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<TITLE>LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual - Server Messages</TITLE>
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<H3><A NAME="SEC64" HREF="ProgrammersManual_toc.html#TOC64">Server Messages Set in the Database</A></H3>

There are a number of circumstances under which the server itself generates
messages on network connections.  Most of these can be customized or even
eliminated from within the database.  In each such case, a property on
<CODE>$server_options</CODE> is checked at the time the message would be printed.  If
the property does not exist, a default message is printed.  If the property
exists and its value is not a string or a list containing strings, then no
message is printed at all.  Otherwise, the string(s) are printed in place of
the default message, one string per line.  None of these messages are ever
printed on an outbound network connection created by the function

The following list covers all of the customizable messages, showing for each
the name of the relevant property on <CODE>$server_options</CODE>, the default
message, and the circumstances under which the message is printed:


<DT><CODE>boot_msg = "*** Disconnected ***"</CODE>
The function <CODE>boot_player()</CODE> was called on this connection.

<DT><CODE>connect_msg = "*** Connected ***"</CODE>
The user object that just logged in on this connection existed before
<CODE>$do_login_command()</CODE> was called.

<DT><CODE>create_msg = "*** Created ***"</CODE>
The user object that just logged in on this connection did not exist before
<CODE>$do_login_command()</CODE> was called.

<DT><CODE>recycle_msg = "*** Recycled ***"</CODE>
The logged-in user of this connection has been recycled or renumbered (via the
renumber() function).

<DT><CODE>redirect_from_msg = "*** Redirecting connection to new port ***"</CODE>
The logged-in user of this connection has just logged in on some other

<DT><CODE>redirect_to_msg = "*** Redirecting old connection to this port ***"</CODE>
The user who just logged in on this connection was already logged in on some
other connection.


*** Sorry, but the server cannot accept any more connections right now.
*** Please try again later.

This connection arrived when the server really couldn't accept any more
connections, due to running out of a critical operating system resource.

<DT><CODE>timeout_msg = "*** Timed-out waiting for login. ***"</CODE>
This in-bound network connection was idle and un-logged-in for at least
<CODE>CONNECT_TIMEOUT</CODE> seconds (as defined in the file <SAMP>`options.h'</SAMP> when
the server was compiled).

<EM>Fine point:</EM> If the network connection in question was received at a
listening point (established by the <SAMP>`listen()'</SAMP> function) handled by an
object <VAR>obj</VAR> other than <CODE>#0</CODE>, then system messages for that connection
are looked for on <CODE><VAR>obj</VAR>.server_options</CODE>; if that property does not
exist, then <CODE>$server_options</CODE> is used instead.

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