Time-stamp: <01 Apr 97 16:11:38 zephyr>

This is version 1.0 of my ColdC IRC interface.  I wrote it in ColdCore
3.0a6, genesis 1.0p24, so I'd suggest using at least that version of
both, though it will probably work fine with earlier versions.

The things you'll probably want to change will be:


Also, bear in mind that after uploading all this code, you will get a
new room ($irc_room) that, after setting the above three things and
calling $irc_room.open_irc_connection(), is ready to go.

Please let me know (zephyr@nmt.edu) if you have any problems at all
setting it up.  This is my first time releasing any kind of MUD code and
I'm not sure if it will work ;)

 o  Needs to be smarter about detecting broken connections.
 o  Every once in a while, forgets to destroy a disconnected IRC user.
 o  Can only handle one channel and one server at a time.  Although, you
    could make more than one IRC room if you wanted mutli-channel
    support.  But the IRC guys might not like you logging in twice.

 1.0p1   people with pre-p23 drivers can now compile the room, also
         fixed a few problems with the dump not using the correct
         object name
 1.0     initial release

Neale Pickett <zephyr@nmt.edu>