Name Mount Malos~
Repop The area seems alive again!
SCZone 0
Builders Structure~
VNUMs 11701 11800
NQuit 0
Open 1
Homeland 0

Name spirt prac eh~
Short Spirt~
Spirt the draconian warrior, rests here before continuing further.
AMax 1
NHeight 30
ActBits 258
Affect_By 134742664
AffectTWO 8
Alignment 1
Money 100
Level 90
Sex 1
MobType 37
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior
ASklTaught 0 231
ASklTaught 1 65
ASklTaught 2 147
ASklTaught 3 235
ASklTaught 4 146
ASklTaught 5 64

Name guard draconian~
Short a draconian guard~
A draconian guard sits here guarding the flying town.
AMax 4
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
ActBits3 8
ActBits4 16384
Affect_By 524840
AffectTWO 524296
Alignment 1
Level 200
MobType 37
Hp 35
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name bagu prac eh~
Short bagu~
Bagu, the protector of the flying city.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 66817
ActBits3 524288
ActBits4 16384
Affect_By 134742696
AffectTWO 8912904
Alignment 1
Money 20000
Level 400
Sex 1
MobType 37
Hp 20
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior
ASklTaught 0 118
ASklTaught 1 18
ASklTaught 2 78

Name citizen~
Short malos citizen~
A malos citizen walks around looking for money.
AMax 8
NHeight 0
ActBits 1
Affect_By 524808
Alignment 1
Money 200
Level 50
Sex 1
MobType 37
Guard 0

Name draconian guard~
Short draconian guard~
A draconian guard sits here protecting the flying city.
AMax 4
NHeight 30
ActBits 2
ActBits3 8
ActBits4 16384
Affect_By 134742568
AffectTWO 524296
Alignment 1
Money 90
Level 200
MobType 37
Hp 15
Guard 1
Spec spec_warrior

Name claribel prac~
Short claribel~
Claribel sits here studying the arkane.
AMax 1
ActBits 258
Affect_By 532608
AffectTWO 33554432
Level 250
Sex 2
MobType 0
Guard 0
ASklTaught 0 62
ASklTaught 1 77
ASklTaught 2 70
ASklTaught 3 175

Name halex~
Short Halex~
Halex the armorsmith stands here pounding armor.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 2097154
Affect_By 524808
Money 10000
Level 500
MobType 37
Hp 900
Guard 0
Shop    0   9   0   0   0 100 50 1 23
Shopd2 5
Shopd3 4

Name putoa~
Short putoa~
Putoa gathers water and supply's for the next adventurer.
AMax 1
NHeight 70
ActBits 2
Affect_By 524808
Alignment 1
Money 10000
Level 500
MobType 37
Hp 900
Guard 0
Shop    0  19   9   0   5 100 50 1 23
Shopd2 5
Shopd3 4
ShopCr 2009
ShopCS Putoa goes into the back room, you here the screams of some captive and he returns bearing a bloody heart.~

Name muldan~
Short Muldan~
Muldan, the town banker stands here counting coins.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 393218
Affect_By 524808
Alignment 1
Level 40
Sex 1
Hp 500
Guard 0

Name galok weaponsmith~
Short Galok~
Galok sits here pounding a hammer to a sword.
AMax 1
NHeight 30
ActBits 1048578
Affect_By 524808
Alignment 1
Money 10000
Level 500
MobType 37
Hp 900
Guard 0
Shop    0   5   0   0   0 100 50 1 23
Shopd2 5
Shopd3 4


Name sword dragon hilted slashing~
Short a dragon-hilted sword~
A dragon-hilted sword lies on the ground.
Type 5
Extra 4194306
Wear 24577
Values 0 60 0 3 0 0 0 4 3 0 0
Weight 30
Cost 100

Name fountain~
Short a small fountain~
A small fountain sits in the center of the city.
Type 25
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0


Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 2122 0 0
Door 1 0 0 17733 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11702 0 0
Door 3 0 0 17730 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 11701 0 0
Door 1 0 0 17732 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11703 0 0
Door 3 0 0 17731 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 11702 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11705 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11704 0 0

Name End of a Path~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 1 0 0 11703 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 1 0 0 11706 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11703 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 1 0 0 17749 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11707 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11705 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 11706 0 0
Door 1 0 0 17750 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11708 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 11707 0 0
Door 1 0 0 17755 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11709 0 0

Name Path Towards Malos~
This is the path towards the small city of Malos. This mountain is very
steep and slick, many have fallen off of this mountain. 
Sector 5
Door 1 0 0 11708 0 0
Door 4 0 0 11710 0 0

Name Climing Mount Malos~
You find yourself climbimg up the mountain Malos, you feel as if you are
getting exhausted by each step, its very steep and slick. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 17756 0 0
Door 2 0 0 17761 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11711 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11709 0 0

Name Climing Mount Malos~
You find yourself climbimg up the mountain Malos, you feel as if you are
getting exhausted by each step, its very steep and slick. 
Sector 5
Reset M 11711 1 100
Reset O 11711 -1 1
Reset O 63 -1 5
Door 0 0 0 17757 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11710 0 0
Door 2 0 0 17760 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11712 0 0

Name Climing Mount Malos~
You find yourself climbimg up the mountain Malos, you feel as if you are
getting exhausted by each step, its very steep and slick. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 17758 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11711 0 0
Door 2 0 0 17759 0 0
Door 4 0 0 11713 0 0

Name Top of Mount Malos~
You find yourself on top of the mountain, Malos. To the north you see
extremely buff gate guards awaiting enemys. To the south is the exhausting
way you just came from. 
Sector 5
Door 0 0 0 11714 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11712 0 0

Name The Gates of Malos~
You are at the main gates of Malos, these gates are heavily fortified by
the greatest draconian warriors in Malos. You feel a sense of security as
you pass through security. 
Sector 34
Reset M 11714 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11714 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11714 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11714 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Door 0 0 0 11715 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11713 0 0

Name Just Inside the Gates of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Door 0 0 0 11717 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11714 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11716 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11718 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11715 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11720 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 2 0 0 11715 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11718 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11741 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11717 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11716 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11719 0 0

Name Malos;The Center of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Flags 65536
Reset M 11719 1 100
Reset O 11719 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 11738 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11718 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11720 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11730 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Door 0 0 0 11719 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11716 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11731 0 0

Name ~
Door 1 0 0 11720 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11720 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11723 0 0

Name ~
Door 0 0 0 11723 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11720 0 0

Name ~
Door 1 0 0 11721 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11722 0 0

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Door 0 0 0 11737 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11719 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11731 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11733 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11730 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11720 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11732 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11733 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11731 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11734 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 1 0 0 11730 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11732 0 0

Name The Western Gate of Malos~
You are at the western gate of Malos, this gate is heavily guarded by the
best draconian guards in Malos. They are armed with only their talon's, but
these tough warriors pack a big punch. 
Flags 4096
Reset M 11734 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11734 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11734 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Reset M 11734 1 100
Reset O 260 -1 100
Door 1 0 0 11732 0 0
Door 3 0 0 14001 0 0

Name Just Before the Gates of Malos~
You find yourself just before the gates of Malos. These gates are
very big and heavily guarded by extremely large flying draconians, be
careful when approaching these guards. 
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 11714 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11736 0 0

Name Climbing up Mt. Malos~
You are walking on an extremely steep path, it leads to the gates of malos. 
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 11735 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11704 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Door 0 0 0 11740 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11738 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11730 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11747 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11739 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11741 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11719 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11737 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 0 0 0 11743 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11742 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11738 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11740 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 1 0 0 11739 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11737 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11744 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Door 0 0 0 11742 0 0
Door 1 0 0 11746 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11718 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11738 0 0

Name The City of Malos~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Door 1 0 0 11745 0 0
Door 2 0 0 11741 0 0
Door 3 0 0 11739 0 0

Name The Room of Arkane~
You find yourself in a magical room filled with secrets. You see huge
pillars reaching towards the sky and statues of past heroes. You feel as if
this room has been used for a very long time 
Flags2 6
Flags 4
Sector 34
Reset M 11743 1 100
Door 2 0 0 11739 0 0

Name Malos Armorer~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11744 1 100
Reset O 102 1 100
Reset O 103 1 100
Reset O 104 1 100
Reset O 103 1 100
Reset O 102 1 100
Reset O 102 1 100
Reset O 1931 3 50
Reset O 1930 3 50
Reset O 1929 3 50
Reset O 1928 3 50
Reset O 1927 3 50
Reset O 1926 3 50
Reset O 1925 3 50
Reset O 1924 3 50
Reset O 1923 3 50
Reset O 1922 3 50
Reset O 1921 3 50
Reset O 1920 3 50
Reset O 1919 3 50
Reset O 1918 3 50
Reset O 1917 3 50
Door 1 0 0 11740 0 0

Name Malos Provisioner~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Reset M 11745 1 100
Reset O 32 2 100
Reset O 36 6 100
Reset O 30 12 100
Reset O 39 6 100
Reset O 2009 5 75
Reset O 2010 5 100
Reset O 2008 5 75
Door 3 0 0 11742 0 0

Name Malos Banker~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11746 1 100
Door 3 0 0 11741 0 0

Name Malos Weaponsmith~
You find yourself in the small city of Malos. It is upon a high mountain
that these citizens fend to keep the enemys off their homelands. You find
yourself feeling quite protected. 
Reset M 11720 1 100
Reset M 11747 1 100
Reset O 120 1 100
Reset O 120 1 100
Reset O 120 1 100
Reset O 120 1 100
Reset O 120 1 100
Reset O 121 1 100
Reset O 121 1 100
Reset O 121 1 100
Reset O 121 1 100
Reset O 121 1 100
Reset O 2007 2 50
Reset O 1935 2 50
Reset O 1934 2 50
Reset O 1933 2 50
Reset O 1932 2 50
Door 1 0 0 11737 0 0

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name Below the City of Malos~
You are directly below the city of the great city of Malos, you hear
citizen's above going about their everyday business. 
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 11732 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11791 0 0

Name Below the City of Malos~
You are directly below the city of the great city of Malos, you hear
citizen's above going about their everyday business. 
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 11790 0 0
Door 5 0 0 11704 0 0

Name ~

Name ~

