -1 10
Reset O 3403 -1 10
Reset O 69 -1 10
Reset O 12019 -1 25
Door 2 0 0 12064 0 0
Door 4 0 0 12067 0 0

Name The Common Room~
A blazing fireplace sits along the eastern wall, several chairs and
tables are set up in this room where the soldiers eat their meals and rest
in comfort. 
Flags 4
Reset M 12006 1 100
Reset O 500 -1 30
Door 3 0 0 12035 0 0

