Name League of the Ordinary Gentlemen Clanhouse~
Repop The area seems alive again!
SCZone 1
Builders Samson~
VNUMs 91901 91918
NQuit 0
Open 0
Homeland 0

Name banker~
Short a banker~
A nicely dressed banker stands here wanting your money.
AMax 1
NHeight 69
ActBits 262146
Affect_By 520
Alignment 2
Money 1000
Level 300
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name burly weaponsmith~
Short a burly weaponsmith~
A burly weaponsmith sits here working on a blade.
AMax 1
NHeight 69
ActBits 1048578
Affect_By 520
Alignment 2
Money 1000
Level 300
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name tall armorer~
Short a tall armorer~
A tall armorer stands here pounding on some armor.
AMax 1
NHeight 69
ActBits 2097154
Affect_By 520
Alignment 2
Money 1000
Level 300
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name baker~
Short a fat baker~
A fat baker stands here pulling a bun out of the oven.
AMax 1
NHeight 69
ActBits 2
Affect_By 520
Alignment 2
Money 1000
Level 300
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name sexy barkeeper~
Short a sexy barkeeper~
A sexy barkeeper stands here half naked mixing drinks.
AMax 1
NHeight 69
ActBits 2
Affect_By 520
Alignment 2
Money 2000
Level 300
Sex 2
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name burly guard~
Short a BURLY guard~
A BURLY bouncer stands here, ready to whoop some ASS!
AMax 8
NHeight 99
ActBits 2
Affect_By 552
Alignment 2
Money 500
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0


Name fountain~
Short large intricately flowing fountain~
A large intricately flowing fountain is here.
Type 25
Wear 0
Values 0 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name vip stamp gentleman club~
Short A VIP Stamp for the 'Gentleman's Club'~
A stamp is on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 8589934592
Wear 16777217
Values 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0
Affect 17 2 1 0 0
Affect 18 2 1 0 0
Affect 19 1 1 0 0

Name statue greater gods~
Short a statue of the greater gods~
A statue of the Greater Gods stands here for worship.
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name statue~
Short statue owner~
A statue of the founder is here in his honor
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0


Name Guard Room~
Cvnuml 139414816
Standing in a dimly lit back alley stand a few big and burly bouncers.
They seem to be guarding entrance into some elite club of some sort. It
would be interesting to see what's inside, but how to get past the guards?  
Flags 32800
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Reset M 91906 1 100
Door 1 0 0 91902 30 30
Door 5 259 0 41104 30 30

Name A Winding Path~
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags 32800
Door 0 0 0 91904 0 0
Door 2 0 0 91905 0 0
Door 3 256 0 91901 30 30

Name A Winding Path~
Cvnumh 142011624
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags2 6
Flags 32
Reset O 91901 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 91906 0 0
Door 2 0 0 91907 0 0
Door 3 0 0 91902 0 0
Door 4 0 0 91908 0 0

Name A Winding Path~
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags 32
Door 1 0 0 91906 0 0
Door 2 0 0 91902 0 0

Name A Winding Path~
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 91902 0 0
Door 1 0 0 91907 0 0

Name A Winding Path~
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags 32
Door 2 0 0 91903 0 0
Door 3 0 0 91904 0 0

Name A Winding Path~
Walking along a winding path a slight breeze comes from behind. The line
seems to go on for hours on end with no luck of getting inside. Around the
corner the party starts to become visible, almost there!  
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 91903 0 0
Door 3 0 0 91905 0 0

Name A Long Hall~
Cvnumh 142015144
Cvnuml 142008504
Walking down a long hall there seems to be little rooms on either side.
The sound of loud music can still be heard in the background. Peeking
outside of a window there seems to be a long line forming of people who want
to get in, hopefully the bouncers do their job. 
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 91911 0 0
Door 1 0 0 91912 0 0
Door 2 0 0 91913 0 0
Door 3 0 0 91909 0 0
Door 4 0 0 91917 0 0
Door 5 0 0 91903 0 0

Name A Long Hall~
Walking down a long hall there seems to be little rooms on either side.
The sound of loud music can still be heard in the background. Peeking
outside of a window there seems to be a long line forming of people who want
to get in, hopefully the bouncers do their job. 
Flags 32
Door 0 0 0 91914 0 0
Door 1 0 0 91908 0 0
Door 2 0 0 91915 0 0
Door 3 259 0 91910 30 30

Name VIP Room~
|             ---,_,----
|            /    .     \
|           /     |      \
|          (      @@      )
|          /   _/----\_   \
|         /   '/      \`   \
|        /    /   .    \    \     
|       /    /|        |\    \
|       /   / |        | \   \
|      /   /`_/_      _\_'\   \
|     /  '/  (  . )( .  )  \  `\
|     <_ ' `--`___'`___'--' ` _>
|    /  '     @ @/ =\@ @     `  \
|   /  /      @@(  , )@@      \  \
|  /  /       @@| o o|@@       \  \
| ' /          @@@@@@@@          \ ` 
This photo was taken to proudly display the events the founders intended for this room.
Flags 32
Door 1 259 0 91909 30 30
Door 5 259 0 91901 30 30

Name A Small Room~
Blades line the walls and the floor, some seem very dull and well used,
while others seem brand new and deadly. The burly guy behind the desk seems
almost as though he can't be bothered, he is deeply focused on his work,
almost as if he is on a deadline. 
Flags 32
Reset M 91902 1 100
Door 2 0 0 91908 0 0

Name A Long Hall~
Walking down a long hall there seems to be little rooms on either side.
The sound of loud music can still be heard in the background. Peeking
outside of a window there seems to be a long line forming of people who want
to get in, hopefully the bouncers do their job. 
Flags 32
Door 1 0 0 91916 0 0
Door 3 0 0 91908 0 0

Name A Small Room~
Pieces of armor are flung everywhere, most of it with holes and dents in
it from the hardships of battle. The armorer seems hard at work trying to
straighten out every piece of armor. In the background a small gleam can be
seen, almost looks like it could be some new armor he is working on. 
Flags 32
Reset M 91903 1 100
Door 0 0 0 91908 0 0

Name A Small Room~
Upon entering the room a strong stench fills the air. The sign reads
baker, but this place smells more like a slaughter house. The smell of death
and blood fill the air. In the back the baker can be seen bent over trying
to get a bun out of the oven. 
Flags 32
Reset M 91904 1 100
Door 2 0 0 91909 0 0

Name Barkeep~
A huge crowd has gathered in this room, seemingly wanting a drink from
the barkeep. Upon taking a closer look, there seems to be more to it, a
super sexy barkeeper is up dancing on the bar!  Break out the singles!  
Flags 32
Reset M 91905 1 100
Door 0 0 0 91909 0 0

Name A Long Hall~
Cvnuml 142015472
Walking down a long hall there seems to be little rooms on either side.
The sound of loud music can still be heard in the background. Peeking
outside of a window there seems to be a long line forming of people who want
to get in, hopefully the bouncers do their job. 
Flags 32
Reset O 6 -5 100
Door 3 0 0 91912 0 0
Door 5 0 0 91918 0 0

Name A Place of Worship~
Cvnuml 142011624
Pads line the floors, as if for people to kneel upon as they worship the
greater gods of the world. There are small statues lining the walls for all
those of lesser known denominations, with a massive statue erected in the
Reset O 91903 -5 100
Door 5 0 0 91908 0 0

Name A Small Room~
Cvnumh 142015008
Looking around the room, everything looks professional here. Tellers
stand around every corner waiting to take people's money. Everyone in the
room is nicely dressed, almost trying to say they are better than everyone
because they have money. 
Flags 32800
Reset M 91901 1 100
Door 4 0 0 91916 0 0

