#AREA	{ 3 50} Hatchet Murky Land~

3 'shadow demon' 'shadowdemon' 'shadowlord' 'shadow lord' 'shade'~
The Shadowlord is merely a myth.  According to such myths, the Shadowlord
was the first creation from God.  After falling from grace, the Shadowlord
was cast to earth and died.  He supposed reincarnates about every 600-700
years.  When he does reincarnate, he creates minions called shadowdemons.
They, in turn, create minions, named shades.

0 $~

a bored cashier~
A bored cashier sits in the booth, collecting dough from you.
The Cashier looks bored, and you think he really is.  Of course, he cares 
nothing about what you think, and he wishes you share the same sentiments with 
him, too.
2|64 8|32 -100 S
20 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
greeter bouncer person~
the Greeter/Bouncer~
A big, hulky, smiling person is here, greeting you.
You can tell that he's not enjoying his job.  Although his job is supposed to
greet you and smile witlessly, you can tell that his smile is very 
artificial.  Also, just from the look of him you can bet that he has a night 
job as a bouncer.  You wonder if he's guarding something here.
2|64 8|32 -300 S
20 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 troll~ 1
a Hatchling~
A Hatchling sits here, playing 'doctor' with Iccy.
This Hatchling is little more than a modified toy soldier with limited
intelligence.  He smiles at you briefly and then resumes his fun with 
2|64 128|8192 750 S
6 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
Iccy sits here with the Hatchling, playing 'doctor'
Iccy is nothing more than a modified mud monster with limited intelligence.
She smiles at you briefly and quickly resumes playing with the Hatchling.
2|64 128|8192 750 S
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 2
KahnO, predecesser of KahnI~
About 500 KahnO's reflect off every mirror.
Every reflection of KahnO is grinning at you.  You wonder why you see much
more reflections of him than you do of yourself.  However, you DO notice 
that KahnO is nothing more than a modified troll with limited intelligence.
2|64 2|128|32768|65536 500 S
6 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
fraggie spider~
Fraggie sits on the web, staring at you.
You notice that Fraggie is just a modified young spider.  He licks his lips
and grins at you.
2|64 128 -400 S
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
the cook~
The cook stands over bubbling pots.
The cook looks at you momentarily, yells 'Hey, you ain't supposed to be 
here!', but quickly loses her train of thought and ignores you after that.
2|64|128 0 -50 S
10 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 2
person counter counterperson~
the cafeteria counterperson~
The cafeteria counterperson unenthusiastically sells junk to kids.
The counterperson looks at everyone with a tired, uncaring scowl.  Upon
noticing you, though, he smiles his evil grin.  "Try the candy cane.", he 
whispers to you with a grin.  He quickly reverts back to his degenerate
2|64 0 -200 S
13 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
demon unspawned~
an unspawned demon~
An unspawned demon rises out of the ashes.
This unspawned demon is trying to materialize.  You wonder if you should 
perhaps leave it alone.
2|64 0 -352 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 0
morph blob~
a morphing blob~
A small blob is trying to morph into a useable shape.
This small blob is trying to morph into an evil, powerful creature.  It's
also crawling toward you, trying to consume you!
2|64 0 -400 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
blinky blinking shape~
A small blinking shape runs around the kitchen, running everything.
This small blinking shape is too fast for you to see any details.
2|64 0 0 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
the unmixed Atom~
A small Atom bounds around the infinite walls of this galaxy infinitely fast!
You have no idea how this Atom looks like, it's never at the same place 
twice.  You wonder how much chaos will result if this atom was ever
turned around.
2|64 128 0 S
6 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 0
little dave monk~
Little Dave, the evil Monk~
Little Dave, an evil monk, tries to sell you cult-like drugs.
Little Dave makes a lot of money off his wares, not to mention a huge
2|64 0 -200 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
little boy~
a little boy~
A little boy sits here, playing with razors.
The little boy sits here, bleeding from many small cuts.  He smiles at you 
and offers a bloody razor.
2|64 0 0 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
little girl~
a little girl~
A little girl is sitting here, playing with matches and Kerosene!
The little girl smirks at you, and splashes some Kerosene at you!  She 
then lights a match and stares at it in wonder.
2|64|128 0 -400 S
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 2
big bruiser~
a big bruiser~
A big bruiser stands here, guarding against 'unwanted visitors', like you!
This big bruiser doesn't like you being here,and knows of only one way to
get rid of you, and that's by killing you!
2|4|32|64 8|32 -600 S
10 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 troll~ 1
mad man madman~
a madman~
A madman makes a stand here, thinking you want to kill him!
He's dressed in rags, and shouts 'Don't come any closer!' 'Hey, I saw you 
move!'  He immediately attacks you!
2|4|32|64 0 -100 S
9 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
rooms keeper roomskeeper~
the roomskeeper~
The roomskeeper sits behind the counter, waiting for you to pay him money.
The roomskeeper looks bored.  He says to you 'Hi.  Rooms D and G are taken.
If you want a whore, rent room F'.  He then goes back to his introversion.
2|64 0 -500 S
17 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
kid \/\/ildrunner wildrunner~
the little \/\/ildrunner~
A little kid is here, running around \/\/ildly.
This little kid zips around you, between your legs, over your heads.  You
can't believe the energy this little dude has!
64 0 0 S
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 object~ 1
whore prostitute~
the hermophroditic prostitute~
A herymophroditic prostitute lounges on the bed here.
This strange creature has four sets of boobs and 2 penises.  You recoil from
this monstrosity in disgust!  Better get out of here, quick!
2|64 0 -50 S
8 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 animal~ 0
man weasel~
a weaslly-looking man~
A weaselly-looking man sits behind the desk, grinning at you.
This short man grins evilly at you.  He waves you closer to the desk, and 
whispers to you, "I have some information you may wish to buy.  I found 
some journals and letters that are probably of interest to you.  Are you
willing to pay my price?"
(type list to see what he has to sell)
2|64 0 -200 S
12 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
serving wench~
a serving wench~
A serving wench is here, taking orders and serving food, while dodging patrons.
The serving wench may be pretty, but her hair covers most of her face, such
that you can see little of her.  She hastily reads out what's available for
today, then runs by to help another customer.
2|64 0 23 S
8 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 halfdwarf~ 2
a gruff warrior~
A gruff warrior is sitting at the table, eating messily.
The warrior looks to be quite barbaric.  He ignores you completely.
2|64 0 0 S
16 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 dwarf~ 1
lady bartender~
the lady bartender~
The lady bartender serves up drinks and mops up the counter robotically.
You can tell she's had days like this many times before.
2|64 0 0 S
8 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 halfelf~ 2
shade shadow~
a shade~
A dark shadow looms over you.
You see a dark silhouette of a human sized creature.
32|64|128 2|8|32|32768|65536|1048576 -700 S
19 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shade shadow sentry~
a shade sentry~
A dark shadow looms over you.
You see a silhouette of a human-sized creature.
2|32|64 2|8|32|32768|65536|1048576 -700 S
19 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
little brat~
a little brat~
A little brat is here, showing everyone what he found.
This little brat sees you, and waves a skeleton key at you, boasting, "Look
what I found!  Ha Ha!"  He won't give up this little treasure to you, but
he MAY be convinced to sell it to you for neato shiny coins!
64|128 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
mage old man~
an old man~
An old man is here, nursing his glass of wine.
Upon a closer look, this old man looks ageless.  He doesn't look too feeble,
either.  Better leave him alone.
2|64 8|32 -200 S
17 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
lady mercenary~
a lady mercenary~
A lady mercenary sits here, downing many shots of vodka.
Any luck at trying to get her drunk enough to take advantage of her are
dashed when you realize she's not affected by the drinks at all.  You
consider approaching her, but only for a brief moment and quickly 
reconsider that idea.
2|64 0 100 S
21 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 elf~ 2
an employee~
An employee is searching the ground for something.
The employee looks up at you and says, "I'm looking for this important
skeleton key.  If you find it, PLEASE return it to me!!!!"  He goes back
to his search.
2|64|128 0 -200 S
6 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
tied victim bundle~
a tied victim~
A bundle is wriggling beneath you.
The bundle is a tied victim!  He squirms, trying to get out!
2|64 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
an employee~
An employee is here, discussing with a shade.
The employee spots you, and attacks!
2|32|64 0 -400 S
17 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 2
shade shadow~
a shade~
A dark shadow looms over you.
The shade is not happy that you have intruded upon it's discussion and
decides to attack you.
2|32|64 2|8|32|32768|65536|1048576 -700 S
19 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow warrior~
a shadow warrior~
A dark shadow looms over you, and attacks!
The shadow warrior is so insubstantial, even its weapons and armor are
mere silhouettes!
2|32|64 2|8|32|32768|65536|1048576 -750 S
25 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow dragon beast~
Shadow Dragon~
A big hulking beast hovers over you.
You watch with dread as the shadow dragon claws and breathes at you!
2|32|64 2|8|32|32768|65536|524288|1048576 -999 S
35 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow librarian~
the shadow librarian~
A shadow leans over the scrolls.
The shadow librarian ignores you completely, engrossed in its scrolls.
2|64 2|8|32|32768|65536 -800 S
28 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow conjurer~
the shadow conjurer~
A shadow looms over the many potions and solutions.
The shadow conjurer ignores you completely, engrossed in its potions and
other concoctions.
2|64 2|8|32|32768|65536 -800 S
28 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow scriber~
the shadow scriber~
A shadow leans over the scrolls.
The shadow scriber ignores you compeletely, engrossed in its scrolls.
2|64 2|8|32|32768|65536 -800 S
28 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
shadow enchanter~
the shadow enchanter~
A shadow looms over the weapons.
The shadow enchanter ignores you completely, engrossed with its weapons.
2|64 2|8|32|32768|65536 -800 S
28 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
sacrifice victim sacrificial~
the sacrificial victim~
A victim is here, being sacrificed.
The victim is beyond salvation, horribly scarred physically, mentally, and
spiritually for life.
2|64|128 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 human~ 1
torturer shadow~
the torturer~
A shadow is here, turturing its victim with acid.
You can bet this turturer likes its job!
2|64|128 0 -750 S
15 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
torturer shadow~
the torturer~
A shadow is here, torturing its victim by stabbing it repeatedly.
You can bet this torturer likes its job!
2|64|128 0 -750 S
15 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
torturer shadow~
the torturer~
A shadow is here, torturing its victim with fire.
You can bet this torturer loves its job!
2|64|128 0 -750 S
15 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
the Shadow Demon~
A deep shadow envelops you.
The Shadow Demon KhyrhaMokhdon is a large, powerful beast.  Right hand of the
Shadow Lord himself, KhyrhaMokhdon hates humanity and loves to watch them
burn from acid, which he calls unholy fire.  KhyrhaMokhdon serves the 
Shadow Lord without reserve.
2|64|128 2|8|32|128|512|32768|65536|1048576 -1000 S
37 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
the Shadow Demon~
A deep shadow envelops you.
The Shadow Demon KhyrhaShohan is a large, powerful beast.  Left hand of the
Shadow Lord himself, KhyrhaShohan hates humanity and loves scarring them to
oblivion.  KhyrhaShohan serves the Shadow Lord without reserve, although
it envies the other Khyrha for being first before itself.
2|64|128 2|8|32|128|512|32768|65536|1048576 -1000 S
36 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 0
the Shadow Lord~
A deep shadow envelops you and enters your heart.
The Lord of Shadow, Lord of Despair, Lord of Darkness, KhyrhaZenin hates
anything to do with the Light and God, who has forsaken him and cast him
to his death.  He lives off his hatred of God, and spends every moment of 
his unlife destroying humanity.  His singular purpose leaves him very 
predictable, but also very, very powerful.
2|64|128 2|8|32|128|512|32768|65536|1048576 -1000 S
43 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 undead~ 1

a ticket to Murky Land~
A small scrap of paper litters the ground.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
a heavy cudgel~
A heavy cudgel rests here.~
5 32 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 7~ 
9 0 0
a small hatchet~
A small hatchet is on the floor.~
5 2|1024 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 13~ 
5 0 0
1 1
5 1
2 -1
ice pick icepick~
a small icepick~
A small icepick is sticking out of the ground.~
5 2 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~ 
5 0 0
2 1
engagement ring gold~
a simple engagement ring~
A simple ring of gold is on the floor.~
9 64|4096 1|2
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
2 1
4 -1
3 1
black tooth blacktooth dirk~
A dark dirk is on the floor.~
5 2 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~ 
5 0 0
carapace spider~
a hard spider carapace~
A shell of a spider is here.~
9 16|512 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
5 2
12 -10
14 -20
cooking spatula~
a cooking spatula~
A greasy cooking spatula is on the floor.  Yuck!~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 13~ 
5 0 0
an apron~
An apron hangs here.~
9 0 1|2048
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
17 1
24 -3
You realize that this grease splattered apron offers great protection, not
just from grease, but from sword strokes, fire, and magic spells, too!
yellow popcorn~
a bag of yellow popcorn~
A bag of yellow popcorn sits on the counter.~
19 0 1
0~ -1~ -1~ -1~ 
1 0 0
yellow popcorn~
You notice that the yellowness of this popcorn has NOTHING to do with any
seasoning.  You wonder how long this popcorn has been sitting in this bag,
and wished you hadn't bought any of it.
candy cane candycane~
a candy cane~
A candy cane is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
candy cane candycane~
You notice that this candycane is harder than brass, and that you'll never
be able to eat it.~
cup cola~
a plastic cup of cola~
You see a plastic cup with liquid inside.~
17 0 1
10~ 10~ 15~ 0~ 
5 0 0
cup lemonade~
a plastic cup of lemonade~
You see a cup with a yellowish liquid inside.~
17 0 1|8192
10~ 10~ 6~ 0~ 
5 0 0
jerky rat~
some type of jerky~
Strips of meat are on the counter.~
19 0 1
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
jerky rat~
You sniff, and to your horrow, realize that this jerky is Rat Jerky!!!!
Yeck.  At least it's not poisoning your stomache ... yet.
a bloody razor~
A bloody razor is on the floor, ready to cut your feet.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 1~ 
5 0 0
19 1
a lit match~
A lit match is here, ready to start a fire!~
3 64 1|16384
5~ 5~ 5~ burning hands~ 
5 0 0
pill green~
a green pill~
A green pill is on the floor.~
26 0 1
2~ detect invis~ blindness~ detect hidden~ 
5 0 0
pink pill~
a pink pill~
A pink pill is on the floor.~
26 0 1
2~ cure light~ cure light~ cause serious~ 
5 0 0
orange pill~
an orange pill~
An orange pill is on the floor.~
26 0 1
2~ cure poison~ poison~ fly~ 
5 0 0
red pill~
a red pill~
A red pill is on the floor.~
26 0 1
2~ giant strength~ weaken~ levitation~ 
5 0 0
silver pill~
a silver pill~
A silver pill is on the floor.~
26 0 1
2~ sleep~ cure light~ faerie fire~ 
5 0 0
spiked cudgel~
a spiked cudgel~
A spiked cudgel is on the floor here.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 7~ 
10 0 0
19 3
a dark cape~
A dark cape hangs here.~
9 64 1|1024
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
4 0 0
2 1
key a~
key A~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key b~
key B~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key c~
key C~
A key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key d~
key D~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key e~
key E~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key f~
key F~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
key g~
key G~
A small key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
a smelly bed~
A smelly bed sits in this room.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
a chair~
A chair is here.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 8~ 
8 0 0
18 -2
19 -2
a smelly bed~
A smelly bed sits in this room.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
a desk~
A desk sits in this room.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
shoes wildrunner \/\/ildrunner~
\/\/ildrunner(tm) running shoes~
A pair of spiffy running shoes hover magically here.~
9 1|2|64|4096 1|64
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
2 2
14 20
5 -1
a chair~
A chair is here.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
a chair~
A chair is here.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
note scrap paper~
a scrap of paper~
A scrap of paper is stuck on the floor.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
note scrap paper~
In a very sloppy script, this note reads,
"This place is much more than you think it is.
Just as Murky Land is a front for this illegal tavern,
this illegal tavern is a front for something very very evil."

					     - Ren the Sneak
robe thin black~
a thin black robe~
A thin black robe lies on the floor here.~
9 16|64|512 1|1024
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
3 0 0
3 1
4 1
1 -1
12 10
black scroll~
a black scroll~
A black scroll is curled up here.~
2 64 1
0~ magic missile~ magic missile~ magic missile~ 
1 0 0
portions of a journal~
Some loose pages are here.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
3rd day of MIssion --
   It is incredible how much corruption is lurking underneath the seamingly
friendly place called 'Murky Land'.  Whoever design such a friendly front
for an illegal tavern frequent by murderers and thieves must be a genius.
I have yet seen what's behind the door next to the tavern.  I'm sure the
rooms there house more than just employees, considering the number of people
going in and out of that door.  In 3 days here, I've seen 8 human-shaped 
bundles hauled through that door already, and nothing coming out.  I need to
get my hands on that skeleton key!

4th day of Mission --
   I wonder if it's my nerves or what, but I keep thinking I am being 
watched and followed.  The shadows in this room seems to be moving, but
I'm sure it's merely the trick of the candlelight.  5 more bundles were
hauled through the employee door today, and I'm sure they are bodies or
scroll prophecy~
portions of The Scroll of Prophecy~
An old scroll is on the floor.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
scroll prophecy~
(places marked with XXXXX are places scratched out with a dark pen)

And the God cast down KhXXXX from the Heavens, and spake, "Do not ever 
return, my lost Son, and may you be cursed to dXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX
XXXXX XXXXX"  And KXXXXX did die, and as He died, He bled onto the Earth.
But the blood of KhXXXX did not die, for it festered, and every XXXXX XXX,
it will XXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX, and XXXXX will be rebXXXXX.  He will then
XXXXXX upon the Earth, and he shall name XXXXXXX for his work, and they 
will be so named XXXXXX.  

as prophesized by XXXX XXXXXXXX of Thalos, in the year XXXXX XXXX
scrap paper~
a scrap of paper~
A scrap of paper is on the floor.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
scrap paper~
There are many myths regarding the shadowlord.  To hear more about it, type
'help shadowlord'.
roast chicken~
a roast chicken~
A roast chicken is on the table.~
19 0 1
20~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
baked bread~
baked bread~
Some bread is on the table.~
19 0 1
10~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
slice lemon pie~
a slice of lemon pie~
A slice of lemon pie is on the table.~
19 0 1
6~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
ale pitcher~
a pitcher of ale~
A pitcher of ale is on the table.~
17 0 1
30~ 30~ 3~ 0~ 
5 0 0
bowl soup~
a bowl of soup~
A bowl of soup is on the table.~
17 0 1
5~ 5~ 23~ 0~ 
2 0 0
a spear~
A spear is leaning against the wall.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 2~ 
7 0 0
18 4
splintmail splint mail vest~
splintmail vest~
A splintmail vest is bundled here.~
9 0 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
12 0 0
5 1
shot vodka~
a shot of vodka~
A shot of vodka is on the counter.~
17 0 1
2~ 2~ 22~ 0~ 
1 0 0
shot rum~
a shot of rum~
A shot of rum is on the counter~
17 0 1
2~ 2~ 18~ 0~ 
1 0 0
shot whisky~
a shot of whisky~
A shot of whisky is on the counter.~
17 0 1
3~ 3~ 5~ 0~ 
1 0 0
glass wine~
a glass of wine~
A glass of wine is on the counter.~
17 0 1
5~ 5~ 2~ 0~ 
2 0 0
mug beer~
a mug of beer~
A mug of beer is on the counter.~
17 0 1
6~ 6~ 1~ 0~ 
2 0 0
shot firebreather~
a shot of firebreather~
A shot of firebreather is here.~
17 0 1
1~ 1~ 7~ 0~ 
1 0 0
shot local specialty~
a shot of the local specialty~
A shot of the local specialty is on the counter.~
17 0 1
1~ 1~ 8~ 0~ 
1 0 0
a dirk~
A thin dirk is on the floor.~
5 0 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~ 
5 0 0
18 1
key skeleton~
a skeleton key~
A skeleton key is on the floor.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
a sabre~
You see a sabre.~
5 64 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 1~ 
5 0 0
1 2
shield square~
a square shield~
A square shield is on the floor.~
9 64 1|512
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
5 2
hidden panel~
a hidden panel~
You see a desk here.~
15 0 0
50~ 1~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
hidden panel~
Wow, you are so happy you took the extra time to inspect this desk, or you
never would have found this hidden panel!
bracelet ivory~
an ivory bracelet~
You see an ivory bracelet here.~
9 64|1024 1|4096
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
2 0 0
12 10
3 1
statuette eagle~
an eagle statuette~
An eagle statuette stands proudly here.~
15 0 0
50~ 4~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
statuette eagle~
an eagle statuette~
An eagle statuette stands proudly here.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
statuette eagle~
an eagle statuette~
An eagle statuette stands proudly here.~
15 0 0
50~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
black key~
a black key~
You see a black key here.~
18 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
shadow sword~
a shadow sword~
You see the silhouette of a sword here.~
5 16|64|512|4096 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 1~ 
10 0 0
1 1
5 1
2 1
shadow vest~
a shadow vest~
You see a silhouette of a vest.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|8
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
2 1
5 1
13 20
shadow helm helmet~
a shadow helm~
You see the silhouette of a helmet here.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|16
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
4 1
3 1
12 10
shadow leggings~
shadow leggings~
You see the silhouette of leggings here.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|32
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
2 1
5 1
shadow boots~
shadow boots~
You see the silhouette of boots.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|64
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
2 2
14 50
shadow gauntlets~
shadow gauntlets~
You see the silhouette of some gauntlets here.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|128
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
1 1
2 1
18 2
shadow sleeves~
shadow sleeves~
You see the silhouette of some sleeves here.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|256
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
1 1
5 1
13 10
a shadow shield~
a shadow shield~
You see the silhouette of a shield here.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|512
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
5 2
18 2
black fang blackfang~
You see the silhouette of something sharp.~
5 16|32|64|512|4096|16384 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 11~ 
8 0 0
1 2
18 7
19 7
5 -10
2 2
shadow orb~
the Shadow Orb~
You see the silhouette of a small globe.~
4 16|64|512|4096 1|16384
0~ 20~ 20~ teleport~ 
5 0 0
3 2
4 2
12 30
gold coins treasure~
a large pile of coins~
A large pile of coins is on the floor.~
20 0 1
30000~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
30 0 0
acid jar~
a jar of acid~
A jar of acid is on the floor.~
3 64 1|16384
0~ 5~ 5~ acid blast~ 
5 0 0
a magical torch~
An everburning torch is here.~
3 64 1|16384
0~ 5~ 5~ fireball~ 
5 0 0
staff despair~
Staff of Despair~
A dark staff is on the floor.~
5 16|64|512|4096|16384 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 8~ 
15 0 0
1 2
5 -8
18 5
19 5
cloak shadows~
Cloak of Shadows~
The silhouette of a cloak can be barely seen.~
9 16|64|512|4096 1|1024
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
2 2
17 -30
a scroll~
A scroll has been carelessly left here.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
1 0 0
My subjects:
   I wish the following places destroyed so that traces of our origin will 
not be found.

Catacombs below the chapel
Catacombs below the dwarven kingdom
Plains north of Midgaard

The destruction of these places is very crucial to our existence, so do not
tarry in this deed.

--The Shadow Lord
a scroll~
A scroll has been carelessly left here.~
13 0 1
0~ 0~ 0~ 0~ 
5 0 0
My Subjects:
   There exist certain people on this realm who know too much regarding
the identity of myself and my Shadow Demons.  You are to find them and 
bring them to me, so that I may personally destroy them.

The following are the people I want brought to me:
The old man on the beach before Shaolin Temple
The fanatic priest of old Thalos

Please fulfill this deed swiftest.

--The Shadow Lord
bubbly red potion~
a bubbly red potion~
A bubbly red potion is on the table.~
10 64 1
0~ stone skin~ shield~ combat mind~ 
2 0 0
ice blue potion~
an ice blue potion~
An ice blue potion is on the table.~
10 64 1
0~ intellect fortress~ thought shield~ flesh armor~ 
2 0 0
dark orange potion~
a dark orange potion~
A dark orange potion is on the table.~
10 64 1
0~ enhanced strength~ ectoplasmic form~ refresh~ 
2 0 0
scroll rage~
a scroll of rage~
A scroll is on the table here.~
2 64 1
0~ blindness~ curse~ poison~ 
1 0 0
scroll fire~
a scroll of fire~
A scroll is on the table.~
2 64 1
0~ flamestrike~ fireball~ fire breath~ 
1 0 0
scroll curing~
a scroll of curing~
A scroll of curing is here.~
2 64 1
0~ cure blindness~ remove curse~ cure poison~ 
1 0 0
shadow pike~
a shadow pike~
A long, slim shadow is against the wall.~
5 16|64|512|4096 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 2~ 
5 0 0
1 2
18 -2
19 12
shadow whip~
a shadow whip~
A shadow of some rope is on the floor.~
5 16|64|512|4096 1|8192
0~ 0~ 0~ 4~ 
5 0 0
18 5
19 5

Entrance to Murky Land~
You are standing at the entrance to Murky Land!  Brought to you by the 
wonderful folks at Ofcol Private Development Corp, or ODP, this funland is for
kids of all ages!  The main entrance is to the north, while a path leads back
west.  There is a sign here.
0 4 1
0 -1 10701
0 -1 5552
The Ofcol Private Development Corp, or ODP, welcomes you to Murky Land!  This 
theme park features creatures based on the very gods of early Merc and Envy!  
We at ODP wish you'll enjoy your stay at Murky Land!
At the Cashier's Booth~
You stand at the cashier's booth.  There is a gate to the north and a path back
to the city of Ofcol to the south.  You see a small plaque here.
0 8 0
1 10700 10702
0 -1 10700
This area has been made for any Merc/Envy Mud, by Hatchet, 8/20/1995, using
Slash's program, called Make Zones Fast.

This area has been created as a tribute to the original immortals of Merc and 
Envy.  Please don't just search and replace the names alluding to those 
immortals.  If you wish, feel free to add your own rooms and mobs to reflect 
your own immortals.

					    Hatchet of Merc/Envy Muds
Inside the Entrance to Murky Land~
You are inside the entrance to Murky Land.  Gaudy wallpaper covers all the 
walls, and hay covers the floors.  A path leads north to the main grounds, and 
a path south leads back to the entrance.
0 8 0
0 -1 10703
You find a hidden door!  The keyhole is quite circular, which is peculiar.
door hidden~
1 10710 10722
1 10700 10701
A Room in Murky Land~
You are standing in a room in Murky Land.  The same gaudy wallpaper and hay 
make up the decorations of this place.  You get the feeling that the rest of 
this place was designed with such a lack of taste.  The north leads you to the 
murky creatures, the west leads you to the cafeteria, the east leads you to 
the restrooms, and the south leads you out of this place.
0 8 0
0 -1 10709
0 -1 10704
0 -1 10702
0 -1 10707
Restroom Hallway~
You are standing to the restroom hallway.  The little boys room is to the 
north and the little girls room is to the south.  A doorway west leads you 
0 8 0
1 -1 10705
1 -1 10706
0 -1 10703
Little Boys Room~
You are in the little boys room.  And, yes, you guessed it, it's very messy, 
with yellow streams along the floors and garbage cans filled with paper.
0 8 0
1 -1 10704
Little Girls Room~
You are in the little girls room.  Luckily, it's empty.  An exit leads back 
0 8 0
1 -1 10704
You are in the cafeteria.  Long tables and benches line this room.  The
floors are littered with scraps of food and other undesirables.  The floors
fare little better.  A door is to the north and an obvious exit leads back 
0 8 0
0 -1 10708
0 -1 10703
You are in the kitchen.  Boy, is this place messy!  You are happy you hadn't
ordered any food while you were in the cafeteria.  Or, did you?  The door 
leads back south.
0 0 1
0 -1 10707
Along a Brick Path in Murky Land~
You are on a brick-layered path in Murky Land.  Poor attempts at decoration
makes you regret having paid the dough to get into this place.  The path 
continues north, with branches to the east and west.  The path south leads 
you out of here.
0 8 2
0 -1 10718
0 -1 10714
0 -1 10703
0 -1 10710
Along a Path in Murky Land~
You are along a path in Murky Land.  To the north, you can see a small 
playpen.  To the south, you can see a dark hovel.  To the west, you see a 
shiny room.  The path leads back east.
0 8 2
0 -1 10711
0 -1 10709
0 -1 10712
0 -1 10713
Hatchling's and Iccy's Playpen~
You are standing in Hatchling's and Iccy's Playpen.  There are piles and 
piles toys here.  The sound of a music box can be heard from the walls.  The
exit is to the south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10710
Fraggie's Dark Hovel~
You are standing in Fraggie's Dark Hovel.  You realize with revulsion that
this is nothing more than a spider web.  The exit, you are happy to find, is 
to the north.
0 8 0
0 -1 10710
KahnO's Hall of Mirrors~
You are standing in KahnO's Hall of Mirrors.  Mirrors on every wall, floor,
and ceiling reflect light, not to mention, bodies, all over the place.
0 8 0
0 -1 10710
Along a Path in Murky Land~
You are along a path in Murky Land.  To the north, you see a dark, red room.
To the south is a small kitchenette.  A path leads east to a starry room, and
path leads back east to the main grounds.
0 8 2
0 -1 10715
0 -1 10717
0 -1 10716
0 -1 10709
A Small Hell~
You are in a Small Hell.  Smoke sizzles from red rocks, and coals char your
feet as you walk by.  The exit is to the south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10714
Blinky's Kitchenette~
You are in Blinky's Kitchenette.  Miniature pots and pans boil over a
miniature oven.  A small table is littered with small pieces of vegetables,
spices, and mixing bowls.  The exit is to the north.
0 8 0
0 -1 10714
Atom's Little Galaxy~
You hover magically in Atom's little galaxy.  Miniature stars whiz by you
and comets tickle you as they burrow into your shorts.  The exit is to the
0 8 0
0 -1 10714
Along a Path in Murky Land~
You are along a path in Murky Land.  You see a small temple to the north, a
dump to the west, and an ash heap to the east.  The path leads back south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10719
0 -1 10721
0 -1 10709
0 -1 10720
A Monk's Temple/Crackhouse~
You are in a temple of some sorts.  Urns filled with smelly substances line 
walls, and you smell the unmistakeable smoke of burning hemp.  The only exit
leads south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10718
A Junkyard~
You are in a junkyard, with sharp blades littering the floor.  The only exit 
leads east.
0 8 0
0 -1 10718
An Ash Heap~
You are in an ash heap.  Fires are burning all over this room.  You quickly
dodge back to the exit to the west.
0 8 0
0 -1 10718
Behind the Hidden Door~
Hah!  You knew this place was too good to be true.  A dump like this Murky
Land must have some skeletons hiding in some closets.  You ponder if you
should go look for any, though, and consider turning back.
The door leads back west, and a dark stairway leads down.
0 1|8 0
door hidden~
1 10710 10702
0 -1 10723
Beneath Murky Land~
You are beneath Murky Land.  The walls here are all made of hardwood, with
lighted torches spaced every ten feet.  To the north, you can hear the
hustle and bustle of people!  A ladder leads back up.
0 8 0
0 -1 10724
0 -1 10722
Inside a Tavern~
You are inside a tavern.  By the look of things and of the patrons, you 
suspect that most of them aren't on the good side of the law.  Signs 
point south to the exit, west to rented rooms, north to the bar, and east to
the private employee rooms.  There is a large table with chairs in the center
of this room.
0 8 0
0 -1 10736
8 10758 10737
0 -1 10723
0 -1 10725
The Shady Rooms Counter~
You are at the counter for renting rooms.  A hallway leads west, and the main
room of the tavern is to the east.
0 8 0
0 -1 10724
0 -1 10726
A Hallway~
You are in a hallway.  Room A is to the north, Room B is to the south, and 
the hallways continues east and west.
0 8 0
1 10723 10727
0 -1 10725
1 10724 10728
0 -1 10729
Room A~
You are in a room.  You are NOT impressed with the feeble furnishings of a
smelly bed and chair.  The exit is to the south.
0 8 0
1 10723 10726
Room B~
You are in a room, sparsely furnished, like the rest, with a smelly bed and 
a chair.  The exit is north.
0 8 0
1 10724 10726
A Hallway~
You are in a hallway.  To the north is room C, and to the south is room D.
The hallway continues east and west.
0 8 0
1 10725 10730
0 -1 10726
1 10726 10731
0 -1 10732
Room C~
You are in a room, sparsely furnished with a smelly bed and a chair.  The
exit is to the south.
0 8 0
1 10725 10729
Room D~
You are in a room.  The bed is set on it's side, and a chair lies shattered 
against a wall.  The exit is to the north.
0 8 0
1 10726 10729
At the End of the Hallway~
You are in a hallway.  North of you is room E, south is room F, and west
is room G.  The hallway leads back west.
0 8 0
1 10727 10733
0 -1 10729
1 10728 10734
1 10729 10735
Room E~
You are in a room.  There is a smelly bed and a chair in this room, nothing
more.  The exit is to the south.
0 8 0
1 10727 10732
Room F~
You are in a messy room, furnished with a smelly bed and a chair.  The exit
is to the north.
0 8 0
1 10728 10732
Room G~
You are in a small room, furnished with a desk, a small bed, and a chair.
The exit is to the east.
0 8 0
1 10729 10732
The Bar~
You are at the bar.  Spilled beer and other liquids cover the chairs and 
the floor.  At least the counter looks clean, but that's only because the
lady bartender has so little to do.  The main room of the tavern is back
0 8 0
0 -1 10724
You are on the employees only side of the tavern.  A hallway leads east, with
rooms along the way.  There is a room north and south of here.  A door leads
back west to the main room of the tavern.
0 8 0
1 10758 10738
0 -1 10740
1 10758 10739
8 10758 10724
An Office~
You are in an office.  The exit is to the south.
0 8 0
1 10758 10737
The desk is quite old.  The wood grain pattern looks a bit peculiar, for
some reason.
wood grain pattern~
Upon further inspection, you realize the peculiarity is that there is a
hidden panel along the side of the desk!
A Holding Room~
You are in a holding room.  There isn't much here except some sacks, cords,
and blindfolds.  You can smell the stink of fear.  The exit is to the north.
0 8 0
1 10758 10737
A Hallway~
You are in a hallway, which leads east and west.  Rooms are to the north and
0 8 0
1 10758 10741
0 -1 10743
1 10758 10742
0 -1 10737
An Office~
You are in an office.  The exit is to the south.
0 8 0
1 10758 10740
An Office~
You are standing in an office.  The exit is to the north.
0 8 0
1 10758 10740
The End of the Hallway~
You are at the end of the hallway, which leads back west.  Doorways are to
the north and south.
0 8 0
1 10758 10745
1 10758 10744
0 0 10740
A Holding Room~
You are in a holding room.  The stench of fear and of body fluids assaults
your nose.  The exit is to the north.
0 8 0
1 10758 10743
An Empty Hallway~
You are standing in an empty hallway, which leads north.  There is a door
to the south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10746
1 10758 10743
You are in a hallway, which goes north and south.  Strangely, when you 
step in this hallway, you hear a soft click and feel a slight twist.
0 8 0
0 -1 10747
0 -1 10748
At the End of a Hallway~
You are at the end of a hallway, which leads back south.
0 8 0
0 10758 10746
An Empty Hallway~
You are standing in an empty hallway, which leads north.  There is a door
to the south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10749
1 10758 10743
You are in a hallway, which goes north and south.  Strangely, when you 
step in this hallway, you hear a soft click and feel a slight twist.
0 8 0
0 -1 10750
0 -1 10745
At the End of a Hallway~
You are at the end of a hallway, which leads back south.
0 8 0
door secret~
8 10766 10751
0 -1 10749
A Dark Room~
You are in a Dark Room.  Very evidently, this is not part of the tavern.
Stone steps lead down and a door leads back south.
0 8 0
door secret~
8 10766 10750
0 -1 10752
Lower Chambers~
You are at the lower chambers, below the tavern.  Stonework covers the walls,
and dim torches light your way.  Exits lead in the cardinal directions and 
back up.
0 8 0
0 -1 10768
0 -1 10756
0 -1 10753
0 -1 10761
0 -1 10751
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway that leads north and south.  A dim light
is to the north, while total darkness is to the south.
0 8 0
0 -1 10752
0 -1 10754
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  A very dim light is to the north, and
total darkness is to the south.  You can make out the outline of a vast 
doorway to the south.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10753
0 -1 10755
Shadow Dragon's Lair~
You are in a big spacious room.  Darkest obsidian line the walls, and the 
floors are black soot, pocked with many holes.  The only exit is south.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10754
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway, which leads east and west.  You can see
a dim light to the west, and total darkness to the east.  There are doors to
the north and south.
0 8 0
1 -1 10759
0 -1 10757
1 -1 10760
0 -1 10752
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  You can see a very dim light to the west
and total darkness to the east.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10758
0 -1 10756
The Altar of the Shadow Demon~
You are standing at an altar.  A throne is at the end of the room, and a
large vat of acid rises out of the center of the room.  The only exit is to
the west.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10757
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10766
A Library~
You are in a library of sorts.  Scrolls, mostly damaged, litter shelves and
tables.  There is an exit south.
0 1|8 0
1 -1 10756
A Laboratory~
You are in a dark laboratory.  Bubbling potions sit on lightless burners and 
steam rises from a pot in the center of the room.  There is an exit north.
0 1|8 0
1 -1 10756
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  A dim light is to the east and total
darkness is to the west.  Doors lead north and south.
0 8 0
1 -1 10764
0 -1 10752
1 -1 10765
0 -1 10762
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  A very dim light can be seen to the
east and total darkness is to the west.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10761
0 -1 10763
The Altar of the Shadow Demon~
You are standing in an altar.  There is a throne at the far end of this room
and a spiked table in the center of this altar.  The exit is to the east.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10762
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10767
A Scribing Room~
You are in a room filled with papers.  A large table is against the far
wall, with a large chair before it.  There is a door south.
0 1|8 0
1 -1 10761
A Weapon Room~
You are in a room filled with scattered weapons.  There is an exit north.
0 1|8 0
1 -1 10761
A Nether Room~
You are floating in the Nether.  You are completely disoriented.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10758
0 -1 10758
0 -1 10771
A Nether Room~
You are floating in the Nether.  You are completely disoriented.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10763
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10763
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  A dim light can be seen to the south, 
and total darkness is to the north.
0 8 0
0 -1 10769
0 -1 10752
A Dark Hallway~
You are standing in a dark hallway.  You can see a very dim light to the 
south and total darkness to the north.  You can, however, make out a very
ornate doorway to the north.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10770
0 -1 10768
The Altar of the Shadow Lord~
You are standing in a vast chamber.  An immense, dark throne towers over you
and dark creatures move around the room.  The only obvious exit is to the
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10769
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10771
0 -1 10771
A Nether Room~
You are floating in the Nether.  You are completely disoriented.
0 1|8 0
0 -1 10770
0 -1 10767
0 -1 10770
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10766
0 -1 10767

* This area has been made by Hatchet for any Merc/Envy Mud.
* This area has been written with MZF, made by Slash.
* 8/20/95
R 1 10766 6            Let's mix up these Nether Rooms!
R 1 10767 6            Let's mix up these Nether Rooms!
R 1 10771 6            Let's mix up these Nether Rooms!
M 1 10700 1 10701       a bored cashier to At the Cashier's Booth
E 1 10701 100 16
G 1 10700 100
M 1 10701 1 10702       the Greeter/Bouncer to A room
E 1 10701 100 16
D 1 10701 0 2   ; At the Cashier's Booth Lock North
D 1 10702 2 2   ; Inside the Entrance to Murky Land Lock South
M 1 10702 1 10711       a Hatchling to Hatchling's and Iccy's Playpen
E 1 10702 100 16
E 1 10704 100 1
M 1 10703 1 10711       Iccy to Hatchling's and Iccy's Playpen
E 1 10703 100 16
E 1 10704 100 1
M 1 10705 1 10712       Fraggie to Fraggie's Dark Hovel
E 1 10706 100 5
M 1 10704 1 10713       KahnO, predecesser of KahnI to KahnO's Hall of Mirrors
E 1 10705 100 16
M 1 10706 1 10708       the cook to Kitchen
E 1 10708 100 13
E 1 10707 100 16
M 1 10707 1 10707       the cafeteria counterperson to Cafeteria
E 1 10708 100 13
E 1 10701 100 16
G 1 10709 100
G 1 10710 100
G 1 10711 100
G 1 10712 100
G 1 10713 100
M 1 10708 1 10715       an unspawned demon to A Small Hell
M 1 10709 1 10715       a morphing blob to A Small Hell
M 1 10710 1 10716       Blinky to Blinky's Kitchenette
E 1 10707 100 16
M 1 10711 1 10717       the unmixed Atom to Atom's Little Galaxy
M 1 10718 1 10718       the little \/\/ildrunner to Along a Path in Murky Land
E 1 10734 100 8
M 1 10712 1 10719       Little Dave, the evil Monk to A Monk's Temple/Crackhouse
G 1 10716 100
G 1 10717 100
G 1 10718 100
G 1 10719 100
G 1 10720 100
M 1 10713 1 10720       a little boy to A Junkyard
E 1 10714 100 16
M 1 10714 1 10721       a little girl to An Ash Heap
E 1 10715 100 17
M 1 10715 1 10722       a big bruiser to Behind the Hidden Door
E 1 10722 100 12
E 1 10721 100 16
D 1 10702 1 2   ; Inside the Entrance to Murky Land Lock East
D 1 10722 3 2          ; Behind the Hidden Door Lock West
D 1 10727 2 2          ; Room A Lock South
D 1 10726 0 2          ; A Hallway Lock North
D 1 10726 2 2          ; A Hallway Lock South
D 1 10728 0 2          ; Room B Lock North
D 1 10729 0 2          ; A Hallway Lock North
D 1 10730 2 2             ; Room C Lock South
D 1 10729 2 2          ; A Hallway Lock South
D 1 10731 0 2             ; Room D Lock North
D 1 10733 2 2             ; Room E Lock South
D 1 10734 0 2             ; Room F Lock North
D 1 10732 0 2             ; At the End of the Hallway Lock North
D 1 10732 2 2             ; At the End of the Hallway Lock South
D 1 10735 1 2             ; Room G Lock East
D 1 10732 3 2             ; At the End of the Hallway Lock West
O 1 10730 100 10727     a smelly bed to Room A
O 1 10731 100 10727     a chair to Room A
O 1 10730 100 10728     a smelly bed to Room B
O 1 10731 100 10728     a chair to Room B
O 1 10735 100 10730     a chair to Room C
P 1 10729 100 10735     key G to a chair
O 1 10730 100 10730     a smelly bed to Room C
O 1 10730 100 10731     a smelly bed to Room D
M 1 10716 1 10731       a madman to Room D
E 1 10731 100 16
O 1 10730 100 10733     a smelly bed to Room E
O 1 10736 100 10733     a chair to Room E
P 1 10737 100 10736     a note to a chair
O 1 10732 100 10734     a smelly bed to Room F
P 1 10726 100 10732     key D to smelly bed
M 1 10719 1 10734       the hermophroditic prostitute to Room F
O 1 10731 100 10734     a chair to Room F
O 1 10730 100 10735     a smelly bed to Room G
O 1 10731 100 10735     a chair to Room G
M 1 10717 1 10725             the roomskeeper to The Shady Rooms Counter
E 1 10721 100 16
G 1 10723 100
G 1 10724 100
G 1 10725 100
G 1 10727 100
G 1 10728 100
O 1 10733 100 10735        a desk to Room G
M 1 10720 1 10735             a weaslly-looking man to Room G
E 1 10738 100 12
G 1 10742 100
G 1 10741 100
G 1 10740 100
G 1 10739 100
M 1 10721 1 10724             a serving wench to Inside a Tavern
E 1 10757 100 16
G 1 10747 100
G 1 10746 100
G 1 10745 100
G 1 10744 100
G 1 10743 100
M 1 10722 1 10724             a gruff warrior to Inside a Tavern
E 1 10749 100 5
E 1 10748 100 16
M 1 10723 1 10736             the lady bartender to The Bar
E 1 10757 100 16
G 1 10756 100
G 1 10755 100
G 1 10754 100
G 1 10753 100
G 1 10752 100
G 1 10751 100
G 1 10750 100
G 1 10746 100
M 1 10724 3 10704              a shade to Restroom Hallway
M 1 10724 3 10723              a shade to Beneath Murky Land
M 1 10724 3 10732              a shade to At the End of the Hallway
M 1 10726 1 10710              a little brat to Along a Path in Murky Land
G 1 10758 100
M 1 10727 1 10736              an old man to The Bar
E 1 10738 100 12
E 1 10757 100 16
G 1 10753 100
M 1 10728 1 10736              a lady mercenary to The Bar
E 1 10749 100 5
E 1 10760 100 11
E 1 10759 100 16
G 1 10750 100
M 1 10729 1 10724              an employee to Inside a Tavern
E 1 10757 100 16
D 1 10737 3 2             ; Hallway Lock West
D 1 10724 1 2          ; Inside a Tavern Lock East
M 1 10725 1 10737              a shade sentry to Hallway
D 1 10738 2 2             ; An Office Lock South
D 1 10737 0 2             ; Hallway Lock North
O 1 10761 100 10738            a hidden panel to An office
P 1 10762 100 10761            an ivory bracelet in a hidden panel
D 1 10739 0 2             ; A Holding Room Lock North
D 1 10737 2 2             ; Hallway Lock South
D 1 10741 2 2             ; An Office Lock South
D 1 10740 0 2             ; A Hallway Lock North
D 1 10742 0 2             ; An Office Lock North
D 1 10740 2 2		  ; A Hallway Lock South
O 1 10733 100 10741               a desk to An Office
O 1 10733 100 10742               a desk to An Office
D 1 10744 0 2             ; A Holding Room Lock North
D 1 10743 2 2             ; The End of the Hallway Lock South
M 1 10730 5 10744                 a tied victim to A Holding Room
M 1 10731 1 10742                 an employee to An Office
E 1 10721 100 16
M 1 10732 1 10742                 a shade to An Office
D 1 10745 2 2              ; An Empty Hallway Lock South
D 1 10748 2 2              ; An Empty Hallway Lock South
D 1 10743 0 2             ; The End of the Hallway Lock North
O 1 10763 100 10745                an eagle statuette to An Empty Hallway
O 1 10763 100 10747                an eagle statuette to At the End of a Hallway
O 1 10764 100 10748                an eagle statuette to An Empty Hallway
O 1 10765 100 10750                an eagle statuette to At the End of a Hallway
P 1 10766 100 10765                a black key in an eagle statuette
D 1 10751 2 2                ; A Dark Room Lock South
D 1 10750 0 2                ; At the End of a Hallway Lock North
M 1 10733 1 10751            a shadow warrior to A Dark Room
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10769 100 6
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10733 2 10754            a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10733 1 10754            a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10734 1 10755                     Shadow Dragon to Shadow Dragon's Lair
E 1 10776 100 17
O 1 10777 100 10755                   a large pile of coins to Shadow Dragon's Lair
M 1 10733 1 10757                     a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10769 100 6
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
D 1 10759 2 1			; A Library Close South
D 1 10756 0 1                  ; A Dark Hallway Close North
D 1 10760 0 1			; A Laboratory Close North
D 1 10756 2 1                  ; A Dark Hallway Close South
D 1 10764 2 1			; A Scribing Room Close South
D 1 10761 0 1			; A Dark Hallway Close North
D 1 10765 0 1			; A Weapon Room Close North
D 1 10761 2 1			; A Dark Hallway Close South
M 1 10733 1 10762			a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10733 2 10769			a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10733 2 10769			a shadow warrior to A Dark Hallway
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10767 100 16
M 1 10739 1 10758			the sacrificial victim to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
M 1 10740 1 10758			the torturer to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
E 1 10778 100 17
M 1 10739 1 10763			the sacrificial victim to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
M 1 10741 1 10763			the torturer to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
E 1 10757 100 16
M 1 10739 1 10770			the sacrificial victim to The Altar of the Shadow Lord
M 1 10742 1 10770			the torturer to The Altar of the Shadow Lord
E 1 10779 100 17
M 1 10743 1 10758			the Shadow Demon to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
E 1 10780 100 16
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10781 100 12
M 1 10744 1 10763			the Shadow Demon to The Altar of the Shadow Demon
E 1 10780 100 16
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10781 100 12
M 1 10745 1 10770			the Shadow Lord to The Altar of the Shadow Lord
E 1 10768 100 5
E 1 10770 100 7
E 1 10771 100 8
E 1 10772 100 9
E 1 10773 100 10
E 1 10774 100 11
E 1 10775 100 16
E 1 10781 100 12
M 1 10735 1 10759			the shadow librarian to A Library
E 1 10781 100 12
G 1 10741 100
G 1 10782 100
G 1 10783 100
M 1 10736 1 10760			the shadow conjurer to A laboratory
E 1 10781 100 12
G 1 10786 100
G 1 10785 100
G 1 10784 100
M 1 10737 1 10764			the shadow scriber to A Scribing Room
E 1 10781 100 12
G 1 10789 100
G 1 10788 100
G 1 10787 100
M 1 10738 1 10765			the shadow enchanter to A Weapon Room
E 1 10781 100 12
E 1 10790 100 16
G 1 10791 100
G 1 10767 100

10700 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23
10707 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23
10712 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 0 23
10717 0 0 0 0 0 1000 100 0 23        This guy charges alot for keys to the rooms, but that's the point.
10720 0 0 0 0 0 1000 100 0 23        He charges a lot for his information
10721 0 0 0 0 0 110 100 0 23
10723 0 0 0 0 0 110 100 0 23
10726 0 0 0 0 0 1000 100 0 23             all he has is the stupid skeleton key.

M  10700 spec_cast_judge                        a bored cashier
M  10701 spec_repairman                 the Greeter/Bouncer
M  10704 spec_thief                     KahnO, predecesser of KahnI
M  10705 spec_poison                    Fraggie
M  10708 spec_cast_undead                       an unspawned demon
M  10709 spec_cast_undead                       a morphing blob
M  10710 spec_thief                     Blinky
M  10712 spec_cast_psionicist                   Little Dave, the evil Monk
M  10718 spec_thief                     the little \/\/ildrunner
M  10720 spec_cast_mage                 a weaslly-looking man
M  10724 spec_cast_undead                       a shade
M  10725 spec_cast_undead                       a shade sentry
M  10727 spec_cast_mage                 an old man
M  10732 spec_cast_undead                       a shade
M  10733 spec_cast_undead                       a shadow warrior
M  10734 spec_breath_acid                       Shadow Dragon
M  10735 spec_cast_judge			the shadow librarian
M  10736 spec_cast_cleric			the shadow conjurer
M  10737 spec_cast_psionicist			the shadow scriber
M  10738 spec_cast_mage			the shadow enchanter
M  10740 spec_cast_undead			the torturer
M  10741 spec_cast_undead			the torturer
M  10742 spec_cast_undead			the torturer
M  10743 spec_cast_undead			the Shadow Demon
M  10744 spec_cast_undead			the Shadow Demon
M  10745 spec_cast_undead			the Shadow Lord
