Name The Cresent Inn~
Repop The blare of large golden horns welcome the new day.
SCZone 0
Builders Jarlaxle~
VNUMs 6701 7200
NQuit 0
Open 1
Homeland 0

Name priest man ~
Short a priest of the Sun~
A priest of the Sun is here conducting the worship.
AMax 3
NHeight 0
Affect_By 128
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name fei hung prac~
Short Fei Hung~
Fei Hung is here looking for sanctuary from the wild world.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 258
Affect_By 168
AffectTWO 33554444
Money 5000
Level 250
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 8
Guard 0
GDamR 50
ASklTaught 0 209
ASklTaught 1 204
ASklTaught 2 245
ASklTaught 3 124

Name rat~
Short A large rat~
A large rat is here.
AMax 3
NHeight 0
Level 100
MobType 6
Guard 0
GHitR 50
GDamR 15

Name monk acolyte~
Short a monk~
An acolyte of the sun temple is here.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Money 100
Level 120
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 5
Guard 0

Name high priest harmarus~
Short high priest~
The High Priest Harmarus is here leading the worshippers.
AMax 1
NHeight 90
ActBits 258
Affect_By 680
AffectTWO 33554440
Money 5000
Level 300
MobType 0
Hp 12
Guard 0
BCasts ice comet~
BCasts paralyze~
BCast_P 10
ASklTaught 0 193

Name charis astral fiend~
Short Charis~
Charis the fiend of the astral planes is trapped here
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 65536
Affect_By 98442
AffectTWO 256
Money 5000
Level 300
MobType 9
Hp 30
Guard 0
GHitR 170
GDamR 80
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here working hard on his exam.
AMax 1
NHeight 90
ActBits 2
Level 100
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here working hard on his exam.
AMax 1
NHeight 90
ActBits 2
Level 100
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here franticly scribbling down answers.
AMax 1
NHeight 90
ActBits 2
Level 100
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name monk acolyte~
Short a monk~
An acolyte of the sun temple is here.
AMax 10
NHeight 0
Money 100
Level 120
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 7
Guard 0

Name bird~
Short A brightly plumed bird~
A bird with spectacular plumage flitters through the trees.
AMax 10
NHeight 0
ActBits3 262144
Level 50
MobType 13
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name squirrel~
Short squirrel~
A squirrel is here chittering madly.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Level 70
MobType 18
Hp 4
Guard 0

Name monk library guardian~
Short A library guardian~
A Library Guardian is here.
AMax 4
NHeight 79
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 552
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name andre undead ghost ~
Short Andre~
Andre the undead caretaker is here.
AMax 1
NHeight 75
ActBits 66560
Affect_By 1049258
Money 500
Level 250
Sex 1
MobType 21
Hp 8
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short A monk~
A monk is here studying ancient knowledge.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Level 150
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short A monk~
A monk is here eating his vegies.
AMax 3
NHeight 80
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 150
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name naughty student monk~
Short An evil monk~
An evil monk is here worshiping the dark lord.
AMax 3
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Money 1000
Level 200
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3002
Guard 0
GHitR 80
GDamR 80

Name monk~
Short A monk~
A monk is here preparing for the next worship.
AMax 4
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Level 100
MobType 0
Guard 0

Name petitioner ~
Short a petitioner~
A petitioner is here seeking the priests advice.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Level 100
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name worshiper~
Short a worshiper~
A worshiper is here basking in the Temple's tranquility.
AMax 10
NHeight 0
ActBits3 2
Level 150
Sex 1
Hp 2
Guard 5

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here cleaning the square.
AMax 5
NHeight 10
ActBits 1
ActBits3 2
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 5
Spec spec_warrior

Name sneaky monk~
Short a sneaky monk~
A sneaky monk is here impersonating the Sun God.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits3 2
Level 100
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name tubby monk~
Short a tubby monk~
A tubby monk is here trying to get some food between meals!
AMax 2
NHeight 100
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short A monk~
A monk is here preparing the next meal.
AMax 2
NHeight 80
ActBits 3
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 150
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here sweeping up insense ash and trimming the candles.
AMax 5
NHeight 75
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Alt_vnum 6729
Guard 0

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here assisting lost spirits find their way to the afterlife.
AMax 5
NHeight 75
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 150
Sex 1
MobType 0
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here polishing the golden statues.
AMax 6
NHeight 75
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 100
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0

Name ghost~
Short a ghost~
A ghost is here trying to find his way to the afterlife.
AMax 5
NHeight 75
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 60
Sex 1
MobType 21
Alt_vnum 6730
Hp 3
Guard 0

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here practising advanced fighting arts.
AMax 4
NHeight 75
ActBits 1025
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218376
Level 110
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name acolyte~
Short an acolyte~
An acolyte is here learning the fighting arts.
AMax 20
NHeight 75
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk~
Short a monk~
A monk is here instructing the acolytes.
AMax 4
NHeight 75
ActBits 3
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218248
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name monk master~
Short a master~
A Master of the fighting arts is here overseeing the class.
AMax 1
NHeight 75
ActBits 1025
ActBits4 536870912
Affect_By 134218376
AffectTWO 8
Level 250
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 8
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name peacock~
Short a peacock~
A peacock is here displaying its brilliant plumage for you.
AMax 3
NHeight 0
Level 90
MobType 13
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name dragon~
Short a green dragon~
A fully-grown green dragon is here.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 1026
Affect_By 2622088
AffectTWO 2058
Level 200
MobType 5
Hp 4
Guard 0
Spec spec_poison

Name leech~
Short a leech~
A leech is hiding here waiting to pounce!
AMax 10
NHeight 0
ActBits 1
ActBits4 536870912
Level 50
MobType 8
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_poison

Name crocodile~
Short a crocodile~
A crocodile is here lurking in the shallows.
AMax 2
NHeight 0
ActBits3 2
Affect_By 512
Level 150
MobType 20
Hp 2
Guard 5
Spec spec_poison

Name catterpillar~
Short a catterpillar~
A catterpillar is here displaying its long spiked body for you.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Level 20
MobType 8
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_poison

Name phoenix~
Short a phoenix~
A phoenix is here grooming its flaming plumage.
AMax 1
NHeight 120
ActBits 2
Affect_By 524936
AffectTWO 33554441
Level 300
MobType 13
Hp 4
Guard 0

Name centaur~
Short Lagorin the Centaur~
A tall centaur named Lagorin is sitting on a stump here.
This tall half man half horse is sitting here being peaceful.
AMax 1
NHeight 86
ActBits 2
Affect_By 680
Money 4000
Level 225
Sex 1
MobType 40
Hp 4
Guard 0

Name sabretooth tiger~
Short a sabretooth tiger~
A gigantic sabretooth tiger is here ready to pounce.
AMax 1
NHeight 150
ActBits 2
Affect_By 680
AffectTWO 12
Level 250
MobType 18
Hp 5
Guard 0

Name sun god~
Short The sun god~
The owner of the sun, the Sun God.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 258
Affect_By 648
AffectTWO 34078720
Level 400
Hp 15
Guard 0
BCasts searing orb~
BCast_P 10
ASklTaught 0 191

Name pigeon~
Short a raging pigeon~
A raging pigeon flies around trying to peck you to death!
AMax 5
NHeight 0
ActBits 8
Affect_By 524328
Level 1
Sex 2
Guard 0

Name demon barman~
Short A Demonic Barman~
A Demonic Barman is here ready to squeeze your head into a cup and serve it to you!
This demon looks like pure evil stuffed into a barmans vest.  His horned maw 
drips venom that smokes and eats away at the surface it lands on.  The thought of 
asking it for anything makes you soil yourself, but you have come this far, are 
you that yellow to turn away without ordering your   It is, after-all reputed he serves the most refreshing of beverages.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Money 1000
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 11
Hp 4
Guard 0

Name crazed man~
Short crazed man~
A crazed man stands here yelling "Cohlm I will find Colhm! Where is this castle?!"
AMax 5
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Affect_By 128
AffectTWO 100663296
Level 9000
Hp 900
Guard 0

Name human drunk patron~
Short A drunk patron~
A drunk patron
This patron has the glazed look to his eyes of a full-time 
drunk. His clothes are dirty and torn in places, but even through his drunken 
stupor, the way he car himself tells you he was once a talented fighter that could probably still kick your ass.
AMax 10
NHeight 0
Money 200
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name tired female elf beer wench~
Short A tired beerwench~
A tired beerwench
This maid looks tired and bored.  She doesn't ask for your order but just looks 
at you dullly.  Her arms are thick from slapping patrons when they pinch her ass, 
but that 't prevented a hole being worn into her skirt by grubby fingers.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Money 200
Level 10
Sex 2
MobType 1
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name dwarf craftsman Midnyt exiled master~
Short An exiled master craftsman~
Midnyt the master craftsman 
Adorned in the garb of a master craftsman of the Thalos sect, you wonder what this prestigous fellow is doing here.
AMax 5
NHeight 0
ActBits 3146752
Affect_By 680
AffectTWO 8
Money 5000
Level 225
Sex 1
MobType 2
Hp 8
Guard 0

Name guard~
Short A guard~
A guard to stop commoners from entering is here.
This brauny guard looks like he means bussiness:
A non-descript lump of muscle stuffed into sharply studded leather.
He looks you up and down and nods grudgingly.
AMax 2
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
ActBits3 2
Money 100
Level 150
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name hooker female cheap human~
Short a cheap hooker~
A cheap hooker is here.
This cheap whore looks crushed by the weight of her life or more probably from the thousands of young inexperienced adventurers plauging this part of the world.
She stares at you and picks her teeth with a dagger as though she would like to thrust it into you!
AMax 10
NHeight 0
ActBits 65538
Money 1
Level 10
Sex 2
MobType 0
Hp 23002
Guard 0
Spec spec_thief

Name arrogant nobleman man human~
Short an arrogant nobleman~
An arrogant nobleman is here looking for a duel.
AMax 8
NHeight 0
Money 200
Level 120
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name bitch noblewoman noble woman ~
Short a bitchy noblewoman~
A bitchy noblewoman is here staring down her nose at you.
Fine silks and sparkling jewels adorn this noble.  Her antics
are quite humorous.  For as she sneers and sniffs openly
at your presence when her peers are watching, she tries to
catch your eye when she thinks she is unobserved.
AMax 8
NHeight 0
Money 300
Level 10
Sex 2
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0

Name human prince Vladimir~
Short prince Vladimir~
Prince Vladimir is here trying to remain unnoticed by the other nobles.
Vladimir, although dressed in far more expensive silks, looks
like a commoner when compared to the rest of the peacocks in 
this room.  Although he dislikes these people intensely,
you can still find the prince lurking around here every night
as it is the only night life in the realm.
AMax 1
NHeight 0
ActBits 65536
Affect_By 98984
Money 1000
Level 350
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 30
Guard 0
Spec spec_warrior

Name seductive woman~
Short a seductive woman~
A seductive woman is here to satisfy all your pleasures.
This scantily clad vixen is carrying a platter of the most exotic
condiments. If you ask her nicely, perhaps she will peel you 
a blueberry...  or something else!!
AMax 5
NHeight 0
Money 100
Level 10
Sex 2
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0

Name virile boy~
Short a virile boy~
A young virile boy smiles at you invitingly.
Clad only in a loin-cloth, this viril boy's beauty would make
Botticelli weep:  Cherubic features, golden locks, a wel
proportioned body and a mischeivious sparkle in his eye.
AMax 10
NHeight 0
Money 500
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 19
Hp 2
Guard 0

Name noble man~
Short a noble~
An embarrast nobleman hastily gets dressed as you enter the room.
As you enter the room, this noble starts blustering about, 
exclaiming he is here on the kings orders to collect unpaid taxes.
His red cheeks and falsetto voice give away the lie.
AMax 2
NHeight 0
ActBits 2
Money 500
Level 10
Sex 1
MobType 0
Hp 3
Guard 0


Name dagger shard ~
Short a shard of blinding power~
A piece of the midnight skies has been fashioined into a dagger and now lies on the ground waiting for your unworthy hand
Type 5
Extra 131139
Wear 16385
Values 0 0 0 11 0 0 100 0 100 0 0
Weight 1
Cost 2000
Affect 18 2 1 0 0

Name crude table~
Short a crude table~
A crude table is here.
Type 5
Wear 16385
Values 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0
Weight 20
Cost 10
ExtraDescr table~
This table has seen better days. The surface is scarred with the initials

of countless adventurers and the stains left from their wine. One stain on

the table corner, after closer inspection, appears to be dried blood and you

consider again whether it is a smart idea to be here. 


Name a fine writing table~
Short a fine writing table~
A fine writing table is here.
Type 15
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0
ExtraDescr table~
This fine writing table looks very well crafted.  Its slim, carved legs & smooth, well polished surface make you wish you could write.  You notice two small drawers that contain writing implements.


Name well used key~
Short a well used key~
A well used key is here.
Type 18
Extra 16384
Wear 1
Weight 1
Cost 0

Name bed~
Short an ornate bed~
An ornate four posted bed that looks very inviting is here.
Type 12
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0
ExtraDescr bed~
You have not seen a bed of this quality before.  Crafted from the

great oaks of the blackspire forest, its chocolate pannels and

columnscanopy have been carved to resemble the forest interior that this

wood came from.  A thick fluffy down mattress is covered by the 

finest silks.


Name crack splinter wall~
Short portal~
Type 12
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name sun altar~
Short altar of the sun~
The Altar of the Sun temple is here.
Type 12
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name robe sun shimmering priest~
Short the shimmering robe of the sun~
A pile of cloth that blinds you with its brightness
Type 9
Extra 3
Wear 9
Values 5 7 4 4 15 15 0 0 15 15 0
Weight 2
Cost 5000
Affect 13 20 1 0 0
Affect 17 2 1 0 0
Affect 20 4 1 0 0
Affect 19 -1 1 0 0

Name shimmering earring stars~
Short a shimmering earring encrusted with stars~
A star encrusted hoop that hurts your eyes to look at is lying here.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 262145
Values 0 0 3 0 10 10 100 100 10 10 0
Weight 1
Cost 1000
Affect 13 20 1 0 0
Affect 14 20 1 0 0
Affect 18 3 1 0 0
Affect 20 3 1 0 0
Affect 17 3 1 0 0
Affect 19 -1 1 0 0

Name oven~
Short a roaring oven~
A roaring oven is here.
Type 12
Wear 0
Values 4 6835 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name bed1~
Short a small cramped bed~
A small cramped bed is here.
Type 12
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name shimming sun orb int~
Short a small shimmering orb~
A fallen star is here.
Type 9
Extra 2
Wear 16385
Values 0 0 3 3 0 0 100 100 0 3 0
Weight 1
Cost 5000
Affect 17 2 1 0 0
Affect 3 1 1 0 0
Affect 13 20 1 0 0

Name bench~
Short a bench~
A low bench designed for meditiation is here.
Type 12
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name dark bloody altar~
Short a dark and bloody altar~
A dark and bloddy altar is here.
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name barbed dagger sacrifical 2apb apb~
Short a barbed sacrifical dagger~
A barbed sacrifical dagger lies on the ground here in a pool of blood.
Type 5
Extra 96
Wear 16385
Values 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 5000
Affect 19 2 1 0 0

Name no name~
Short (none)~
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name shimmering portal~
Short a shimmering portal~
A shimmering portal that leads to the stratosphere is here.
Type 12
Extra 65568
Wear 0
Values 4 6854 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name portal shimmering stars~
Short portal of shimmering stars~
A portal of shimmering stars is here
Type 12
Extra 65568
Wear 0
Values 4 6723 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name tiara sage~
Short a tiara of the great sage~
A band of fine jade lies here.
Type 9
Extra 33554433
Wear 17
Values 2 2 7 5 15 15 60 60 15 3 0
Weight 1
Cost 5000
Affect 20 2 1 0 0
Affect 14 20 1 0 0

Name ray sunlight back apb~
Short a ray of sunlight~
A coalesced beam of sunlight lies on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 2
Wear 4194305
Values 1 3 1 3 0 0 50 50 15 3 0
Weight 1
Cost 5000
Affect 20 3 1 0 0
Affect 19 1 1 0 0

Name pair rose spectacles~
Short a pair of rose quartz spectacles~
A shimmering viewing device lies on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 8388609
Values 0 1 5 1 0 0 50 50 0 3 0
Weight 1
Cost 7000
Affect 20 4 1 0 0
Affect 13 20 1 0 0
Affect 19 -1 1 0 0
Affect 17 2 1 0 0

Name ashes~
Short some ashes~
A pile of dust lies on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 131073
Values 2 2 2 2 0 0 50 50 0 3 0
Weight 1
Cost 10000
Affect 13 30 1 0 0
Affect 17 1 1 0 0
Affect 20 2 1 0 0

Name staff apb~
Short an instructors staff~
A fine wooden rod lies on the ground here.
Type 5
Extra 34078720
Wear 16385
Values 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 5 3 0 0
Weight 100
Cost 0
Affect 19 1 1 0 0
Affect 18 1 1 0 0

Name ring caretaker~
Short a ring of the caretaker~
A translucent hoop lies on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 33554433
Wear 3
Values 0 0 0 5 0 0 40 40 0 0 0
Weight 1
Cost 15000
Affect 20 2 1 0 0
Affect 18 -3 1 0 0
Affect 13 20 1 0 0

Name monk habit about 2apb apb~
Short a monks habit~
A pile of cloth lies on the ground here.
Type 9
Extra 33554433
Wear 1025
Values 1 5 1 3 0 20 50 50 0 1 0
Weight 1
Cost 9000
Affect 19 2 1 0 0
Affect 13 -10 1 0 0

Name nevermind flames phoenix~
Short neverending flames of the phoenix~
A burning fire seems to be floating on the ground as an aura.
Type 9
Extra 2
Wear 131073
Values 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 0
Cost 30
Affect 19 1 1 0 0
Affect 18 2 1 0 0
Affect 13 -20 1 0 0

Name dragon scale anklet~
Short a dragonscale anklet~
A dragonscale anklet is lying here unused.
Type 9
Extra 2
Wear 524289
Values 2 0 0 0 10 10 18 18 10 1 0
Weight 2
Cost 2500
Affect 22 2 1 0 0
Affect 13 4 1 0 0
Affect 14 8 1 0 0

Name dragon scale elbow~
Short a dragonscale elbowpad~
A dragonscale elbowpad is lying here collecting dust.
Type 9
Extra 33554434
Wear 1048577
Values 0 0 0 3 10 10 18 18 10 1 0
Weight 4
Cost 1250
Affect 13 20 1 0 0
Affect 20 2 1 0 0
Affect 19 -1 1 0 0

Name vines shoulderplate shoulder ~
Short A shoulderplate of vines~
A shoulderplate made of vines is lying discarded here.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 32769
Values 0 0 3 0 0 10 50 50 10 2 0
Weight 4
Cost 3250
Affect 17 1 1 0 0
Affect 14 5 1 0 0
Affect 13 15 1 0 0

Name vines ring ~
Short a ring of vines~
A ring of vines is lying here discarded.
Type 9
Extra 1
Wear 3
Values 0 0 0 3 10 10 50 50 10 2 0
Weight 2
Cost 1750
Affect 18 2 1 0 0
Affect 13 15 1 0 0
Affect 14 5 1 0 0
Affect 17 1 1 0 0

Name sabre tiger skin mask apb~
Short a sabretooth skin~
A sabretooth skin is here discarded.
Type 9
Wear 65537
Values 0 0 3 0 10 10 35 35 10 2 0
Weight 8
Cost 600
Affect 18 2 1 0 0
Affect 19 1 1 0 0

Name sabre tooth helmet hide apb~
Short a sabretooth hide helmet~
A sabretooth hide helmet is discarded here.
Type 9
Wear 17
Values 0 0 3 0 10 10 35 35 10 2 0
Weight 4
Cost 3500
Affect 19 1 1 0 0
Affect 18 1 1 0 0
Affect 14 -5 1 0 0

Name no name~
Short (none)~
Type 13
Wear 0
Weight 0
Cost 0

Name anklet great prince~
Short a anklet of a great prince~
A anklet lies on the ground here discarded.
Type 9
Extra 33554433
Wear 524289
Values 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Weight 9
Cost 300
Affect 22 3 1 0 0
Affect 14 5 1 0 0
Affect 13 5 1 0 0


Name A Secluded Alcove~
This secluded alcove really makes you feel at ease.  It is 
sparsly furnished, but the room gives off an aura of tranquility
and peace.  You can make out faint murals on the walls depicting
great battles.  There seems to be a common focal theme in these
pictures of a shadowy figure destroying richly adorned figures.
Flags2 6
Flags 4
Door 5 0 0 6813 0 0

Name A Discrete Gentlemans Exit~
This secret passage was designed for patrons who visit the upper
floors to leave unnoticed by the rest of the crowd at the Inn.
Flags 6
Door 0 263 6704 6781 40 40
Door 4 0 0 6704 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6750 0 0

Name A Discrete Gentlemans Exit~
This secret passage was designed for patrons who visit the upper
floors to leave unnoticed by the rest of the crowd at the Inn.
Flags 6
Door 0 259 0 6802 30 30
Door 5 0 0 6704 0 0

Name A Discrete Gentlemans Exit~
This secret passage was designed for patrons who visit the upper
floors to leave unnoticed by the rest of the crowd at the Inn.
Flags 6
Door 4 0 0 6703 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6702 0 0

Name A Path Through the Clouds~
The air is cool and crisp, invigorating you with every breath.
The moisture condenses on your gear, you had better remember to
oil it later.
Flags2 1
Door 4 0 0 6707 0 0
Door 5 259 0 6819 30 30

Name A Path Through the Clouds~
The air is cool and crisp, invigorating you with every breath.
The moisture condenses on your gear, you had better remember to
oil it later.
Flags2 1
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 6708 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6707 0 0

Name A Path Through the Clouds~
The air is cool and crisp, invigorating you with every breath.
The moisture condenses on your gear, you had better remember to
oil it later.
Flags2 1
Sector 15
Door 4 0 0 6706 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6705 0 0

Name A Path Through the Clouds~
The air is cool and crisp, invigorating you with every breath.
The moisture condenses on your gear, you had better remember to
oil it later.
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 6709 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6706 0 0

Name A Path Through the Clouds~
The air is cool and crisp, invigorating you with every breath.
The moisture condenses on your gear, you had better remember to
oil it later.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6710 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6708 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 6712 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6709 0 0

Name ~
Door 2 0 0 6710 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6713 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6710 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 6714 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6712 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 3 0 0 6713 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6715 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6716 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6714 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6717 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6715 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 2 0 0 6716 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6718 0 0

Name A Large Clearing in the Clouds~
You have reached a large clearing.  All around the clearing clouds
surge and churn but are prevented from entering by a strange force.
The clouds you are walking on have become solid enough to bear your
weight. In the distance you can just make out what appears to be a
huge sprawling complex that sparkles red in the sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 6717 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6719 0 0

Name On a Path to the Temple~
The air is crisp, clear and sparkles in your peripheral.  In the
distance, you can make out a large sprawling structure of high 
walls and tall turrets made of shimmering red stone.
Door 0 0 0 6720 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6718 0 0

Name On a Path to the Temple~
The air is crisp, clear and sparkles in your peripheral.  In the
distance, you can make out a large sprawling structure of high 
walls and tall turrets made of shimmering red stone.
Door 1 0 0 6721 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6719 0 0

Name Approaching the Temple of the Sun~
As you approach, the grandeur of the temple is overshadowed only by
its immensity: the great outer walls strech in either direction as far
as the eye can see.  Red pennants flutter from the turret tops and 
mighty glowing vallenwoods spread their branches between the towers.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6722 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6720 0 0

Name Approaching the Temple of the Sun~
NAP 116
As you approach, the grandeur of the temple is overshadowed only by
its immensity: the great outer walls strech in either direction as far
as the eye can see.  Red pennants flutter from the turret tops and 
mighty glowing vallenwoods spread their branches between the towers.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6723 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6721 0 0

Name Before the Bronze Gates~
These massive gates tower high above you.  It seems they could only
be opened by some gigantic creature unheard of in the realms as the
door pull is far out of your reach.  Luckily there is an over-sized
dog-flap you can enter through.  The bronze has been hammered to depict
a large crowd, in a plaza surrounded by high walls, worshiping the rising sun.
Flags 2
Door 0 3 0 6724 30 30
Bronze Gates~
Door 1 0 0 7157 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6722 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7126 0 0

Name Temple of the Sun~
You are in a waiting area where priests circulate through the
petitioners giving advice, support and comfort to those in need.
Reset M 6722 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6924 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6726 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6723 30 30
Bronze Gates~
Door 3 0 0 6727 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6728 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6730 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6909 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6729 0 0

Name Temple of the Sun~
You are in a waiting area where priests circulate through the
petitioners giving advice, support and comfort to those in need.
Reset M 6722 1 100
Reset M 6701 1 100
Door 3 0 0 6724 0 0

Name Temple of the Sun~
You are in a waiting area where priests circulate through the
petitioners giving advice, support and comfort to those in need.
Reset M 6722 1 100
Reset M 6701 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6724 0 0

Name The Altar of the Sun Temple~
Before you is the Sun Temple's altar: a massive gold structure that
is partially covered with a red and orange silk tabard bearing the
rising sun.
Flags2 4
Reset M 6705 1 100
Reset O 6708 -1 1
Reset O 6709 -1 1
Reset O 6707 -5 100
Reset O 6717 -5 100
Door 0 259 0 6853 30 30
Door 2 0 0 6725 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6735 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6725 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6908 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6904 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6731 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6901 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6910 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6725 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6732 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6902 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6730 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 1 0 0 6903 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6731 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6733 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6863 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6732 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6734 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6733 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6735 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6906 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6734 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6729 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6905 0 0

Name A Wide Avenue~
This wide avenue is paved in red stone and lined with sparkling golden
statues that tower over your head.  The statues depict men of all shapes
and sizes and are adorned in the vestments of the High Priest.  Below
each statue is a golden plaque stating the priests name and accomplishments.
Some of the statues have flowers and other various offerings heaped at
their feet.
Flags 2
Door 1 0 0 6917 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6737 0 0

Name A Wide Avenue~
This wide avenue is paved in red stone and lined with sparkling golden
statues that tower over your head.  The statues depict men of all shapes
and sizes and are adorned in the vestments of the High Priest.  Below
each statue is a golden plaque stating the priests name and accomplishments.
Some of the statues have flowers and other various offerings heaped at
their feet.
Door 0 1 0 6994 30 30
Door 1 0 0 6736 0 0
Door 2 259 0 6748 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6738 0 0

Name A Wide Avenue~
This wide avenue is paved in red stone and lined with sparkling golden
statues that tower over your head.  The statues depict men of all shapes
and sizes and are adorned in the vestments of the High Priest.  Below
each statue is a golden plaque stating the priests name and accomplishments.
Some of the statues have flowers and other various offerings heaped at
their feet.
Door 1 0 0 6737 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6944 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6739 30 30

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6740 0 0
Door 1 3 0 6738 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6744 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6741 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6739 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6743 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 2 0 0 6740 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6742 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 1 0 0 6741 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6743 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6747 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6742 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6740 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6744 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6746 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6743 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6739 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6745 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6746 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6744 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6747 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6743 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6745 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Flags 4
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6704 1 100
Reset M 6704 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6742 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6746 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Reset M 6715 1 100
Door 0 259 0 6737 30 30
Door 2 0 0 6749 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 0 0 0 6748 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6770 0 0

Name A Dark and Dingy Foyer~
The gloom is almost impenetrable and the stench of alcohol
and sour bodies is even worse.  You can make out a cloak rack
in the corner but think twice about leaving your valuables here unnatended.
Flags 6
Door 0 3 0 6751 50 50
Door 2 3 0 6759 50 50
Front Door~

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of 
adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you 
Flags 4
Reset M 6871 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6752 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6754 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6750 50 50
Door 3 0 0 6753 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset O 6702 -5 100
Reset M 6871 5 100
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6756 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6755 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6751 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6760 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of 
adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you 
Flags 4
Reset O 6702 -5 100
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6760 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6751 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of 
adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you 
Flags 4
Reset O 6702 -5 100
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6755 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6751 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6757 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6754 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6752 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset M 6871 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6761 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6757 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6752 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6758 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset O 6702 -5 100
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6762 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6755 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6756 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset O 6702 -5 100
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 3 0 6813 50 50
Office Door~
Door 1 0 0 6756 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6760 0 0

Name Front Door to the Inn of Respite~
You have come to the entrance to the Inn of Respite.  A place where adventurers from all walks come when the burden of the never ending war become too much.
Here, you feel safe from your relentless enemies. Here you can let your guard down.. or can you?
Door 0 3 0 6750 50 50
Front Door~
Door 2 0 0 6814 0 0

Name The Common Room~
The common room reeks of stale alcohol mingled with the sour odour of adventurers that have been too long without clean underwear... Do you miss you mummy?
Flags 4
Reset M 6870 10 100
Door 0 0 0 6758 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6752 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6753 0 0

Name The Bar~
From a distance the bar looked appealing, but the intimidating barman almost 
makes you pee your pants!
Flags 4
Reset M 6782 1 100
Door 2 0 0 6756 0 0

Name A Stairwell to the Upper Floors~
You are standing before a dimly lit stairwell leading to the
Inn's upper floors.  You can just see that the plaster has
been often patched and, at one stage, the hand rail has been
ripped off.  Perhaps you should consider retracing your steps
and finding a more welcoming and cosy place to drink.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6757 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6763 0 0

Name A Landing~
This floor of the Inn appears to have seen better days.  The
candle holders are broken and now the candles sit in melted
lumps of wax on the raw floor-boards.  There is a grimy 
portrait overlooking the landing.  It depicts a lady of unpleasant
proportions and countenance... Probably the innkeepers wife.
Flags 6
Door 2 0 0 6764 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6762 0 0

Name An ill lit Corridor~
It's quite dark.. you can't see much, but perhaps that is for the best.. who knows what is lurking in the shadows?
Flags 6
Door 0 0 0 6763 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6765 0 0

Name An ill lit Corridor~
It's quite dark.. you can't see much, but perhaps that is for the best.. who 
knows what is lurking in the shadows?
Flags 4
Reset M 6873 1 100
Reset M 6873 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6764 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6766 40 40

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 6
Door 0 0 0 6767 0 0
Door 1 3 0 6765 40 40
Door 3 0 0 6781 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6768 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6766 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6769 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 2 0 0 6767 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6780 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6780 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6767 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6781 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6783 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Reset M 6715 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6749 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6771 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 1 0 0 6770 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6772 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Reset M 6714 1 100
Reset M 6714 1 100
Reset M 6714 1 100
Reset M 6714 1 100
Reset M 6714 1 100
Reset M 6714 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6771 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6773 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 2 0 0 6774 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6772 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 0 0 0 6773 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6775 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Reset M 6715 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6774 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6776 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 0 0 0 6775 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6777 0 0

Name A Trail Through the Garden~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Sector 27
Door 0 0 0 6776 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6778 0 0

Name A Secluded Area for Meditation~
You have come to a small clearing in the forest.  It appears that
the trees and vines have been coaxed into growing away from the
clearings central point.  Some vines have been guided into bench
and chair-like shapes.
Door 1 0 0 6777 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6825 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6779 0 0

Name A Secluded Area for Meditation~
You have come to a small clearing in the forest.  It appears that
the trees and vines have been coaxed into growing away from the
clearings central point.  Some vines have been guided into bench
and chair-like shapes.
Door 1 0 0 6778 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6830 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6768 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6769 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6784 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6769 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6766 0 0
Door 2 259 6704 6702 40 40
Door 3 0 0 6782 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6877 1 100
Reset O 6877 -1 3
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6783 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6781 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6784 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6769 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6782 0 0

Name A Classy Dining Area~
Soft warm light spills down from the large overbearing chandeliers.
A string quartet in the corner provides tranquil sounds that are drowned out by the rawkus diners.
Flags 4
Reset M 6876 1 100
Reset M 6875 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6780 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6783 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6785 0 0

Name A Corridor~
This musty corridor is pannelled in faded and scarred
mahogany. The floor is covered in threadbare velvet, and, at
irregular intervals, tapestries of hunting scenes are scattered
along the walls.  Dust motes make the air sparkle and affect 
your sinuses so badly that you start to sneeze.
Flags 6
Door 1 0 0 6786 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6784 0 0

Name A Corridor~
This musty corridor is pannelled in faded and scarred
mahogany. The floor is covered in threadbare velvet, and, at
irregular intervals, tapestries of hunting scenes are scattered
along the walls.  Dust motes make the air sparkle and affect 
your sinuses so badly that you start to sneeze.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6793 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6787 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6785 0 0

Name A Corridor~
This musty corridor is pannelled in faded and scarred
mahogany. The floor is covered in threadbare velvet, and, at
irregular intervals, tapestries of hunting scenes are scattered
along the walls.  Dust motes make the air sparkle and affect 
your sinuses so badly that you start to sneeze.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6786 0 0
Door 1 3 0 6792 30 30
Door 2 0 0 6788 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6791 30 30

Name A Corridor~
This musty corridor is pannelled in faded and scarred
mahogany. The floor is covered in threadbare velvet, and, at
irregular intervals, tapestries of hunting scenes are scattered
along the walls.  Dust motes make the air sparkle and affect 
your sinuses so badly that you start to sneeze.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6787 0 0
Door 1 3 0 6790 30 30
Door 3 3 0 6789 30 30

Name Rooms by the Hour~
These old and worn ladies were once the elite of the upper floors,
the most sought after courtesans of the realms.  Now that age
and lifestyle has taken its toll, they have had to swallow their
pride and ply the only trade they know on the lowest floor where
any commoner can visit.
Flags 4
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Door 1 3 0 6788 30 30

Name Rooms by the Hour~
These old and worn ladies were once the elite of the upper floors,
the most sought after courtesans of the realms.  Now that age
and lifestyle has taken its toll, they have had to swallow their
pride and ply the only trade they know on the lowest floor where
any commoner can visit.
Flags 4
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Door 3 3 0 6788 30 30

Name Rooms by the Hour~
These old and worn ladies were once the elite of the upper floors,
the most sought after courtesans of the realms.  Now that age
and lifestyle has taken its toll, they have had to swallow their
pride and ply the only trade they know on the lowest floor where
any commoner can visit.
Flags 4
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Door 1 3 0 6787 30 30

Name Rooms by the Hour~
These old and worn ladies were once the elite of the upper floors,
the most sought after courtesans of the realms.  Now that age
and lifestyle has taken its toll, they have had to swallow their
pride and ply the only trade they know on the lowest floor where
any commoner can visit.
Flags 4
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Reset M 6874 10 100
Reset O 250 -3 100
Door 3 3 0 6787 30 30

Name Some Stairs Leading up~
This musty corridor is pannelled in faded and scarred
mahogany. The floor is covered in threadbare velvet, and, at
irregular intervals, tapestries of hunting scenes are scattered
along the walls.  Dust motes make the air sparkle and affect 
your sinuses so badly that you start to sneeze.
Flags 4
Door 3 0 0 6786 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6794 0 0

Name A Stairwell~
The vegetation is so thick it appears to block your way all around.
The grass beneath your feet is thick and soothing.  It is cool and
dark beneath the great trees and there is a hint of moisture in the
air. Animals wander freely and seem quite unconserned by your 
Flags 4
Door 3 0 0 6795 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6803 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6793 0 0

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6794 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6796 0 0

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6795 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6797 30 30
An Ornate Door~

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
ExtraDescr 1~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and

extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the 

fluffy silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet,

to the scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any

desire. This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.

Door 0 3 0 6796 30 30
An Ornate Door~
Door 1 0 0 6799 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6798 0 0

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
Reset M 6879 1 100
Reset M 6878 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6797 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6802 0 0

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
Reset M 6879 1 100
Reset M 6878 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6800 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6797 0 0

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6801 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6799 0 0

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
Reset M 6879 1 100
Reset M 6878 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6800 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6802 0 0

Name An Opulent Room~
No expense has been spared in making this room as luxurious and
extravagant as possible.  From the large water feature, the fluffy
silken cushions scattered everywhere, the string quartet, to the 
scantily clad nubile boys and girls ready to satisfy any desire.
This room is focused solely upon your pleasure.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6801 0 0
Door 2 259 0 6703 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6798 0 0

Name A Stairwell Leading Down~
There is a noticable improvement in the quality and upkeep of this
level of the inn:  The wood panels are so deeply polished they 
reflect your shabby countenance, all the ornaments are gilded, the
tapestries are edged in thread-of-gold and the crystal chandeliers
sparkle under the light of hundreds of lamps.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6804 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6794 0 0

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6803 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6805 0 0

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6804 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6806 0 0
Door 4 259 0 6808 30 30

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 6
Door 0 3 0 6809 30 30
Door 1 0 0 6805 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6807 0 0

Name A Corridor~
The walls of this corridor are lined with polished mahogany that
are relief carved with soaring vistas and lush woods.  Scattered
ad-hoc along the corridor are marble plinths or alcoves displaying
fine porcalin vases and golden ornaments.  The floor is carpeted 
in thisck rugs with an organic theme.
Flags 6
Door 0 3 0 6811 30 30
Door 1 0 0 6806 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Door 0 0 0 6815 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6817 0 0
Door 5 259 0 6805 30 30

Name A nice Clean set of Rooms~
The white-washed walls are adorned with vibrantly coloured
tapestries depicting great hunts, falconry and exploits of
bravery on the battlefield.  A vase of oriental lilly's on
a pedestal opposite the bed give the rooms an exotic feel,
whilst their perfume adds to your intoxication.
Flags 4
Reset M 6880 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6810 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6806 30 30

Name A nice Clean set of Rooms~
The white-washed walls are adorned with vibrantly coloured
tapestries depicting great hunts, falconry and exploits of
bravery on the battlefield.  A vase of oriental lilly's on
a pedestal opposite the bed give the rooms an exotic feel,
whilst their perfume adds to your intoxication.
Flags 4
Reset M 6879 1 100
Reset M 6878 1 100
Reset O 6705 -5 100
Door 2 0 0 6809 0 0

Name A nice Clean set of Rooms~
The white-washed walls are adorned with vibrantly coloured
tapestries depicting great hunts, falconry and exploits of
bravery on the battlefield.  A vase of oriental lilly's on
a pedestal opposite the bed give the rooms an exotic feel,
whilst their perfume adds to your intoxication.
Flags 4
Reset M 6880 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6812 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6807 30 30

Name A nice Clean set of Rooms~
The white-washed walls are adorned with vibrantly coloured
tapestries depicting great hunts, falconry and exploits of
bravery on the battlefield.  A vase of oriental lilly's on
a pedestal opposite the bed give the rooms an exotic feel,
whilst their perfume adds to your intoxication.
Flags 4
Reset M 6878 1 100
Reset M 6879 1 100
Reset O 6705 -5 100
Door 2 0 0 6811 0 0

Name The Office~
Papers, ledgers and writing implements are strewn throughout
this room.  Evidently it is a place of high activity and 
productivity, but you still wonder how anyone can work in such 
a messy environment and successfully run this establishment.
The walls are cracked and the plaster is peeling away to show
the splintered lathes beneath.
Flags 4
Reset O 6703 -5 100
Reset O 6704 -3 100
Door 2 19 6704 6758 50 50
Office Door~

Name The Entrance to the Inn~
Door 0 0 0 6759 0 0
Door 5 0 0 41275 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Door 0 0 0 6816 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6808 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6819 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Door 2 0 0 6815 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6820 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6819 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6808 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6818 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Door 0 0 0 6822 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6817 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Flags2 1
Door 0 0 0 6820 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6815 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6817 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6822 0 0
Door 4 259 0 6705 30 30

Name The Rooftop~
Door 1 0 0 6816 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6819 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6821 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6820 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6822 0 0

Name The Rooftop~
Door 0 0 0 6821 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6819 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6818 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Door 0 0 0 6824 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6826 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6834 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Reset M 6703 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6828 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6823 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6827 0 0

Name A Secluded Area for Meditation~
You have come to a small clearing in the forest.  It appears that
the trees and vines have been coaxed into growing away from the
clearings central point.  Some vines have been guided into bench
and chair-like shapes.
Door 0 0 0 6778 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6830 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Reset M 6703 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6827 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6823 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6832 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Door 0 0 0 6829 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6824 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6826 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6831 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Door 2 0 0 6824 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6829 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Door 1 0 0 6828 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6827 0 0
Door 3 259 0 6833 30 30

Name A Secluded Area for Meditation~
Reset M 6702 1 100
Reset O 6720 -3 1
Reset O 6713 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 6779 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6825 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Once used to store grain, this room has now become a receptacle
for dust, rats and junk.  The faint scent of rye is still noticable
behind the more pervasive odours of rat excrement and mildew.
Flags 5
Door 0 259 0 6833 30 30
Door 1 0 0 6827 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6832 0 0

Name An old Musty Storeroom~
Flags 5
Door 0 0 0 6831 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6826 0 0

Name Behind the Crates~
Oh Shit! Whatever you have sumbled on, these monks are not happy
about you being here!  Dried blood smears decorate the walls and
floor in both geometric and serpentine shapes.  It looks like
these monks want to use you to continue painting.
Flags 5
Reset O 6714 -5 100
Reset M 6720 1 100
Reset M 6720 1 100
Door 1 259 0 6829 30 30
Door 2 259 0 6831 30 30
Door 5 259 0 6852 30 30

Name An old Unused Passageway~
Clouds of dust billow into the air as you move down this passage.
The darkness is such that you can barely see two steps ahead and can
only assume that the passage is empty.
Flags 5
Door 4 0 0 6836 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6823 0 0

Name Behind the Kitchen Walls~
You have stumbled into a cramped room behind the kitchens.  The light
from the crack you squeezed through is very dim, but still allows you
to make out an entrance back to the kitchens that is sealed
and boarded shut and a passage leading down.
Flags 5
Door 2 0 0 6849 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6836 0 0

Name An old Unused Passageway~
Clouds of dust billow into the air as you move down this passage.
The darkness is such that you can barely see two steps ahead and can
only assume that the passage is empty.
Flags 5
Door 4 0 0 6835 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6834 0 0

Name A Poorly lit Corridor~
There are no torches to illuminate the way down this corridor.  You 
can just make out that the walls are unfinished or adorned.
Flags 7
Door 1 0 0 6838 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6925 0 0

Name A Poorly lit Corridor~
There are no torches to illuminate the way down this corridor.  You 
can just make out that the walls are unfinished or adorned.
Flags 5
Door 0 0 0 6839 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6837 0 0

Name A Poorly lit Corridor~
There are no torches to illuminate the way down this corridor.  You 
can just make out that the walls are unfinished or adorned.
Flags 5
Door 1 0 0 6840 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6838 0 0

Name A Poorly lit Corridor~
There are no torches to illuminate the way down this corridor.  You 
can just make out that the walls are unfinished or adorned.
Flags 4
Door 1 3 0 6841 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6839 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6843 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6842 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7119 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6840 30 30

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6844 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6845 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7120 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6841 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6844 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6841 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6846 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6842 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6843 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6846 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7123 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7121 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6842 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6847 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7124 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6845 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6844 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6846 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7125 0 0

Name The Kitchen~
Everything in the kitchen is bathed in a warm, ruddy glow from the
oven fires.  The largest monks you have seen stir and taste the contents
of great pots with gusto.  The smells of spiced vegetables, rice and
tofu make your mouth water.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6849 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6850 0 0

Name The Kitchen~
Everything in the kitchen is bathed in a warm, ruddy glow from the
oven fires.  The largest monks you have seen stir and taste the contents
of great pots with gusto.  The smells of spiced vegetables, rice and
tofu make your mouth water.
Flags 4
Reset M 6727 1 100
Reset O 37 -3 100
Reset O 6710 -5 100
Door 1 0 0 6851 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6848 0 0

Name The Kitchen~
Everything in the kitchen is bathed in a warm, ruddy glow from the
oven fires.  The largest monks you have seen stir and taste the contents
of great pots with gusto.  The smells of spiced vegetables, rice and
tofu make your mouth water.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6851 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6848 0 0

Name The Kitchen~
Everything in the kitchen is bathed in a warm, ruddy glow from the
oven fires.  The largest monks you have seen stir and taste the contents
of great pots with gusto.  The smells of spiced vegetables, rice and
tofu make your mouth water.
Flags 4
Reset M 6726 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7125 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6850 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6849 0 0

Name An Anchored Vacuole~
You are in a vacuole.  A rare abberation that can only be described
as a bubble in reality.  Time flows trangely in these 'bubbles' and 
are often used for study, experiments or prisons.  It appears that
this one as been anchored somehow to the Sun Temple to prevent it 
drifting and being lost.
Flags 4
Sector 37
Reset M 6706 1 100
Reset O 6722 -3 1
Door 3 0 0 7199 0 0
Door 4 259 0 6833 30 30
Door 5 0 0 7200 0 0

Name Behind the Altar~
You have found a little alcove for storing the implements of worship
when not in use.  A sneaky monk is here impersonating the voice of 
the Sun God to get extra benefits from the high priest.
Flags 4
Reset M 6725 1 100
Door 2 259 0 6728 30 30

Name Passage to the Stratosphere~
Flags2 1
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 6855 0 0

Name Passage to the Stratosphere~
Flags2 1
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 6856 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6854 0 0

Name Passage to the Stratosphere~
Flags2 1
Sector 14
Door 4 0 0 6858 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6855 0 0

Name ~
Door 5 0 0 6856 0 0

Name Passage to the Stratosphere~
Flags2 1
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 6859 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6856 0 0

Name A way Point for Weary Travelers~
Flags2 7
Sector 14
Door 2 0 0 6858 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6860 0 0

Name Passage to the Stratosphere~
Flags2 1
Door 4 0 0 6861 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6859 0 0

Name Lair of the sun god~
Flags2 1
Door 4 259 0 6862 30 30
Door 5 0 0 6860 0 0

Name In the Stars~
Flags 65536
Reset M 6749 1 100
Reset O 6721 -1 2
Reset O 6718 -5 100
Door 5 259 0 6861 30 30

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Flags 2
Door 0 0 0 6864 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6733 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6865 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6863 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 2 0 0 6866 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6864 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6865 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6867 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6868 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6866 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6736 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6869 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6867 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 2 0 0 6868 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6870 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 6869 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6871 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6736 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6870 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6872 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6871 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6873 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6736 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6872 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6874 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6873 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6875 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Door 0 0 0 6876 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6874 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6877 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6875 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Reset M 6740 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6878 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6876 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 6879 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6877 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 6880 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6878 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6881 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6879 0 0

Name A Winding Path to the Park~
You are on a path to a large park.  On either side of the white gravel
is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with purple 
blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 6882 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6880 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6889 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6885 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6881 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6883 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Door 0 0 0 6890 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6882 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6884 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6891 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6883 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Door 0 0 0 6888 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6886 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6882 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6887 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6885 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6896 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7118 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6886 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6888 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6739 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6895 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6887 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6885 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6889 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Reset M 6737 1 100
Reset O 6746 -1 3
Reset O 6745 -1 3
Door 0 0 0 6894 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6888 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6882 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6890 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6739 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6893 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6889 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6883 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6891 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6892 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6890 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6884 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6893 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6891 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Door 1 0 0 6894 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6890 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6892 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7061 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6895 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6889 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6893 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Door 1 0 0 6896 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6888 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6894 0 0

Name The Park of Verdant Wetlands~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Sector 10
Reset M 6738 1 100
Door 2 0 0 6887 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6895 0 0

Name ~

Name ~

Name ~

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6902 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6923 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6911 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6730 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6903 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6925 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6901 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6731 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6938 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 2 0 0 6902 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6732 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6905 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6729 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6907 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6918 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6906 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6735 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6904 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6917 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6734 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6905 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6904 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6908 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6916 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6919 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6729 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6909 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6915 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6907 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6725 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6910 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6914 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6908 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6730 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6911 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6913 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6909 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6901 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6922 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6912 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6910 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6911 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6921 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6927 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6913 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6935 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6910 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6912 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6928 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6914 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6909 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6913 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6924 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6915 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6908 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6914 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6929 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6916 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6907 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6915 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6930 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6920 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6932 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6905 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6918 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6736 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6917 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6904 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6919 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6918 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6907 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6920 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6919 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6916 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6931 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6922 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6926 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6912 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6923 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6921 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6911 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Door 0 0 0 6925 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6922 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6901 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Flags 2
Door 0 0 0 6914 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6928 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6724 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6929 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6837 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6923 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6902 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6921 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6927 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6912 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6926 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6928 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6913 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6927 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6924 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6915 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6924 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6930 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6724 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6916 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6929 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6931 0 0

Name A Large Square Where the Worshipers Gather~
You are in a large square that could accomodate thousands.  The red
tiling reflects the bright sunlight, making you squint.  In the corners
of the square are tall towers used by criers to begin the worship.
Reset M 6723 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6920 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6930 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Flags 4
Door 4 0 0 6933 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6916 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Flags 4
Door 4 0 0 6934 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6932 0 0

Name The top of the Crier Tower~
This platform, a little higher than the Temple's outer walls, is
an awsome vantage point for surveying the surrounding area.  To the
north is a large park, east you see a multistory building with large
chimneys that waft lovely food smells, south is the cloud plains,
and to the west are many indistinguishable buildings and small gardens.
Reset M 6721 1 100
Door 5 0 0 6933 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6936 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6912 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6937 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6935 0 0

Name The top of the Crier Tower~
This platform, a little higher than the Temple's outer walls, is
an awsome vantage point for surveying the surrounding area.  To the
north is a large park, east you see a multistory building with large
chimneys that waft lovely food smells, south is the cloud plains,
and to the west are many indistinguishable buildings and small gardens.
Reset M 6721 1 100
Door 5 0 0 6936 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6939 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6902 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6940 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6938 0 0

Name The top of the Crier Tower~
This platform, a little higher than the Temple's outer walls, is
an awsome vantage point for surveying the surrounding area.  To the
north is a large park, east you see a multistory building with large
chimneys that waft lovely food smells, south is the cloud plains,
and to the west are many indistinguishable buildings and small gardens.
Reset M 6721 1 100
Door 5 0 0 6939 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6942 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6905 0 0

Name ~
Large stone steps spiral clockwise up the tower.  Their surface
has been worn deeply from many generations of feet.  Wrought iron
sconces are evenly spaced along the walls holding lit torches.
Door 4 0 0 6943 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6941 0 0

Name The top of the Crier Tower~
This platform, a little higher than the Temple's outer walls, is
an awsome vantage point for surveying the surrounding area.  To the
north is a large park, east you see a multistory building with large
chimneys that waft lovely food smells, south is the cloud plains,
and to the west are many indistinguishable buildings and small gardens.
Reset M 6721 1 100
Door 5 0 0 6942 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 0 0 0 6738 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6945 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Reset M 6717 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6944 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6949 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6946 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 6945 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6947 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 6946 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6948 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 0 0 0 6973 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6947 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7012 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 3 0 6945 30 30
Door 2 0 0 6950 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6954 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6949 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6951 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6953 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6718 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6950 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6952 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6961 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6716 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6953 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6951 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6955 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6718 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6954 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6950 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6952 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6956 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6716 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6949 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6953 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6957 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6956 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6952 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6958 -24 -24

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6957 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6953 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6955 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6959 -24 -24

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6718 5 100
Door 1 0 0 6954 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6956 0 0
Door 3 3 0 6960 -24 -24

Name An Examination Booth in the Library~
At less than a meter square, these stone slab booths are barely big
enough for a person to stand in.  aside from the stone door, the only
distinguishing features are a slit near the roof for light and a 
smaller box attached to the side that is used to pass food to examinants.
Flags 4
Reset M 6711 1 100
Door 1 3 0 6955 30 30

Name An Examination Booth in the Library~
At less than a meter square, these stone slab booths are barely big
enough for a person to stand in.  aside from the stone door, the only
distinguishing features are a slit near the roof for light and a 
smaller box attached to the side that is used to pass food to examinants.
Flags 4
Reset M 6712 1 100
Door 1 3 0 6956 30 30

Name An Examination Booth in the Library~
At less than a meter square, these stone slab booths are barely big
enough for a person to stand in.  aside from the stone door, the only
distinguishing features are a slit near the roof for light and a 
smaller box attached to the side that is used to pass food to examinants.
Flags 4
Reset M 6710 1 100
Door 1 3 0 6957 -24 -24

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6962 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6967 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6951 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6963 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6961 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6966 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6962 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6965 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6969 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6967 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6970 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6963 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6966 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6968 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6718 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6965 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6962 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6967 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6969 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6716 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6966 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6961 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6964 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Reset M 6718 1 100
Reset M 6716 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6965 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6969 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6972 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6968 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6966 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6964 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6971 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6971 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6964 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6972 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6969 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6970 0 0

Name The Library~
The silence here is deathly quiet.  The guardians of the Sun Temple's
manuscripts and tomes rule over their abode with vigilance and are
swift and merciless with their punishment for any monk breaking the
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6968 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6971 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6975 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6948 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6980 0 0

Name ~
Door 2 0 0 6973 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6731 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6976 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6973 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6989 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6731 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6977 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6975 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6979 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6976 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6978 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6977 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6979 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6981 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6729 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6978 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6976 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6989 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6982 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6989 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6973 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6984 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6731 1 100
Door 1 0 0 6978 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6982 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6988 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6729 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6981 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6979 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6983 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6987 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6982 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6989 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6984 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6986 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6983 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6980 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6985 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6986 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6984 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6993 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6729 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6987 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6983 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6985 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6992 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6729 5 100
Door 0 0 0 6988 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6982 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6986 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6991 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6981 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6987 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6990 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6729 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6979 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6975 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6980 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6983 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 1 0 0 6988 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6991 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6731 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6990 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6987 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6992 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Reset M 6731 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6991 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6986 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6993 0 0

Name The Meditation Hall~
Thick clouds of insense waft through the hall accompanied by the
monks chanting.  Two rows of tall pillars fitted with prayer wheels
run the width of the hall near the entrance.  The dim light comes 
from butter lamps that surround the man-sized golden statues that 
line the walls.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6992 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6985 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 6997 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6996 0 0
Door 2 3 0 6737 30 30
Door 3 0 0 6995 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset O 6711 -1 75
Door 0 0 0 6998 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6994 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6999 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6994 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quartersname The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7001 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6999 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6994 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6998 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 7002 0 0
Door 1 0 0 6997 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6995 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 7000 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6996 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6997 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 2 0 0 6999 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7001 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7003 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 1 0 0 7000 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6997 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7002 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 1 0 0 7001 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6998 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 2 0 0 7004 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7008 0 0
Door 5 0 0 7000 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 7003 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7005 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7007 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 7004 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7006 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 7007 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7005 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7009 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7008 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7004 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7006 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7010 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 1 0 0 7003 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7007 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7011 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 0 0 0 7010 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7006 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Your footsteps echo loudly through this spartan-like room.  The 
floor is raw wood and the walls are unfurnished raw stone.  Stacked
neatly around the walls are piles four deep of thin, square cushions
with a single folded blanket atop.
Door 0 0 0 7011 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7007 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7009 0 0

Name The Monks Sleeping Quarters~
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Reset M 6713 1 100
Reset O 6711 -5 100
Door 1 0 0 7008 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7010 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 6948 0 0
Door 5 0 0 7013 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 3 0 0 7014 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7012 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7013 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7015 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7024 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7014 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7016 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7018 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7017 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Reset M 6732 1 100
Door 2 0 0 7019 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7015 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Reset M 6732 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7015 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7020 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7015 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7019 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7021 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7020 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7016 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7022 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7018 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7017 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7018 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7023 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7018 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7022 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7023 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Reset M 6732 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7019 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7021 0 0

Name A Small Meditation and Training Yard~
This yard is enclosed by low rock walls that are carved with symbols
of power.  The floor is made of well fitted stone slabs.
Door 0 0 0 7020 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7021 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7014 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7025 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7024 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7026 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7025 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7027 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7026 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7028 0 0

Name A Walkway to the Training Sector~
The quiet of this area of the Temple is palpable and is broken
only by the soft wisk-wisk of a monks robes as he bustles by to 
his next class.  Tall buildings line the thin walkway and shelter
you from the sun.
Door 1 0 0 7027 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7029 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7028 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7030 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7032 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7031 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6734 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7033 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7034 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7029 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7029 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7048 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7049 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6735 1 100
Reset O 6724 -1 4
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7029 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7034 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7044 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7048 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 1 0 0 7036 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7035 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7030 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7030 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7035 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7040 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7032 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7033 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7037 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7039 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7034 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 2 0 0 7037 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7033 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7036 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7038 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7035 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7037 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7041 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7039 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7035 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7038 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7042 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7040 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6734 1 100
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7034 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7039 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7043 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7044 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7038 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7042 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7039 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7041 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7043 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7040 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7042 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7045 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7032 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7040 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7045 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7047 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7044 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7043 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7046 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7047 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7045 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7052 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7048 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7044 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7046 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7051 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7031 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7032 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7047 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7050 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6734 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7031 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7050 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7056 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7049 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7048 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7051 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7055 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6734 1 100
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7050 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7047 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7052 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7054 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7051 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7046 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7053 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7054 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7052 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7059 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7055 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7051 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7053 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7058 0 0

Name ~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Door 0 0 0 7056 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7050 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7054 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7060 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7049 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7055 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7057 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7056 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7060 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7060 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7054 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7059 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7058 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7053 0 0

Name A Large Open-Topped Training Hall~
The thick walls of this hall, which restrict the sounds of the monks
martial practise, are decorated with various pennants, scrolls and
drawings. Scattered along the walls are racks of man-length staffs
that the monks train with.  The floor is covered in straw-filled canvas
Reset M 6733 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7057 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7055 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7058 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7062 0 0
Door 2 0 0 6894 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 2 0 0 7061 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7063 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7064 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7062 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7072 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7066 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7063 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7065 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7073 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7064 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7071 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7067 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7064 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7070 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7068 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7066 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7069 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7079 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7067 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7074 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7068 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7070 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7075 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7069 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7067 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7071 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Reset M 6742 1 100
Reset O 6742 -1 2
Door 0 0 0 7076 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7070 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7066 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7072 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7077 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7071 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7064 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7073 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7078 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7072 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7065 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 2 0 0 7069 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7075 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7074 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7070 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7076 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7075 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7071 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7077 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7076 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7072 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7078 0 0

Name The Park of Tranquility and Splendor~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7077 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7073 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7068 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7080 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7079 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7081 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7082 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7080 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 7083 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7081 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 0 0 0 7100 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7084 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7082 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 2 0 0 7085 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7083 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7084 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7090 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7086 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7085 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7089 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7087 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7086 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7088 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7117 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7089 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7093 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7087 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7090 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7092 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7088 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7086 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7091 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7089 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7085 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7096 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7092 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7090 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Reset M 6746 1 100
Reset O 6749 -1 3
Reset O 6750 -1 3
Door 0 0 0 7091 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7095 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7093 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7089 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7092 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7094 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7088 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7095 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7099 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7093 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7096 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7098 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7094 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7092 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7097 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7095 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7091 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 2 0 0 7098 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7096 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7097 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7099 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7095 0 0

Name The Park of the Desert in Full Bloom~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7098 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7094 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 7101 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7083 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7108 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7102 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7100 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7107 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7103 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7101 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7106 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7104 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7102 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7110 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7109 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7103 0 0

Name ~
Door 2 0 0 7104 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Reset M 6745 1 100
Reset O 6747 -1 4
Reset O 6748 -1 3
Door 0 0 0 7113 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7110 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7103 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7107 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7112 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7106 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7102 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7108 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7111 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7107 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7101 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7115 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7104 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7114 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7115 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7104 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7106 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7112 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7108 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7113 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7107 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7111 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7114 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7106 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7112 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 1 0 0 7116 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7110 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7113 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Being in the park invigorates you and you find yourself feeling at peace
with the world.  The air sparkles as though there is a fine mist yet you
do not feel wet.  The landscape is lush and rife with colour and variety.
Many fantastic beasts that have been hunted to extinction in other parts
of the realm have been given a home here and roam freely throughout the
Door 0 0 0 7116 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7109 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7110 0 0

Name The Park of the Mystical Woodland~
Door 2 0 0 7115 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7114 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 7087 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7118 0 0

Name A Path Between the Parks~
You are on a path between the parks.  On either side of the white 
gravel is lush green lawn and well manicured shrubs.  Vines with
purple blossoms and a heady scent compete for sunlight.
Door 1 0 0 7117 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6887 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6841 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7120 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 0 0 0 6842 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7121 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7119 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 6845 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7122 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7120 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7123 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7121 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Door 0 0 0 7124 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7122 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6845 0 0

Name The Dining Hall~
This room is the most sparsely furnished you have seen in the temple.
The stone walls and floor are raw and unfinished and the only furniture
is rows of trellice tables and benches for the monks to eat at.  
Despite this, the impression of peace and tranquility you feel in 
the rest of the temple is strong here.
Flags 4
Reset M 6719 1 100
Door 2 0 0 7123 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6846 0 0

Name The Kitchen~
Everything in the kitchen is bathed in a warm, ruddy glow from the
oven fires.  The largest monks you have seen stir and taste the contents
of great pots with gusto.  The smells of spiced vegetables, rice and
tofu make your mouth water.
Flags 4
Door 2 0 0 6851 0 0
Door 5 0 0 6847 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 6723 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7127 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7126 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7128 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7127 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7129 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7134 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7128 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7130 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7133 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7129 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7131 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7132 0 0

Name ~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7130 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7135 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7133 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7130 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7135 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7137 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7134 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7129 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7132 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7138 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7128 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7133 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7139 0 0

Name ~
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7132 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7131 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7136 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7137 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7135 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7143 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7138 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7132 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7136 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7142 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7139 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7133 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7137 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7141 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7134 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7138 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7140 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7139 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7141 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7140 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7138 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7142 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7141 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7137 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7143 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7142 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7136 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7144 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7143 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7145 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7144 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7146 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7150 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7145 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7187 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7147 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7149 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7146 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7148 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7149 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7147 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7151 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7150 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7146 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7148 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7152 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7145 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7149 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7153 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7152 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7148 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7154 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7153 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7149 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7151 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7155 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7150 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7152 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7156 0 0

Name ~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7155 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7151 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7156 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7152 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7154 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7153 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7155 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7158 0 0
Door 3 0 0 6723 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7159 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7157 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7160 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7166 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7158 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7161 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7165 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7159 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7162 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7164 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7160 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 2 0 0 7163 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7161 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7162 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7170 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7164 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7161 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7163 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7169 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7165 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7160 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7164 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7168 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7166 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7159 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7165 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7167 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7166 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7168 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7174 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7165 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7169 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7173 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7167 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7164 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7170 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7172 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7168 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7163 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7171 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7169 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7170 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7172 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7169 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7171 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7173 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7168 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7172 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7174 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7167 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7173 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7175 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7174 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7176 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7175 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7177 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7176 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7178 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7179 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7180 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7181 0 0
Door 5 0 0 7177 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 2 0 0 7178 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7188 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7178 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7197 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7188 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7178 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7197 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7182 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7189 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7181 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7196 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7183 0 0

Name A Vortex in the Cloud Plains~
The clouds roil, surge and churn around a central point in this part
of the plains.  The violence above and below emit erratic bursts of 
lightning and charge the air with static.  The noise of the electric
storms and the wild disturbances in the ether prevent you from casting.
Flags2 4
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7190 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7182 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7195 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7184 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7191 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7183 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7194 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7185 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7192 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7184 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7193 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7186 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7185 0 0
Door 5 0 0 7187 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 3 0 0 7146 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7186 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7179 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7181 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7189 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7188 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7182 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7190 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7189 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7183 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7191 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 1 0 0 7190 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7184 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7192 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 1 0 0 7191 0 0
Door 2 0 0 7185 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7185 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7194 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7184 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7195 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7193 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Reset M 6750 1 100
Door 0 0 0 7183 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7196 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7194 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7182 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7197 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7195 0 0

Name On the Cloud Plains~
You are walking through a large clearing in the clouds.  Below
your feet and all around the clearing, fluffy white clouds flow 
by. Sometimes you catch a glimpse of the ground many kilometers below you
and wish you had stayed on the path.
Sector 14
Door 0 0 0 7181 0 0
Door 1 0 0 7180 0 0
Door 3 0 0 7196 0 0

Name An Anchored Vacuole~
You are in a vacuole.  A rare abberation that can only be described
as a bubble in reality.  Time flows trangely in these 'bubbles' and 
are often used for study, experiments or prisons.  It appears that
this one as been anchored somehow to the Sun Temple to prevent it 
drifting and being lost.
Flags 4
Sector 37
Door 1 0 0 7200 0 0
Door 4 0 0 7199 0 0

Name An Anchored Vacuole~
You are in a vacuole.  A rare abberation that can only be described
as a bubble in reality.  Time flows trangely in these 'bubbles' and 
are often used for study, experiments or prisons.  It appears that
this one as been anchored somehow to the Sun Temple to prevent it 
drifting and being lost.
Flags 4
Sector 37
Door 1 0 0 6852 0 0
Door 5 0 0 7198 0 0

Name An Anchored Vacuole~
You are in a vacuole.  A rare abberation that can only be described
as a bubble in reality.  Time flows trangely in these 'bubbles' and 
are often used for study, experiments or prisons.  It appears that
this one as been anchored somehow to the Sun Temple to prevent it 
drifting and being lost.
Flags 4
Sector 37
Door 3 0 0 7198 0 0
Door 4 0 0 6852 0 0

