The Walls of Anon~
{50 65} Yaegar  The Walls of Anon~
31200 31400

east wall guard~
an east wall guard~
An east wall guard patrols the battlements, ever alert for approaching enemies.
These dedicated guards are among the elite of the guards of the city,
selected for their dedication, endurance and keen eyesight. They remain
eternally vigilant, not wishing for their city to fall under the domination
of evil forces.
AGT 128|8192 500 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound
-20 -20 -20 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
south wall guard~
a south wall guard~
A south wall guard patrols the battlements, ever alert for approaching enemies.
These dedicated guards are among the elite of the guards of the city,
selected for their dedication, endurance and keen eyesight. They remain
eternally vigilant, not wishing for their city to fall under the domination
of evil forces.
AGT 128|8192 500 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound 
-20 -20 -20 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
north wall guard~
a north wall guard~
A north wall guard patrols the battlements, ever alert for approaching enemies.
These dedicated guards are among the elite of the guards of the city,
selected for their dedication, endurance and keen eyesight. They remain
eternally vigilant, not wishing for their city to fall under the domination
of evil forces.
AGT 128|8192 500 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound 
-20 -20 -20 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
west wall guard~
an west wall guard~
An west wall guard patrols the battlements, ever alert for approaching enemies.
These dedicated guards are among the elite of the guards of the city,
selected for their dedication, endurance and keen eyesight. They remain
eternally vigilant, not wishing for their city to fall under the domination
of evil forces.
AGT 128|8192 500 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound
-20 -20 -20 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
guard captain east wall~
the east wall guard captain~
The east wall guard captain stares grimly at you.
This stern fellow is in charge of the guards on this wall, and has no time
for idle chit-chat with civilians. Or silly adventurers either. Scars on his
face and the cold look in his eye bespeak of a man who definitely knows how
to handle himself in battle.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 800 0
55 0 50d10+5500 5d5+5000 10d4+23 slash
-25 -25 -25 -1
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
guard captain south wall~
the south wall guard captain~
The south wall guard captain stares grimly at you.
This stern fellow is in charge of the guards on this wall, and has no time
for idle chit-chat with civilians. Or silly adventurers either. Scars on his
face and the cold look in his eye bespeak of a man who definitely knows how
to handle himself in battle.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 800 0
55 0 50d10+5500 5d5+5000 10d4+23 slash
-25 -25 -25 -1
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
guard captain north wall~
the north wall guard captain~
The north wall guard captain stares grimly at you.
This stern fellow is in charge of the guards on this wall, and has no time
for idle chit-chat with civilians. Or silly adventurers either. Scars on his
face and the cold look in his eye bespeak of a man who definitely knows how
to handle himself in battle.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 800 0
55 0 50d10+5500 5d5+5000 10d4+23 slash
-25 -25 -25 -1
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
guard captain west wall~
the west wall guard captain~
The west wall guard captain stares grimly at you.
This stern fellow is in charge of the guards on this wall, and has no time
for idle chit-chat with civilians. Or silly adventurers either. Scars on his
face and the cold look in his eye bespeak of a man who definitely knows how
to handle himself in battle.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 800 0
55 0 50d10+5500 5d5+5000 10d4+23 slash
-25 -25 -25 -1
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
a knight~
A well-armored knight strolls the battlements.
The knights of Anon are a well-respected and renowned order that has been
in existence for 15 generations. However constant wars and incursions of
chaos have severely depleted their numbers, and now very few remain.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 1000 0
58 0 50d10+6250 5d5+5000 5d10+25 slash
-28 -28 -28 -3
CDEFIK 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
battle mage~
an elven battle mage~
An elven battle mage stands ready.
While Elves are not by nature particularly interested in war or soldiering,
there are, as in all races, "black sheep" who feel the call to arms as
keenly as any Dwarven or Human mercenary. These few become mercenaries or
adventurers. Some of them, such as this fellow, labor for the forces of
good, if the price is right.
ABGR 4|8|16|32|512|524288 400 0
56 0 50d10+5750 5d5+5000 10d4+24 pound
-26 -26 -26 -2
EIK 0 B Z 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
the marshal~
The marshal of the guards marches back and forth, inspecting his men.
This ancient veteran is clad in an immaculate uniform that sports more
medals than it does material. He marches proudly along, constantly on
duty, ever eager to make sure order is maintained on HIS walls.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 800 0
62 0 50d10+7250 5d5+5000 6d9+32 slash
-32 -32 -32 -4
CEFIK 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
a crossbowman~
A crossbowman patrols here, alert for invaders.
The crossbowmen of the city of Anon are renowned for their marksmanship
across the land. Only the very best can ever hope to join their elite
ABGT 512|8192 400 0
48 0 25d10+3750 5d5+1000 6d6+18 pound
-18 -18 -18 1
EFIKN 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
the guard smith~
The wall guard smith grunts at you.
This doughty dwarf spends all his time repairing damaged equipment. He isn't
one for much conversation.
ABGT 4|8|16|32|128|8192 0 0
59 0 50d10+6500 5d5+5000 8d6+26 pound
-29 -29 -29 -3
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
a vile spectre~
A vile spectre lunges at you.
This is the evil soul of a vile sergeant-at-arms who imprisoned the young
girl here who eventually slew him, dying herself in the process. He has been
condemned to remain here for eternity in punishment for his sins.
2|32|64 4|8|16|32|128|512|8192|32768|524288 -1000 0
60 0 50d10+6750 5d5+5000 8d6+28 charge
-30 -30 -30 -3
EFIKN 0 0 0 
stand stand none 200
0 0 medium 0
a ghost~
A nearly-insubstantial ghost flits silently about.
This is the tormented soul of an innocent peasant girl, captured and dragged
here by a wicked guard intent on marrying her. She slew him while trying to
escape, but died herself in the process, slipping in his blood and breaking
her neck. Her spirit remains here, tormented by its misery.
2|64|128 2|4|8|16|32|128|512|8192|32768|65536|524288 1000 0
60 0 50d10+6750 5d5+5000 8d6+28 magic
-30 -30 -30 -3
EF 0 0 0 
stand stand none 200
0 0 medium 0
a priestess of Lenny~
A priestess of Lenny is here tending to the sick.
This kind woman cures the injuries and ailments of the city guards. She
smiles at you as you enter, and bids you state your injuries so she can
heal them.
2|64 4|8|16|32|128|512|8192 1000 0
60 0 50d10+6750 5d5+5000 8d6+28 slap
-30 -30 -30 -3
EFNU 0 0 0 
stand stand female 200
0 0 medium 0
a burly worker~
A burly worker shoves a heavy barrel onto a scow.
These burly fellows would be a tough foe in a barroom brawl. They have more
tattoos than skin, it seems, and more hair than the average Kodiak grizzly.
64|8388608 8192 0 0
8 0 2d7+96 5d5+100 1d7+2 punch         
3 3 3 8
EFNU 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
a sailor~
A crusty old sailor swigs from his bottle of rum.
This disreputable-looking fellow is a crew member from one of the scows. He
is simply waiting till its time to go.
64|8388608 8192 0 0
8 0 2d7+96 5d5+100 1d7+2 punch         
3 3 3 8
EFNU 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0
dock master~
the dock master~
The dock master is here checking cargo inventories.
He is far too busy to speak to you.
2|64|8388608 128 400 0
12 0 2d10+150 5d5+100 1d10+3 pound   
0 0 0 7
CEIK 0 0 0 
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium 0

sword longsword~
an ornate Longsword~
An ornate Longsword is lying here.~
5 64 1|8192
0 0 0 11 
25 0 0
18 4
19 4
breastplate plate~
an ornate Breastplate~
An ornate Breastplate with a black and gold coat of arms is lying here.~
9 0 1|8
0 0 0 0 
20 0 0
5 2
17 -15
an ornate Bracer~
An ornate Bracer with a black and gold coat of arms is lying here.~
9 0 1|4096
0 0 0 0 
15 0 0
2 2
18 2
a black cloak with gold trim~
A black cloak with Gold Trim is lying here.~
9 0 1|4
0 0 0 0 
10 0 0
12 25
17 -15
an ornate helm~
An ornate helm bearing a black and gold coat of arms lies here.~
9 0 1|16
0 0 0 0 
10 0 0
3 1
4 1
17 -20
an ornate shield~
A shield bearing the crest of the House of Lenny lies here.~
9 0 1|512
0 0 0 0
20 0 0
17 -20
23 -2
24 -2
a throwing spear~
A sturdy throwing spear has been thrust into the ground here.~
30 64 1|8192|16384
0 0 0 0 
20 0 0
18 2
19 2
a signet ring~
A signet ring that identifies the wearer as a trusted wall guard lies here.~
9 1|2 1|2
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
2 3
17 -25
18 2
19 2
suit plate mail~
a suit of plate mail~
A suit of heavy plate mail is piled up here.~
9 1024 1|8
0 0 0 0
50 0 0
2 -2
17 -45
a finely-made broadsword~
A knight's broadsword lies here.~
5 1|64|1024 1|8192
0 0 0 3
10 0 0
18 8
19 8
a knight's shield~
A knight's shield lies here.~
9 1024 1|512
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
17 -20
23 -3
24 -3
a knight's helm~
A knight's helm lies here.~
9 1024 1|16
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
4 3
a pair of mail gauntlets~
A pair of mail gauntlets lie here.~
9 64|1024 1|16
0 0 0 0
4 0 0
1 2
18 2
19 3
a holy signet ring~
A holy signet ring lies here.~
9 1|2|64|1024 1|2
0 0 0 0
10 0 0
marshal uniform~
the marshal's uniform~
The marshal's uniform lies here, neatly pressed.~
9 0 1|8
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
18 3
19 3
swagger stick~
the marshal's swagger stick~
The marshal's swagger stick lies here.~
3 1|2|1024 1|16384
60 1 1 24
1 0 0
a wall beacon~
This beacon illuminates the walls for guards patrolling at night.~
1 64 1|65536
0 0 -1 0
5 0 0
pot boiling oil~
a pot of boiling oil~
A pot of boiling oil bubbles away here.~
12 1 0
0 0 0 0
100 0 0
pot boiling oil~
It is far too heavy to lift.~
murderhole murder hole~
a murder hole~
A murder hole is in the middle of the floor here.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
murder hole~
A small square hole with a series of metal bars across it through which
boiling oil can be poured onto attackers below.~
a crossbow~
A finely-crafted crossbow lies here.~
5 0 1|32768
0 0 0 11
10 0 0
18 6
a suit of chainmail~
A suit of chainmail lies here.~
9 0 1|8
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
5 2
leather leggings~
a pair of leather leggings~
A pair of leather leggings lie here.~
9 0 1|32
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
13 25
leather wristguard~
a crossbowman's leather wristguard~
A strip of hardened leather lies here.~
9 0 1|4096
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a torn scroll~
2 0 1|16384
50 59 0 0
1 0 0
an old key~
An old key lies here.~
18 0 1|16384
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
This key is inscribed with silvery runes.
an old scroll~
An old scroll has been left here, neatly rolled and sealed.~
2 64 1|16384
60 65 65 65
1 0 0
4 3
The scroll reads-

"Use the power of this scroll to help send the foul sergeant's spectre
to the oblivion it deserves. Unlock the tower and enter. Be not weak of
heart nor of sinew- the spectre is ancient and very powerful. Only the
strongest shall pervail! You will find a key to break the mystic portal,
use it well"
a footlocker~
A footlocker rests near a bed.~
15 0 0
100 1 0 0
10 0 0
It is bolted to the floor. Perhaps its contents are easier to abscond with.
an ancient tapestry~
An ancient tapestry depicting the construction of these walls hangs here.~
8 1 1|16384
0 0 0 0
25 50000 0
an ancient tapestry~
An ancient tapestry depicting the construction of Midgaard hangs here.~
8 1 1|16384
0 0 0 0
25 50000 0
an ancient tapestry~
An ancient tapestry depicting the construction of Malathar hangs here.~
8 1 1|16384
0 0 0 0
25 50000 0
an ancient tapestry~
An ancient tapestry depicting the construction of Freeport hangs here.~
8 1 1|16384
0 0 0 0
25 50000 0
belaying pin~
a belaying pin~
A belaying pin lies here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 0 0 7
5 0 0
barrel ale~
a barrel of ale~
A barrel of ale sits here, ready to be transported.~
17 0 1
25 25 3 0
25 0 0
an empty barrel~
An empty barrel rests here.~
9 0 1|8
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
a lantern~
A lantern sits here.~
1 0 1|65536
0 0 200 0
2 25 0
a coiled rope~
A coil of rope lies here.~
9 0 1|2048
0 0 0 0
2 200 0
5 2
a leather backpack~
A leather backpack sits here.~
15 0 1|8
100 1 0 0
2 0 0
a bolt of cloth~
A bolt of cloth lies on the floor here.~
8 0 1
0 0 0 0
5 250 0
a warehouse key~
A warehouse key is here.~
18 0 1|16384
0 0 0 0
1 250 0
a scow~
A scow is moored here.~
15 262144|524288 0
10000 0 0 1
1000 0 0
a cutlass~
A cutlass lies here.~
5 0 1|8192
0 0 0 3
7 0 0
ring wizardry~
a ring of wizardry~
A ring of wizardry has been left here.~
9 1|64 1|2
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
3 2
12 50
staff power~
a staff of power~
A staff of power rests on the floor here.~
4 1|64 1|16384
55 25 25 30
1 0 0
12 25
17 -20
robe magi~
a white robe of the magi~
A white robe of the magi lies here.~
28 1|64|1024 1|1024
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
2 1
12 20
13 20
17 -20
18 1
19 1
boots speed~
a pair of boots of speed~
A pair of boots of speed lie here.~
9 1|64 1|64
0 0 0 0
2 0 0
2 3
14 100
17 -10
invincible plate~
a suit of invincible plate~
A suit of invincible plate lies here.~
9 2|4|16|32|64|128|512|2048|4096 1|8
20 0 0 0
25 0 0
1 4
5 4
17 -25
23 -3
24 -3

Inside the Guard Tower~
You are standing inside the northern guard tower at the west gate. This
tower is a circular affair approximately twenty feet in diameter and forty
feet high. Straw has been scattered across the stone floor, and some plain
but functional wooden furniture has been arranged about the room for off-
duty guards. A spiral staircase winds its way up to the next floor in one
corner. A fire burns merrily away in a hearth to the east, the smoke
escaping through a small shaft that runs up one side of the turret.
0 8 0
1 0 31016
0 -1 31202
Inside the Guard Tower~
You are standing inside the southern guard tower at the west gate. This
tower is a circular affair approximately twenty feet in diameter and forty
feet high. Straw has been scattered across the stone floor, and some plain
but functional wooden furniture has been arranged about the room for off-
duty guards. A set of dominos and a small pile of silver pieces suggest that
a friendly game between some guards was recently in progress. It seems the
guards were called away in a hurry, for they left their winnings behind. A
spiral staircase winds its way up to the next floor in one corner.
0 8 0
1 0 31016
0 -1 31207
Inside the North Tower, West Gatehouse~
You are standing inside the north tower at the west gatehouse. Doors lead
north into the passages that run through the city walls, and south into the
gatehouse proper. A staircase winds its way up to the next floor.
0 8 0
1 0 31203
1 0 31216
0 -1 31226
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads south into the north tower, west gatehouse.
0 8 0
0 -1 31204
1 0 31202
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly
0 8 0
0 -1 31205
0 -1 31203
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads north into the northwest tower.
0 8 0
1 -1 31206
0 -1 31204
Northwest Tower~
This massive circular tower rises at the northwest corner of the city walls.
It is sixty feet tall, and thirty feet in diameter, making it just about the
largest tower you've ever seen. Guards march back and forth past you,
barely sparing you a second glance as they busily go about their duty. Doors
to the east and south allow you to enter the passages that run through the
bowels of the walls, and a staircase allows you to proceed up or down
through the tower.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31230
1 0 31205
0 -1 31256
0 -1 31252
Inside the South Tower, West Gatehouse~
You are standing inside the north tower at the west gatehouse. Doors lead
north into the passages that run through the city walls, and south into the
gatehouse proper. A staircase winds its way up to the next floor. A pile of
old weapons lies in one corner, waiting to me removed.
0 8 0
1 0 31216
1 0 31208
0 -1 31227
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads north into the south tower, west gatehouse.
0 8 0
1 0 31207
0 -1 31209
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly
0 8 0
0 -1 31208
0 -1 31210
Inside the Western City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads south into the northwest tower.
0 8 0
0 -1 31209
1 0 31211
Southwest Tower~
This massive circular tower rises at the southwest corner of the city walls.
It is sixty feet tall, and thirty feet in diameter, making it just about the
largest tower you've ever seen. Guards march back and forth past you,
barely sparing you a second glance as they busily go about their duty. Doors
to the east and north allow you to enter the passages that run through the
bowels of the walls, and a staircase allows you to proceed up or down
through the tower.

You hear the ringing of metal against metal coming from below, and feel a
sudden wave of heat, as if from a furnace.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31241
1 0 31210
0 -1 31258
0 -1 31254
Inside the Guard Tower~
You are standing inside the northern guard tower at the east gate. This
tower is a circular affair approximately twenty feet in diameter and forty
feet high. Straw has been scattered across the stone floor, and some plain
but functional wooden furniture, deeply scored with dagger cuts, has been
arranged about the room for off-duty guards. Several pewter mugs half-full
of the local brew sit about near a game of draughts. A spiral staircase winds
its way up to the next floor in one corner. A fire burns merrily away in a
hearth to the east, the smoke escaping through a small shaft that runs up one
side of the turret.
0 8 0
1 0 31017
0 -1 31214
Inside the Guard Tower~
You are standing inside the southern guard tower at the east gate. This
tower is a circular affair approximately twenty feet in diameter and forty
feet high. Straw has been scattered across the stone floor, and some plain
but functional wooden furniture, deeply scored with dagger cuts, has been
arranged about the room for off-duty guards. A spiral staircase winds
its way up to the next floor in one corner. A fire burns merrily away in a
hearth to the east, the smoke escaping through a small shaft that runs up one
side of the turret. A small cat purrs contentedly near the fire.
0 8 0
1 0 31017
0 -1 31215
Inside the North Tower, East Gatehouse~
You are standing inside the north tower at the east gatehouse. Doors lead
north into the passages that run through the city walls, and south into the
gatehouse proper. A staircase winds its way up to the next floor. The eastern
wall is crossletted, allowing you to gaze out upon the forbidding plains of
0 8 0
1 0 31218
1 0 31217
0 -1 31228
Inside the South Tower, East Gatehouse~
You are standing inside the south tower at the east gatehouse. Doors lead
south into the passages that run through the city walls, and north into the
gatehouse proper. A staircase winds its way up to the next floor. The eastern
wall is crossletted, allowing you to gaze out upon the forbidding plains of
blood. There is some writing on the wall here.
0 8 0
1 0 31217
1 0 31222
0 -1 31229
writing wall~
The writing says-

"Now my charms are all o'erthrown, and what strength I have's mine own;
 which is most faint; now, 'tis true, I must be here confined by you, or
 send to Naples. Let me not, since I have my dukedom got and pardon'd the
 deceiver dwell in this bare siland by your spell; but release me from my
 bands with the help fo your good hands. Gentle breath of yours my sails
 must fill, or else my project fails, which was to please. Now I want spirits
 to enforce, art to enchant; and my ending is despair, unless I be reliev'd
 by prayer, which pierces so that it assaults mercy itself and frees all
 faults. As you from crimes would pardon'd be, let your indulgence set me
 free". (The Tempest, Epilogue)
The Gatehouse~
You are standing in the gatehouse that houses the great western mithril
valves of the City of Anon. Massive guard towers lie to the north and south.
There are murder holes set in the floor at your feet, allowing defenders
to pour boiling oil upon any who manage to breach the gate. The western wall
is crossletted for archers, and through it you can see the plains of
western Anon, and beyond them an impenetrable mountain range.
0 8 0
1 0 31202
1 0 31207
The Gatehouse~
You are standing in the gatehouse that houses the great eastern mithril
valves of the City of Anon. Massive guard towers lie to the north and south.
There are murder holes set in the floor at your feet, allowing defenders
to pour boiling oil upon any who manage to breach the gate. The western wall
is crossletted for archers, and through it you can see the forbidding plains
of blood.
0 8 0
1 0 31214
1 0 31215
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the City of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads south into the north tower, east gatehouse.
0 8 0
0 -1 31219
1 0 31214
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the City of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly
0 8 0
0 -1 31220
0 -1 31218
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the City of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads north into northeast tower.
0 8 0
1 -1 31221
0 -1 31219
Northeast Tower~
This massive circular tower rises at the northeast corner of the city walls.
It is sixty feet tall, and thirty feet in diameter, making it just about the
largest tower you've ever seen. Guards march back and forth past you,
barely sparing you a second glance as they busily go about their duty. Doors
to the west and south allow you to enter the passages that run through the
bowels of the walls, and a staircase allows you to proceed up or down
through the tower.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31220
1 0 31240
0 -1 31257
0 -1 31253
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads south into the north tower, east gatehouse.
0 8 0
1 0 31215
0 -1 31223
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly
0 8 0
0 -1 31222
0 -1 31224
Inside the Eastern City Wall~
You are making you way along a narrow corridor that runs through the
center of the cyclopean walls of the city of Anon. Crossbow slits at regular
intervals allow you to look out upon the western plains that lie beyond
the city. Crossbowmen walk back and forth, talking and joking but ever alert
for any signs of attack. After a while you begin to feel slightly

A door leads south into southeast tower.
0 8 0
0 -1 31223
1 -1 31225
Southeast Tower~
This massive circular tower rises at the southwest corner of the city walls.
It is sixty feet tall, and thirty feet in diameter, making it just about the
largest tower you've ever seen. Guards march back and forth past you,
barely sparing you a second glance as they busily go about their duty. Doors
to the west and north allow you to enter the passages that run through the
bowels of the walls, and a staircase allows you to proceed up or down
through the tower.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31224
1 0 31251
0 -1 31259
0 -1 31255
North Tower, Western Gatehouse~
You are in the north tower, western gatehouse. The staircase you have been
using continues up and down through the tower. Doors lead north and south
onto the battlements.
0 8 0
1 0 31270
1 0 31268
0 -1 31260
0 -1 31202
South Tower, Western Gatehouse~
You are in the south tower, western gatehouse. The staircase you have been
using continues up and down through the tower. Doors lead north and south
onto the battlements.
0 8 0
1 0 31268
1 0 31271
0 -1 31261
0 -1 31207
North Tower, Eastern Gatehouse~
You are in the north tower, eastern gatehouse. The staircase you have been
using continues up and down through the tower. Doors lead north and south
onto the battlements.
0 8 0
1 0 31272
1 0 31269
0 -1 31262
0 -1 31214
South Tower, Eastern Gatehouse~
You are in the south tower, eastern gatehouse. The staircase you have been
using continues up and down through the tower. Doors lead north and south
onto the battlements.
0 8 0
1 0 31269
1 0 31273
0 -1 31263
0 -1 31215
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.

A door leads west into northwest tower.
0 8 0
0 -1 31231
1 0 31206
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31232
0 -1 31230
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31233
0 -1 31231
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31234
0 -1 31232
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31235
0 -1 31233
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31236
0 -1 31234
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31237
0 -1 31235
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31238
0 -1 31236
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31239
0 -1 31237
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31240
0 -1 31238
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast northern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.

A door leads east into northeast tower.
0 8 0
1 -1 31221
0 -1 31239
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.

A door leads west into southwest tower.
0 8 0
0 -1 31242
1 0 31211
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31243
0 -1 31241
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31244
0 -1 31242
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31245
0 -1 31243
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31246
0 -1 31244
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31247
0 -1 31245
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31248
0 -1 31246
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31249
0 -1 31247
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31250
0 -1 31248
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.
0 8 0
0 -1 31251
0 -1 31249
Within the Walls~
You are advancing along the long narrow passage that runs through the
center of the vast southern wall of the City of Anon. This passage, like
the shorter eastern and western versions, is crossletted at regular
intervals, and regularly patrolled by squads of crossbowmen.

A door to the east leads into southeast tower.
0 8 0
1 -1 31225
0 -1 31250
Base of Northwest Tower~
You have reached the bottom of Northwest tower, the huge tower at the
northwestern corner of the walls of the City of Anon. It appears to serve
as some sort of storage area, being as it is full of weapons and armor.
There are no visible exits, besides the staircase back up.
0 1|4|8 0
0 -1 31206
Base of Northeast Tower~
This room is dusty and full of cobwebs. It probably hasn't been entered in
ages. Coughing, you make your way through a jumble of debris, looking for
another exit, but you find none. You do spy several torn scraps of what
looks like scrolls scattered about, though.
0 1|4|8 0
0 -1 31221
Base of Southwest Tower~
This chamber serves as quarters for the wall guard smith. He spends most of
his day down here in this smithy, repairing the damaged equipment of the
guards. He may even repair yours.
0 8 0
0 -1 31211
Base of Southeast Tower~
This rooms is totally devoid of furniture, and looks to have been swept
recently. Wonder what it will be used for...?
0 1|4|8 0
0 -1 31225
Northwest Tower~
You are inside the northwest tower of the walls of Anon. Up from here are
the offices of some of the guard officers and other personnel. Doors lead
east and south out onto the battlements.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31286
1 0 31276
0 -1 31308
0 -1 31206
Northeast Tower~
You are inside the northwest tower of the walls of Anon. From the look of it
it hasn't been cleaned in ages. A bolted iron trapdoor blocks the staircase
leading up. How odd...
0 1|4|8 0
1 0 31285
1 0 31296
As you look closer, you notice the door is lined with silver runes...
door trapdoor up~
1 31224 31311
0 -1 31221
Southwest Tower~
You are inside the southwest tower of the walls of Anon. Up from here are
the offices of some of the guard officers and other personnel. Doors lead
east and north out onto the battlements.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31279
1 0 31297
0 -1 31309
0 -1 31211
Southeast Tower~
You are inside the southeast tower of the walls of Anon. Up from here are
the offices of some of the guard officers and other personnel. Doors lead
west and north out onto the battlements.
0 4|8 0
1 0 31282
1 0 31307
0 -1 31310
0 -1 31225
North Tower, West Gatehouse~
Guards nod briefly at you, with slight curiosity as you advance up into
this guard tower. This level appears to be the quarters of many of them,
judging by the neatly-made beds and clothes racks. A trapdoor in the ceiling
leads up the the roof of the tower.
0 8 0
1 0 31264
0 -1 31226
South Tower, West Gatehouse~
Guards nod briefly at you, with slight curiosity as you advance up into
this guard tower. This level appears to be the quarters of many of them,
judging by the neatly-made beds and clothes racks. A trapdoor in the ceiling
leads up the the roof of the tower.
0 8 0
1 0 31265
0 -1 31227
North Tower, East Gatehouse~
Guards nod briefly at you, with slight curiosity as you advance up into
this guard tower. This level appears to be the quarters of many of them,
judging by the neatly-made beds and clothes racks. A trapdoor in the ceiling
leads up the the roof of the tower.
0 8 0
1 0 31267
0 -1 31228
South Tower, East Gatehouse~
Guards nod briefly at you, with slight curiosity as you advance up into
this guard tower. This level appears to be the quarters of many of them,
judging by the neatly-made beds and clothes racks. A trapdoor in the ceiling
leads up the the roof of the tower.
0 8 0
1 0 31266
0 -1 31229
The Roof of the Tower~
You are standing on the roof of the tower. Looking around, you can see the
sprawl of Anon to the east, the roof of the temple dominating the scene in
the mid-center. To the west you can see the vast plains that stretch for
miles to the distant mountain ranges, where few have dared to travel. To
the south lies more fields, divided up by features such as the river of
0 0 1
1 0 31260
The Roof of the Tower~
You are standing on the roof of the tower. Looking around, you can see the
sprawl of Anon to the east, the roof of the temple dominating the scene in
the mid-center. To the west you can see the vast plains that stretch for
miles to the distant mountain ranges, where few have dared to travel. To
the south lies more fields, divided up by features such as the river of
0 0 1
1 0 31261
The Roof of the Tower~
You are standing on the roof of the tower. Looking around, you can see the
sprawl of Anon to the east, the roof of the temple dominating the scene in
the mid-center. To the west you can see the vast plains that stretch for
miles to the distant mountain ranges, where few have dared to travel. To
the south lies more fields, divided up by features such as the river of
0 0 1
1 0 31263
The Roof of the Tower~
You are standing on the roof of the tower. Looking around, you can see the
sprawl of Anon to the east, the roof of the temple dominating the scene in
the mid-center. To the west you can see the vast plains that stretch for
miles to the distant mountain ranges, where few have dared to travel. To
the south lies more fields, divided up by features such as the river of
0 0 1
1 0 31262
Atop the Gatehouse~
You are standing on the short section of the battlements that runs between
the north and south towers of the western gatehouse. Below, you can see
travellers making their way into and out of the city.
0 0 1
1 0 31226
1 0 31227
Atop the Gatehouse~
You are standing on the short section of the battlements that runs between
the north and south towers of the eastern gatehouse. Below, you can see
travellers making their way into and out of the city. Looking west, you
see smoke rising from the blasted terrain of the plains of blood, and
wonder if there is another raiding party coming.
0 0 1
1 0 31228
1 0 31229
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Looking west, you can see far across the plains. Smoke rises from
several settlements, including Solace, Midgaard, the Gnome village and the

A door to the south leads into the north tower, western gatehouse.
0 0 1
0 -1 31274
1 0 31226
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Guards nod at you as you pass, before quickly returning to their
observation of the land and the city, and you admire their dedication to
their work.

A door to the north leads into the southern tower, western gatehouse.
0 0 1
1 0 31227
0 -1 31277
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Peering over the crenelations, you shudder as you gaze upon the
desolate wastes of the plains of blood. You cast your eye about to try and
spot something more pleasing, but only see the old marsh and the acid forest.
Charming terrain.

A door to the south leads into the northern tower, eastern gatehouse.
0 0 1
0 -1 31283
1 0 31228
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Seagulls circle overhead, and you are puzzling at their presence when
you suddenly remember the river of Anon runs just south east of here.
Looking over the crenelations, you see it flowing swiftly along, parallel
to the south wall, heading off into a thick forest.

A door to the north leads into the southern tower, eastern gatehouse.
0 0 1
1 0 31229
0 -1 31280
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Looking west, you can see far across the plains. Smoke rises from
several settlements, including Solace, Midgaard, the Gnome village and the
0 0 1
0 -1 31276
0 -1 31270
The Anon Docks~
This collection of buildings serves as the dock for the city on the Anon
River. As most of the city's trade comes in by caravan, the docks are not
very large.
0 0 1
0 -1 31028
0 -1 31278
0 -1 31281
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Looking west, you can see far across the plains. Smoke rises from
several settlements, including Solace, Midgaard, the Gnome village and the

A door leads into northwest tower north of here.
0 0 1
1 -1 31256
0 -1 31274
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Guards nod at you as you pass, before quickly returning to their
observation of the land and the city, and you admire their dedication to
their work.
0 0 1
1 0 31271
0 -1 31279
The Pier~
Several small punts and a couple of larger scows are moored at the jetty
here. A couple of burly laborers work at moving several heavy barrels onto
one of the scows. They grunt in greeting as you watch.
0 0 1
0 -1 31275
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the western
wall. Guards nod at you as you pass, before quickly returning to their
observation of the land and the city, and you admire their dedication to
their work.

A door to the south leads into southwest tower.
0 0 1
0 0 31277
1 -1 31258
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Seagulls circle overhead, and you are puzzling at their presence when
you suddenly remember the river of Anon runs just south east of here.
Looking over the crenelations, you see it flowing swiftly along, parallel
to the south wall, heading off into a thick forest.
0 0 1
0 -1 31273
0 -1 31282
You are standing outside several warehouses. Most of them are boarded up and
empty. However, there is one to the south that appears to be still in use.
0 0 1
0 -1 31275
1 31238 31284
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the southern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Seagulls circle overhead, and you are puzzling at their presence when
you suddenly remember the river of Anon runs just south east of here.
Looking over the crenelations, you see it flowing swiftly along, parallel
to the south wall, heading off into a thick forest.

A door to the south leads into southeast tower.
0 0 1
0 0 31280
1 -1 31259
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Peering over the crenelations, you shudder as you gaze upon the
desolate wastes of the plains of blood. You cast your eye about to try and
spot something more pleasing, but only see the old marsh and the acid forest.
Charming terrain.
0 0 1
0 -1 31285
0 -1 31272
A Warehouse~
This warehouse is filled with general goods such as coils of rope, piles of
cheap cloth, barrels of ale and wine, lanterns, flasks of oil, jars of
spices and dried meats. There is a sweet aroma in the air.
0 1|8 0
1 31238 31281
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the northern half of the battlements on the eastern
wall. Peering over the crenelations, you shudder as you gaze upon the
desolate wastes of the plains of blood. You cast your eye about to try and
spot something more pleasing, but only see the old marsh and the acid forest.
Charming terrain.

A door to the north leads into northwest tower. There is a sign tacked to it.
0 0 1
The sign reads- "KEEP OUT! By order of the Marshal"
door sign~
1 -1 31257
0 0 31283
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?

A door leads west into northwest tower.
0 0 1
0 -1 31287
1 0 31256
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31288
0 -1 31286
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31289
0 -1 31287
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31290
0 -1 31288
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31291
0 -1 31289
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31292
0 -1 31290
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31293
0 -1 31291
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31294
0 -1 31292
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31295
0 -1 31293
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?
0 0 1
0 -1 31296
0 -1 31294
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are heading along the huge northern wall of the City of Anon. This wall
extends for at least twice the distance of the east and west walls,
protecting the vulnerable northern aspect of the city from the constant
attacks by warring raiders from the northern plains. Peering about, you see
little of note, save the dark stretch of Mirkwood. Who knows what adventures
may be found in there...?

A door leads east into northeast tower. There is a sign tacked to it.
0 0 1
The sign says- "Keep Out! By order of the Marshal"
door sign~
1 -1 31257
0 -1 31295
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.

A door to the west leads into southwest tower.
0 0 1
0 -1 31298
1 0 31258
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31299
0 -1 31297
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31300
0 -1 31298
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31301
0 -1 31299
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31302
0 -1 31300
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31303
0 -1 31301
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31304
0 -1 31302
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31305
0 -1 31303
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31306
0 -1 31304
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.
0 0 1
0 -1 31307
0 -1 31305
Heading Along the Battlements~
You are strolling along the vast southern wall of the City of Anon, enjoying
the cool breeze and the scenic view. The guards call this the "easy spot"
because there has never been an assault from the south on the city, mostly
due to the presence of the mighty Anon River, which flows parallel to this
wall. You smile, relax and enjoy the walk.

A door to the east leads into southeast tower.
0 0 1
1 -1 31259
0 -1 31306
Northwest Tower~
This room serves as the quarters of the commanders of the north and west
wall guards. It is sparsely decorated, featuring only two beds, two wardrobes,
a mirror and two footlockers. A few weapons are neatly arranged on one wall,
and a throw rug lies near the staircase.
0 8 0
0 -1 31312
0 -1 31256
Southwest Tower~
This room serves as quarters to the Knights of the Grand and Holy Order of
Anon assigned to wall guard duty. This room resembles a chapel more than
anything, with two small cots arranged near an altar bearing a chalice and
a ewer. A tapestry hangs on one wall, depicting knights receiving blessings
from Lenny.
0 8 0
0 -1 31314
0 -1 31258
Southeast Tower~
This room serves as the quarters of the commanders of the south and east
wall guards. It is sparsely decorated, featuring only two beds, two wardrobes,
a mirror and two footlockers. A few weapons are neatly arranged on one wall,
and a throw rug lies near the staircase.
0 8 0
0 -1 31316
0 -1 31259
A Dusty Chamber~
This room has an evil feel to it. The smashed furniture, bloodstains and
broken bones are bad enough, but in addition there is a definite evil aura
to this fell domain, as if some foul deed has been perpetrated here. You
get the distinct feeling that this place is haunted.
0 1|8|8192 0
0 -1 31318
1 31224 31257
The Top of Northwest Tower~
This room is the quarters of the Guards Provost-Marshal, Glenwellucan Mad-
Llleweleucam. He is a rather senile old veteran of more wars than he could
possibly count. The room is littered with memorabilia, probably worth a
fortune to a collector, but useless to you. Then again, maybe not...
0 8 0
1 0 31313
0 -1 31308
The Roof of Northwest Tower~
The Marshal uses this area as a relaxation area. There is a deckchair and
a small table, for use on sunny days- the Marshal sports a very healthy
tan. An umbrella lies folded up next to a bookcase with several tattered
0 0 1
1 0 31312
The Battlemages' Quarters~
Here reside the battlemages currently in the employ of the City. As they
spend little free time doing anything but meditating or learning new spells,
this room has little of interest. There is a bookcase full of scrolls, but
none of them are magical.
0 8 0
1 0 31315
0 -1 31309
The Roof of Southwest Tower~
This roof is totally featureless. Peering through the crenelations, you
get a good view of southwestern Anon, though. Due south lies the cursed
forest wherein a Witches' Coven is supposed to exist, and beyond that lies
the fabled elemental canyon.
0 0 1
1 0 31314
The Healing Chambers~
In this room, generous priests and priestesses of Lenny give up their time
to tend to the illnesses of the city guards. They will tend to others'
injuries as well, for a fee. Such is the way of Lenny.
0 8 0
1 0 31317
0 -1 31310
The Roof of Southeast Tower~
This roof has been recently swept clean, and a stone altar erected to the
Gods. The sun is caught by a reflecting crystal so that it shines directly
onto the altar at all times during the day. The effect is quite splendid.
You feel totally at ease in this place.
0 1024 0
1 0 31316
A Dusty Chamber~
This room has an evil feel to it. The smashed furniture, bloodstains and
broken bones are bad enough, but in addition there is a definite evil aura
to this fell domain, as if some foul deed has been perpetrated here. You
get the distinct feeling that this place is haunted.
0 1|8|8192 0
1 31224 31319
1 31224 31311
The Roof of the Cursed Northeast Tower~
This roof has not bee visited in a long time. The trapdoor is covered in
silvery mystic runes, as is the stone around it. A chill wind blows here,
at all times, and birds have been known to die when flying too close. It
is truly a cursed place.
0 1|8192 1
1 31224 31318


M 1 31200 4 31274 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31200 4 31227 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31200 4 31277 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31201 4 31297 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31201 4 31302 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31201 4 31307 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31202 4 31286 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31202 4 31291 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31202 4 31296 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31203 4 31283 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31203 4 31280 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31203 4 31269 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31204 1 31308 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31205 1 31300 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31206 1 31291 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31207 1 31310 1
E 1 31200 1 16
E 1 31201 1 5
E 1 31202 1 14
E 1 31202 1 15
E 1 31203 1 3
E 1 31204 1 6
E 1 31205 1 11
E 1 31206 1 17
E 1 31207 1 1
M 1 31208 1 31309 1
E 1 31208 1 5
E 1 31209 1 16
E 1 31210 1 11
E 1 31211 1 6
E 1 31212 1 9
E 1 31213 1 1
M 1 31209 1 31314 1
E 1 31241 1 1
E 1 31242 1 17
E 1 31243 1 12
E 1 31244 1 8
M 1 31210 1 31312 1
E 1 31214 1 5
E 1 31215 1 17
M 1 31211 8 31205 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31211 8 31210 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31211 8 31220 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31211 8 31225 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31211 8 31235 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31211 8 31246 1
E 1 31219 1 16
E 1 31220 1 5
E 1 31221 1 7
E 1 31222 1 14
M 1 31212 1 31254 1 *  LOADS SMITH
M 1 31213 1 31318 1
E 1 31245 1 5
M 1 31214 1 31311 1
M 1 31215 1 31316 1
M 1 31216 4 31278 1
E 1 31231 1 16
G 1 31232 0 0
O 1 31232 1 31278
O 1 31233 1 31278
O 1 31232 1 31284
O 1 31233 1 31284
O 1 31239 1 31278
O 1 31234 1 31284
O 1 31235 1 31284
O 1 31236 1 31284
O 1 31237 1 31284
M 1 31217 4 31275 1
E 1 31240 1 16
M 1 31218 1 31278 1
G 1 31238 0 0
O 1 31216 1 31202
O 1 31216 1 31203
O 1 31216 1 31205
O 1 31216 1 31206
O 1 31216 1 31207
O 1 31216 1 31208
O 1 31216 1 31210
O 1 31216 1 31211
O 1 31216 1 31214
O 1 31216 1 31218
O 1 31216 1 31215
O 1 31216 1 31222
O 1 31216 1 31220
O 1 31216 1 31221
O 1 31216 1 31224
O 1 31216 1 31225
O 1 31216 1 31230
O 1 31216 1 31233
O 1 31216 1 31236
O 1 31216 1 31240
O 1 31216 1 31241
O 1 31216 1 31245
O 1 31216 1 31248
O 1 31216 1 31251
O 1 31216 1 31268
O 1 31216 1 31269
O 1 31217 1 31216
O 1 31217 1 31217
O 1 31218 1 31216
O 1 31218 1 31217
O 1 31223 1 31253
O 1 31226 1 31312
P 1 31224 1 31226 1
P 1 31225 1 31226 1
O 1 31227 1 31312
O 1 31228 1 31314
O 1 31229 1 31316
O 1 31230 1 31318

M 31200 spec_guard
M 31201 spec_guard
M 31202 spec_guard
M 31203 spec_guard
M 31204 spec_guard
M 31205 spec_guard
M 31206 spec_guard
M 31207 spec_guard
M 31208 spec_cast_cleric
M 31209 spec_cast_mage
M 31210 spec_cast_judge
M 31211 spec_cast_judge
M 31213 spec_cast_undead
M 31214 spec_cast_adept
M 31215 spec_cast_adept
