                         Condensed Netiquette Guide
(or how not to make a complete ass of yourself in front of the entire world)
SEE ALSO:  .h disclaimer

Don't offend other people. Simple as that. People come here to have fun
and chat with lots of other users from around the world. They
don't want to have to cope with some moron picking on them, or being
offensive in public. 

o  Don't swear or make offensive comments in public. (Cygnus: words like 
   hell, shit, bastard and ass will be accepted when used jokingly, and 
   other users understand it) What you do in a private room with others who 
   agree to be there is your own business, but in the public areas, please 
   be sensitive to other people, who may have different ideas to you on 
   what offensive is.
   Conversations relating to Drugs will not be tolerated in public.
   No talk of 'how to get or where to find' pirated software is permitted.

o  This applies to your name, desc, profiles, and anything else made
   public as well.

o  Please don't give unwelcome attention to other users, especially after they
   ask you to stop. Harrassing other users will be dealt with severely.
   Limit .fights and .greets in the MAIN room to only 1 or 2.

o  Multiple aliases are NOT allowed. If found, all names/accounts related 
   to that person will be deleted.

o  The wizards are here to moderate the talker, and try to keep things
   running smoothly (ie happy users). They do *NOT* want to be net.police,
   imposing a lot of regulations, they come here to chat like anyone else. 
   So try to sort out disputes yourself before you ask a wizard.
   The above guidelines that you are expected to follow and  
   to interpret sensibly. And no, it's not a democracy. If a wizard is put
   in the position where they HAVE to make a decision, that decision is
   final. If you disagree with a wizard, just deal with it, OK?

o  This service is offered free to the public, but it is not public
   property, and the owner has the right to refuse access to whoever they
   choose, free from any violations of the First Amendment (which being a
   part of the US constitution, doesn't apply to a lot of us anyway).

o  If you don't agree with the above principles, then don't use this
   service. If you want your free speech, then make your own talker. There
   is public domain code available to run a talker very similar to this one.

                                Thanks for reading, and enjoy your stay.