This is the official TODO list for SunderMud. There are many categories
here, to try to get a handle on the inter-relation and massive amount
of bugs and projects that show up in a project such as this.

Crash Bugs:
:: OLC "used" and "unused" commands overflow buffer on large areas and
   cause a crash. This was introduced with recent changes and needs
:: Clone seems to have, the last time checked, been a source of crash
   bugs and is thus disabled.
:: The "world" option on peace is disabled, as it will reliably crash
   the mud.

Major Bugs (Non-Crash):
:: Month names don't always return correctly. This is usually the first
   month. It *may* be connected to lease code.
:: Null group pointers still showing up.
:: There are enough issues with CLAN, LEASE and CHARM/FOLLOW code, that
   they each have their own section... do refer there.
:: Armor created with random object code is all leather, regardless of
   what the name says - this needs to change.

Minor Bugs (Cosmetic):
:: Vampires should be vulnerable to wood.
:: hand-to-hand is a magic damtype for some reason....

Code Issues:
:: Need a better, version confident, savefile for accounts since these
   are one of the things we'd most dearly hate to lose in an upgrade.
:: Importation of foreign area formats needs to be done, has only just
   been started.
:: standardize code to add a/an/the when needed, and have object names 
   not use a/an/the by default.
:: Random Object: a scratched black trinket trinket (obvious bug)
   Random item code needs scrapped and replaced. Based upon a very
   badly done snippet years ago.
:: Short-sighted use of SLCAT, SLCPY and SNP upon my part resulted in
   some possible places where the macros fail to work correctly. This
   is due to using a pointer passed as an argument, which can't be
   sizeof'd (dunno WHY C has this limitation, kinda stupid). These
   places either need to use bare strcpy/strcat/sprintf, or to maintain
   protection from buffer overflow, need to copy the pointer to a local
   variable which can be properly sizeof'd.

Clan Related:
:: Code doesn't handle KILLER characters founding clans properly, since
   clan rules state a new clan can't immediately go PK... The bug is
   due to the fact that this allows KILLERS to potentially be in NON-
   PK clans.
:: Need code to handle clan management of leased rooms.

Lease Related:
:: Month names don't show correctly on leases at all times. Usually
   related to the first month of the next year.
:: Personal notification of expired leases is currently nonfunctional.
:: The number of months set when leasing is not always correct.
:: Roomnames and Roomdescs aren't saving in the lease file.
:: Lease information needs moved out of Lease.DAT and put into an area
   specific leasefile.

Charm/Follow Related:
:: Some mobs are loading with ACT_FOLLOWER. This should only be set
   by code, and not in areafiles, and thus needs removed. Check the
   code to make sure it isn't being set inadvertently.
:: When purchasing a pet, it isn't following properly.
:: Ordering charmed mobs is failing (Says to do it yourself).

Features Needing Work:
:: Monks need work or to be removed.
:: Random objects need to set a material type.
:: Item Quest targets need to be "owned" to prevent their being taken
   advantage of by others.
:: CSC system ... implement "allowed" lists of codes, so that it will
   automatically filter codes not allowed for a function... Move the
   handling of prompts to csctranslate (with a small allowed list)..
   Allow players edit their own "custom score 1" and "custom score 2"
   as well as copy prompts/custom scores from other players.
:: More CSC System Allow players to replace the room description
   layout with their own CSC string. Also copyable, will need to get
   it to format properly with maps (may be difficult).

Priority Feature Requests:
:: DemiGods need lots of work. No real advantages yet.
:: Skill to "tap" magical objects for mana (similar to sacrifice), but
   if this is done, no "black lotus" type potions/items.
:: Progs need a SOUND function.
:: Recharge command for wands/staves
:: Sort area list by levels.
:: Accounts online to complement accounts all...
:: CSC or Formatting codes to align text and set field sizes.
:: CSC codes to control cursor movement with GotoXY?

Back-Burner Ideas:
:: Account Management Menu (on login, like dikus/circles I think)
:: Player skill: Scan more than 1 room away
:: Search should perhaps find hidden players/mobs too?
:: A way to use excess pracs (more buyable skills / stats?)
:: Re-implement metamobs (code is commented) and finish them.
:: Ability to hire guides to an area from the mud, that will "hunt" the
   area for you.
:: New lore command (that doesn't wrap to identify)