                             Revision 2.21 
                              August 1995 
                     {Argh * Grym * Lok * Rainman} 
Section 1:  Area Basics - Getting Started 
Section 2:  Area Format 
Section 3:  Building Your Area 
            * Area 
            * Helps 
            * Mobiles 
            * Objects 
            * Rooms 
            * Resets 
            * Shops 
            * Specials 
Section 4:  Submitting Completed Areas 
Section 5:  Value Tables 
Section 6:  Object Balance 
Section 7:  Etceteras 
            * Resources 
            * Acknowledgments 
            * Diku License 
* This document is in plain text (fixed-width font) and prints best with 
  .25 left and right margins. Add page breaks between the tables in 
  Section 5. We encourage working from a printout of this text. 
                               Section 1:  
                      AREA BASICS - GETTING STARTED 
This document is intended to be a comprehensive guide to building areas 
for Barren Realms MUD. We have attempted to provide the technical and 
creative direction needed to help you create a good area. You may also 
wish to get the 'Area Builders Reference'. Intended for experienced 
builders, it is a compact version of the guide containing only the 'bare 
bones' information needed to build your area with very limited 
additional comments. 
An area is one piece of the world, and each area is defined in a 
separate file. All area files have the extension '.are'. The file itself 
is written in plain text following a very specific structure. Building 
an area differs greatly from coding, as area building requires no 
programming skills whatsoever. It does require creativity, imagination, 
attention to detail, and a little bit of a time investment on your part. 
It is the areas that make the game special. So sit back, relax with your 
favorite beverage, and read on. It is our hope to make the building 
process easily understandable. If you are new to area building, you 
should read through this document prior to starting construction. 
When you have a basic idea for your own area, the first thing you need 
to do is to speak to Simba. You need to see if the mud is currently accepting 
areas, and if there is any special info that you should be aware of. It is a 
good idea to briefly explain your idea as well. It might not be something the 
Imps feel would "fit" in the realms, or someone might be writing/have written 
a very similar area already. It is better to learn this BEFORE you begin 
writing than to be told when you have finished! 
If your idea is approved then you will need a range of virtual numbers 
(VNUMs). The VNUMs that you can use will be assigned to you. Be sure to 
get a range of VNUMs to use BEFORE you start using VNUMs in your area. 
If you don't, you may have to change ALL the numbers later which is time 
consuming and boring. The VNUMs are used to uniquely identify every 
room, mob and object on the MUD.  VNUMs for rooms, mobs and objects are 
treated separately so a room can have the same vnum as a mob and an 
object. Therefore, 100 VNUMs allow for 100 rooms, 100 objects, and 100 
mobs in the area. VNUMs do not have to be in increasing order in your 
area, only somewhere within your given range. To make things clearer, 
this document will refer to an object VNUM as "onum", a mobile VNUM as 
"mnum", and a room VNUM as "rnum". 
Now you can begin to plan out the specifics of your area from your 
original idea. Plan out your area on paper before trying to write it 
out! Please keep your areas original and fitting within the general 
theme of Barren Realms. Remember the world is a magical one, where 
technology is not really developed. Build on the fantasy and keep the 
machine guns, grenades, lasers, etc. out. Devise plots, think of 
economies. How do the mobiles survive, what do they eat, where do they 
sleep? Is there a regional product for sale here? Spin a tale within 
the different elements of your area. Keeping these things in mind will 
make for a better area. 
Check the mud and talk to players to see what level brackets they feel 
need more areas. Try to scale your area to fill these gaps. Also, look 
at what players are wearing and try to create objects that would be 
useful to fill those gaps as well. 
Begin to map out your area on paper (graph paper is great for this), 
then place the mobs and items. Mapping your area is really important. If 
you can't, players can't, and the area becomes frustrating. (see sewers) 
Think before you write. Try and have your area as close to 100 rooms as 
you can. Barren Realms prefers 50-100 roomed areas. For large areas, try 
to work in manageable blocks. Plan on being able to send it in after any 
block is completed. This way you will be able to work in stages, and you 
will have something to submit, even if you never complete it. 
Once you have things mapped out you can finally start writing your area. 
The area file is a simple ASCII text file. We suggest making your area 
in a text editor, a word-processor such as MS-Word or WordPerfect that 
offers text-only output, or an area builder such as Make.Zones.Fast! 
This document focuses on writing the actual area text file. An area 
building program will let you write areas much more quickly and easily 
(handling many complicated parts automatically), however, it is 
important to know the text format that the area files are saved in. (See 
section 7 for more information on MZF) 
Make sure your areas are free from misspellings and grammatical errors. 
Try to spell check your area before sending it in. In addition, do your 
best to be standard in the use of punctuation, capitalization, and 
spacing. Make sure that no line in your area exceeds column 79! A good 
text editor will display this for you. 
If you would like to have a sample area to work with as a guide to help 
further understand this document, just note to Grym with your e-mail 
address and a request for a sample area. You know the adage, a picture 
is worth a 1000 words. Sometimes it helps to have a working copy of an 
area to look at. 
We have tried to make this document as complete as possible. It will be 
under constant revision and scrutiny. Barren Realms is constantly 
improving, and adding new features. This document will maintain as 
current information as possible. If you have any suggestions for this 
document, please send any recommend changes to Rainman, (rainman@cris.com). 
                               Section 2: 
                              AREA FORMAT 
The following shows the framework of an .are file. The file is  
constructed in this manner. The syntax follows these rules: 
- an * after an item indicates a brief note below. 
- numbers in () indicate a corresponding value table in section 4. 
- NOTE: indicates a general note. 
- The bars on the right side of each section indicate which parts are 
- Terms in [] on the right are the standard Merc terms (and how imm 
    commands refer to things). 
- Other symbols like #,~,$,0,etc. must be typed in as they appear. 
(Whew, a lot to remember... don't worry, it's clearer when ya see it!) 
Be sure to read the introduction to section 5: value tables.  It explains the 
preferred format to use for additive table values. 
#AREA  {lowest_mob_level  highest_mob_level}  builder_name  area_name~ 
level*                                                                -. 
keywords~                                                              | 
message                                                                | 
~                                                                      | 
0 $~                                                                  -' 
  *level: level required to read this help message: -0=all, 
          51=Hero & Immortal, 52=Immortal only 
#mnum                                                                 -. 
keywords~                                                       [name] | 
action_name~                                                   [short] | 
look_name                                                       [long] | 
~                                                                      | 
examine_description                                          [descrip] | 
~                                                                      | 
act(1)  affected(2)  align*  S                                         | 
level  0  0  0d0+0  0d0+0                                              | 
0  0  0  0  sex*                                                      -' 
  *align: -1000 (satanic) to 1000 (angelic) 
  *sex:   0=Neuter, 1=Male, 2=Female 
  NOTE: The zeros above mean something in Diku muds but are now 
        defunct placeholders that are needed in the area file but are 
        never really looked at in Merc. This is true for the other 
        sections as well. 
#onum                                                                 -. 
keywords~                                                       [name] | 
look_name~                                                     [short] | 
examine_description                                             [long] | 
~                                                                      | 
~ type(3)  extra(7)  wear(8)                                           | 
v0*(3)  v1*(3)  v2*(3)  v3*(3)  weight  0  0                           | 
E  keywords~                                                        -. | 
message                                                              | | 
~                                                                   -' | 
A  affect(9)  degree*                                               ) -' 
  *v0-v3:  these are the value numbers in table 3 
  *degree: how much "affect" affects the player 
#rnum                                                                 -. 
room_title~                                                            | 
long_description                                                       | 
~                                                                      | 
0 room_flags(10)  sector(11)                                           | 
D direction*                                                        -. | 
exit_description~                                                    | | 
keywords~                                                            | | 
locks*  key_onum*  destination_rnum*                                -' | 
E  keywords~                                                        -. | 
message                                                              | | 
~                                                                   -' | 
S                                                                     -' 
  *direction:   0=north, 1=east, 2=south, 3=west, 4=up, 5=down 
  *locks:       0=no door, 1=door, 2=pickproof door 
  *key_onum:    onum of key object, use -1 for no door 
  *destination: the rnum of the room this door leads to 
M   0   mnum            world_limit   rnum              comment        ) 
O   0   onum            0             rnum              comment        ) 
P   0   contents_onum   0             container_onum    comment        ) 
G   0   onum            0                               comment        ) 
E   0   onum            0             wear_location(12) comment        ) 
D   0   rnum            direction*    door_state*       comment        ) 
R   0   rnum            total_exits                     comment        ) 
*                                                       comment        ) 
* <- These asterisks are part of the syntax for comments. 
* You can put a comment anywhere in this section as long as you start 
* the line with an asterisk. The same applies for SHOPS and SPECIALS. 
  NOTE: M loads mobile mnum into room rnum, up to the max world_limit 
          of mobs. 
        O puts object onum into room rnum. 
        P puts contents_onum into container_onum. 
        G puts onum into a mob's inventory. This MUST follow the M of 
          the mob you wish to give the item to! 
        E equips mob with onum on wear_location. This MUST follow the 
          M of the mob you wish to give the item to! 
        D sets the door facing "direction" in rnum to door_state 
        R randomizes rnums exits. Put total number of exits into 
        S Denotes the end of the #RESETS section 
  *direction:  0=north, 1=east, 2=south, 3=west, 4=up, 5=down   
  *door_state: 0=unlocked, 1=closed, 2=locked  
mnum*  t0*(3)  t1*(3)  t2*(3)  t3*(3)  t4*(3)                         -. 
>100%*  <100%*                                                         | 
open_hour* close_hour*                                                -' 
*  comment                                                             ) 
  *mnum:       the mnum of the trader mobile 
  *t0-t4:      the item types sold (table 3) 
  *>100%:      how much he marks up what he sells by % (100=no profit) 
  *<100%:      how much he pays for what he buys by % (100=full price) 
  *open_hour:  based on 24 hour clock: 0 to 23 (ex: 5=5am, 19=7pm) 
  *close_hour: same as open_hour 
M  mnum*  special_function(13a)  comment                               ) 
O  onum*  special_function(13b)  comment                               )
*                                comment                               ) 
  NOTE: M assigns a mobile "spec_fun".  Mnum is the mob number.
        O assigns an object "speco_fun".  Onum is the object number.
        * lets you add comment lines.
        S denotes the end of the #SPECIALS section.

  NOTE: "#$" is the symbol that ends the area file! 
                               Section 3: 
                           BUILDING YOUR AREA 
Section 3 provides some detailed descriptions and examples for building 
your areas. Each part gives helpful hints on creating a better area, 
followed by an example, and finally by more technically-oriented advice. 
The #AREA Section 
This section defines your area. 
The lowest and highest mob levels refer to the mobiles that are 
intended for player fighting. These might not necessarily be the 
highest and lowest level mobs in an area. You probably wont go below 
the lower limit, but it is quite possible that your upper limit will not 
reflect the highest mob level. Shopkeepers for instance should be very 
high level, but because they are normally not intended to be fought, 
don't count them in the level range. 
#AREA {10 15} Lok     Faerie Ring~             * Don't forget the tilde! 
The #HELPS Section 
This section allows you to create entries for the "help" command. 
You can never underestimate the importance and significance of good 
help. If your area contains something unique or unusual, the help 
section is a great place to describe it. It is also an excellent place 
to provide a background story on your area. (see 'help antharia') 
#HELPS                                        * always remember to start 
-0                                              each section with the 
Lok~                                            correct title, and end 
Lok is a very strange guy.                      with the correct symbol! 
0 $~ 
In this example, if a PC were to type 'help lok', the message that they 
would get is 'Lok is a very strange guy.'. 
The #MOBILES Section 
This section is where you create all the characters for your area. 
Put some careful thought into your mobiles. Think of them as the many 
"actors" in your story. Each mob should have a reason for its existence.  It 
should play some valid role in establishing the overall theme and story of the 
area. This doesn't mean that using duplicate mobs is invalid, it's fine as long 
as it makes sense. Try to strike that perfect balance between unique and 
duplicate mobs. 
Mob descriptions are important. Certain things should be avoided that 
could make your mobs appear rather foolish. Avoid describing how 
incredibly invincible a mob is, and especially comparing it to the 
player. It's pretty silly to look at a mob in battle and see: "The giant 
towers before you. You tremble with fear knowing you could never take 
him on. The giant is a GONER." Also avoid describing mobs as doing 
something, put that in the look_name. Again it's silly to look at a 
mob in battle and be told "The old maid is quietly sewing a sweater in 
the corner." 
#29001                                    * Note the placement of tildes 
pixie faerie~                               for the different items!! 
A giggling pixie~ 
A pixie pokes you in the butt with its sword and giggles! 
The pixie is about 6" tall, is human like, and has dragonfly wings. 
4|128 524288 0 S                           * scavenges/flees, flies 
10 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0                         * level 10, (next line) male 
0 0 0 0 1                                *<- Last line of this mobile 
#29002                                   *<- Start right in on the next 
nixie faerie~ 
A fluttering nixie~ 
A fluttering nixie rummages through your possessions looking for wine! 
The nixie, like the pixie has dragonfly wings, but is taller (9"). 
4|128 524288 0 S                           * scavenges/flees, flies 
11 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0                         * level 11 
0 0 0 0 1                                  * male 
sprite faerie~ 
A dancing sprite~ 
A sprite casts a spell and you do a merry little dance! 
The sprite has dragonfly wings like the nixie and pixie, but she towers 
over them at an amazing 12" height! 
128 2|32768|524288 0 S                     * flees, invis/sneak/flies 
12 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0                         * level 12 
0 0 0 0 2                                  * female 
#0                              * always finish #MOBILES section with #0 
The 'act-flags' define how the mobile acts. This is the first example 
of an additive value. The mob can be given multiple characteristics by 
adding together several values from the appropriate table. Please read 
the introduction to section 5 for an explanation of the '|' format, the 
preferred format for adding values together (used in the examples 
Sentinels - If you make a mob stay room or sentinel you sometimes get  
into trouble if you load in more than one of them. For instance: If you  
set it up so that one loads in room A and another in room B, when the  
one is killed in B it may reset in A. Eventually, many mobs may pile up 
in the same room, and the area becomes unplayable. (If you want to 
observe this effect, go kill some hobgoblins.) One fix is to make 
multiple copies of the mob and give each a unique mnum. Then be sure to 
load each mnum in resets only once. 
The #OBJECTS Section: 
These is where you create the items that players who journey through 
your area will find and use. 
Again, put careful thought into the different object descriptions. The 
objects in your area should make sense, and should help establish the 
Funny objects are great, but if the best item in your area is the 
'banana in your ear', pretty soon most players in the game will have a 
banana in their ear, and the fantasy theme is lost. 
The object "extras" allow for an added dimension in your objects. 
Looking at the "extra" keyword reveals the "extra" text description. We 
suggest you put extra descriptions on your important objects that have 
noteworthy elements. For instance in camelot.are, rune items give the 
owner a vision when they looked at them. These little extras really can 
make an area fun, and develop the story much better. 
** Example ** 
cloak dirty~ 
a dirty cloak~                         * short descrip has NO period (.)  
A dirty cloak lies here.               * long descrip DOES have a period 
~                                             * again note the placement   
~                                               of all tildes!! 
9 4 1|4                                      * armor, dark, worn on neck 
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 
A 2 1                                   * Apply: applies 1 dex to wearer 
A 1 1                                   * Apply: applies 1 str to wearer 
blue diamond wand~ 
a blue diamond wand~ 
A wand with a huge blue diamond on it is just lying here! Pick it up! 
3 64 1|16384 *                                       * wand, magic, held 
14 12 12 12 2 0 0                     * level 14 spells of 'create food'  
E wand diamond blue~               * duplicate extras keyword, see below 
They're magically delicious! 
whoooooopie! Gold!~ 
A rainbow ends at this pot of gold! 
20 1 1|16384                         * money, glowing, held (dummy value) 
5000 0 0 0 0 0 0                                       * worth 5000 coins 
food finger~ 
delicious finger food~ 
A delicious little plate of scrumptious finger foods lies beckons to you. 
19 0 1|8192                                         * food, can wield :) 
24 0 0 0 0 0 0                                        * 24 hours of food 
#0                                    * End your objects SECTION with #0 
Objects normally have 3 names. The first object name is not seen by a 
player unless they use identify. These keywords are the names by which 
a player can refer to that item. It can include every unique word used 
in the long description, and is a good rule of thumb to follow. For 
example, Bob's Orange Ring of Greater Magic probably could have the 
words 'ring orange bob bob's greater magic' as its keyword handles. 
The second set (action_name or "short") is what you see when you pick it 
up or have it equipped, and the third (look_name or "long") is what you 
see when it is on the ground or if you look at it. 
It is important to note some things about Extras. If you have no extras, 
it is a good idea to avoid saying certain things in the look_name. 
Saying "There is a sword on the ground here" is fine when you walk into 
the room, but when you pick it up and look at it, it's not cool to be 
told it's still on the ground. It would be safer to use "You see a sword 
here", which works much better if you are holding it. On the other hand, 
extras can be used to creatively avoid this. If you write an extra that 
uses all the same keywords that the object does, you will see a 
different description when you look at the object. Thus, "There is a 
sword on the ground here" might reveal "The sword is made of an unknown 
metal" when looked at. If you don't want to have two separate 
descriptions, do NOT use the same keywords for the object and its 
Weight: use existing objects as a guide for the weight of your new 
objects. (See Table 15 which demonstrates max weapon weights as they 
apply to the str of a PC) Keep in mind that weight is expressed in 
kilograms (kg), and 1 kg=2.2 pounds. The maximum weight of any object is 
32767. Keep in mind that weight can be used to determine the "apparent 
usefulness" of an item. For example, the weight of rutabagas was 
recently increased to reduce the number that a PC can carry at any one 
time. This forces PCs to seek out other alternatives for healing 
Try to balance your items with those that already exist. By this we 
mean, don't create items in your area that are much better than anyone 
else's area. Try to fill gaps, not outdo other areas. We do check how 
good your objects are, and if we think your stuff is too powerful, we 
will make you go through it again  and reduce it. So it's best to think 
ahead on this. (see section 6 on object balancing) 
Remember, you can use previously defined items. So if you don't wish 
to make a bunch of useless and repetitive swords, use some that have 
been declared already. If you plan to do this, please inform Simba. For 
one, you will need the VNUMs (onums) from other areas to use them, and 
we need to know which areas you are using items from (so the mud won't 
crash at load time). 
The #ROOMS section: 
Your rooms are what really shape your area. This is where most of your 
story will be told. It here that the players meet your mobs and fight 
for their lives. 
Remember these rooms really set the atmosphere of the area. Go beyond 
just regular descriptive words, use far out language, have a thesaurus 
handy when writing your rooms so you can use that one exact word that 
expresses what you are trying to convey. We can't stress enough that 
your descriptions even if short have to create the atmosphere. Even 
your room titles can add to the effect. 4-5 lines is a good average 
length for your room descriptions. 
Take full advantage of the extras by putting supplementary descriptions 
of objects, view, floor, walls, etc. in them. This leads to better play, 
since inquisitive players will look at everything, and they may find a 
clue which helps them get through the area. 
Lengthy exit descriptions within the long look_description are 
redundant, as BR has autoexit. You can also type 'exits' to see the 
names of adjacent rooms (providing the door leading in that direction is 
open). The individual exit descriptions (in the D sections) are more 
useful to give information on hidden exits or adjoining rooms, 
especially when the area is dark and a player can't 'scan' or use 
'exits' to get info about the next room. 
Try to make all of your rooms unique in some respect. Using the same 
description over and over makes an area really boring. If you are 
creating a maze keep the number of identical rooms down to something 
manageable. You might want to vary the description slightly in certain 
rooms to help players get their bearings. If you are just using 
duplicate descriptions to establish a section as large, it is better 
to use few rooms and just describe it as vast, than having a large 
section with nothing in it. 
** Example ** 
Forest Clearing~ 
You stand in a grassy clearing in the forest. Moonlight causes the 
shadows to move in an eerie dance. There is a strange circle of 
mushrooms about 30' in diameter in the center of the clearing. 
~                                          * always note tilde placement 
0 4 3                                                   * no-mob, forest 
D 5                                       * down exit 
A small trap door~ 
door trap~ 
1 -1 29002                                * door, no key, leads to 29002 
E                                                            * an Extra! 
mushrooms circle~ 
You look at the mushroom circle. You see tiny footprints and the faint 
outline of a trap door in the center of the ring. 
S                                       * this ends each individual room 
Entrance Hall~ 
You are in a cramped, low ceiling tunnel. Roots dangle overhead and 
caress you. There are tiny doors to the north, south and west, which you 
think you could crawl your way into. A ladder fashioned of woven roots 
leads up. You hear sounds of a raucous celebration to the east. 
0 8 0                                              * indoor flag, inside  
D 0                                                         * North exit 
A tiny door~                               
door tiny~                                 
1 -1 29003                                * door, no key, leads to 29003 
D 1                                                          * East exit 
A smoky hallway~                           
0 -1 29004                             * open passageway, leads to 29004 
D 2                                                         * South exit 
A tiny door~ 
door tiny~ 
1 -1 29005                                * door, no key, leads to 29005 
D 3                                                          * West exit 
A tiny door~ 
door tiny~ 
1 -1 29006                                * door, no key, leads to 29006 
D 4                                                            * Up exit 
A small trap door~ 
door trap~ 
1 -1 29001                                * door, no key, leads to 29001 
Puck's Room~ 
You are hunched over in Puck's room. You know this by the sign that says  
"Pucks stuff- keep your grubby hands off". There is a bed of forest 
leaves, some rude hollowed out shelves, a tiny table with a half full 
jack of ale, and a great pile of junk beneath the sign. 
0 8 0                                              * indoor flag, inside 
D 2                                                         * South exit 
A tiny door~ 
door tiny~ 
1 -1 29002                                * door, no key, leads to 29002 
E                                                        * another extra 
The sign says: "Puck's stuff- keep your grubby hands off" 
#0                                          * End #ROOMS section with #0 
Unlike mobiles and objects, rooms don't have keywords associated with 
them (excluding doors and extras). One may not manipulate a room in the 
same way one manipulates a mobile or object. 
You may want to restrict mob movement between parts of your area, or 
between your area and the connecting areas. You can use the "no-mob" 
room flag in key rooms in order to keep mobs within certain sections. 
It is a good idea to make your "connect-point" room a no-mob room to 
keep mobs from wandering in and out of your area. 
Set up your exits to logically travel along straight north-south, 
east-west, and up-down paths. Remember you must write these exits into 
both rooms if you want a two way passage. If your exits don't travel
along straight paths, it will be recorded as a 'bug' by BR. It will
still run correctly, but Cuervo will get very angry. (don't make him
angry, you wont like him when he's angry...:)

You also have the option to randomize the exits of a room, or a series
of rooms every time the area upsets. You presently have an option of
two types of random areas: a 2D (n,s,w,e) random area, and a 3D
(n,s,w,e,u,d) random area. The basic recipe is as follows:

(1) Lay out your rooms on a piece of paper and connect them such that 
    all of the exit paths are straight (n-s, w-e, u-d) to avoid the
    bug. Basically, the bug is this:
      Say you have room "A" exiting south to room "B". If room "B" has
      a north exit (IE the reverse exit), it MUST go back to room "A"
      (IE it must reverse). If "B" exits north to another room, you
      get the 'bug'. The room will load fine, will run fine, but there
      will be a bug in the bug spool that makes the bug spool untidy
      and unmanageable, and Cuervo goes through the roof.

      For a complex random area, creating the grid is not as trivial as
      it may seem. I found it best to work under a wrap-around principal.

      A----B    E----F     |\   |\                 U N
      |    |    |    |     | \  | \                 \|
      |    |    |    |     G----H  \              W--+--E
      C----D    G----H      \  A-\--B                |\
                             \ |  \ |                S D
      Level1    Level2        \|   \|

    Where ABCD is lvl 1 and EFGH is level 2 in a 3D random area. To make
    it more complex, I would have A exit west to B, and from B back east
    to A. Then from A north to C, and from C back south to A. This is a
    'wraparound' within the plane of the level. The same is done to the
    second level:

      ,---------.    ,--.
      |         |    |  |                            N
      `--A---B--'    |  A---B                        |
         |   |       |  |   |                     W--+--E
         C---D       |  C---D                        |
                     |  |                            S

    Between levels, A goes up to E, and E goes down to A. The between
    levels wraparound would be: E goes up to A, and A goes down to E:

      / \
      \  E--F                                      U
       \  \  \                                      \
        \  A--B                                   W--+--E
         \  \                                         \
          \_/                                          D

    Now lets say you want to connect into the above zone. Lets say room
    X is not random and you want it to connect to room C. If X
    connected north to C, you would need C to go back south to X. Now
    here is the hitch. Because A wraps north to C, stupid merc wants C
    to reverse south to A, not X. So you would have to connect X to
    another room, or eliminate the north-south wrap exit from A to C.
    (boy all those diagrams for nothing?) So the point is, lay out your
    exits carefully.

(2) Declare your exits random with the random set for the room.
    Remember a 2D maze will have a random 3 reset (since exits N,E,S,W
    are numbers 0-3), and a 3D maze will have a random 5 reset (since
    N,E,S,W,U,D are numbers 0-5)

The #RESETS section 
This is where you place your mobs and equip them. Be very careful with 
this section, it relies heavily on vnums and other cryptic numbers and 
is the easiest to mess up. Take your time and try to learn it well. 
Having 2 mobs in the same room is difficult. 3 mobs in same room 
becomes unplayable. One mob per 2 rooms works nicely, if the mobs 
are sentinel, you can even do one per room. Give your mobs room to breathe. 
The world limit for a mob should be greater than or equal to the 
number of places that it loads in.  In the following example the 
pixies load in four different places, so the pixie world limit is 
four. If the world limit is greater than the number of places that the 
mob loads in, the mobs will continue to load each time the area resets 
until the world limit is reached. 
** Example ** 
* Clearing, 29001, no mobs                 
D 1 29001 5 1         Trapdoor resets closed, unlocked 
* Entry hall, 29002 
D 1 29002 4 1         Trapdoor resets closed, unlocked 
D 1 29002 0 1         Pucks door resets closed, unlocked 
D 1 29002 2 1         Snooze den resets closed, unlocked 
D 1 29002 3 1         Guarded Barrow resets closed unlocked 
M 1 29001 4 29002     Load pixie   
G 1 29001 0 0           Give pixie faerie dust 
* Puck's Room, 29003 
D 1 29003 2 1         Puck's Room Close South 
M 1 29005 1 29003     load puck 
E 1 29009 0 7           dirty britches on puck legs 
E 1 29011 0 4           dirty cloak on puck to neck 
O 1 29008 0 29003       Faerie wine 
* Bar & Grill, 29004 
M 1 29002 3 29004     nixie 
G 1 29005 0 0           bottled moonlight 
M 1 29001 4 29004     pixie   
G 4 29001 0 0           faerie dust 
M 1 29003 3 29004       sprite 
E 1 29003 0 13          sprite belt 
M 1 29009 1 29004     Twinkletoes 
G 1 29014 0 0           finger food 
G 1 29008 0 0           faerie wine 
M 1 29007 1 29004     Lucky 
G 1 29012 0 0           wand 
G 1 29013 0 0           gold 
S                                      * end the #RESET section with 'S' 
Here's another way to express your resets. For debugging purposes,  
it's nice if the resets are organized in like groups and vnum order. 
This example assumes that the most recent "M" loaded Pellinore into 
the room. 
* Puts and static objects are expressed in the following manner: 
P 1 17322 0 17320     Puts rations in Pellinores pack 
P 1 17323 0 17320     Puts wine in Pellinores pack 
M 2 17316 1 17307     Load questing beast in lair 
O 2 17324 1 17307     Put bones in lair 
O 2 17325 1 17307     Put skull in lair 
O 2 17326 1 17307     Put rock in lair 
Note that on "P" resets you cannot put more than one of a certain 
object in a container, or have two containers with the same vnum in 
your area and expect the objects to go into more than one of them. 
The #SHOPS section: 
This is where you set up any shops that you may want in your area. 
Shopkeepers should sell and buy things for reasons. Think about who they 
are and how their business works, and have the trades reflect that. Sell 
things that make sense to sell in your area. 
Remember, BUY HIGH - SELL LOW. If you don't, you can have players 
profit from selling and buying the same item over and over. Typical buy 
sell numbers are 150 50. If your keeper is in the boondocks, he would 
probably sell and buy higher (200 85). Think of the old mining towns. 
They paid a lot for incoming stuff, but charged you a bundle because you 
were in the middle of nowhere. In large towns with lots of shopkeepers, 
there should be competition, and plenty of sources for goods. So one 
could buy something cheaply but probably not get a decent price for 
selling an object (120 30). If you follow this, then you can expect 
players to behave as merchants, buying stuff in large cities, and 
selling it in the boonies. 
Beware of the old "Jim effect", shopkeepers who are low enough level 
to be killed and have all of their stuff grabbed. Keep your shopkeepers 
very high level. 
Remember, a shopkeeper will SELL anything you load in it's inventory, 
and will only BUY what is expressed in t0 - t4. Barren Realms prefers 
shopkeepers to buy only a few item types and the mob level to be high. 
** Example ** 
1 3 5 9 18                * buys lights, wands, weapons, armor, and keys 
120 80                                 * buys at 120%/sells at 80% value 
0 23                                                      * open all day 
PET SHOPS are handled slightly differently then regular shops. They are 
dependent on special rooms as well as the shopkeeper mob. To make a pet 
shop, create your room and set the pet-shop flag (4096). Next you need a 
special "pet storage" room. This MUST be 1 rnum greater than your pet 
shop rnum. For example, if the shop is rnum #23401, then the pet storage  
room MUST be rnum #23402. This room should not connect to any other 
rooms. Next create your shopkeeper mob. This mob MUST be made sentinel. 
Load this into the pet store room in #RESETS. Set it up like a 
shopkeeper in #SHOPS: use 0s for what it buys, set buy and sell %s at 
100, and set open and close hours as you wish. Finally create your pet 
mobs. Load these into the storage room in #RESETS. 
** Example ** 
* Define your shopkeeper mobile and your pets in the #MOBILES section. 
stirrup stablemaster~ 
Stirrup, the stable master of Camelot is here. 
Stirrup is a short man, wearing a leather jerkin, and smells of the barn. 
2 0 400 S 
25 0 0 1d1+1 1d1+1 
0 0 
0 0 1 
horse riding~ 
A riding horse~ 
A riding horse is here. 
The riding horse is saddled with light tack, and has long slender limbs 
for speed. 
256 0 0 S 
18 0 0 1d1+1 1d1+1 
0 0 
0 0 2 
* The room where the shop will be and the pet holding room are 
  established in the #ROOMS section. 
You stand in the vast stables of Camelot. Row upon row of stalls greet 
your eye. Smells of horse sweat and fresh straw combine in a pleasant 
mix. Stable hands are busy currying animals, shoeing horses, and feeding 
the magnificent chargers of Camelot. Light filters in through the 
rafters. To your west is Knight's Way. 
0 4096 0 
Knight's Way~ 
0 -1 17342 
Pet Storage for Stables~ 
This is actual stables where the horses are kept to be sold. 
0 4096 0 
* Load keeper in shop and pets in storage room in #RESETS. 
M 37 17339 1 17398 Stirrup in stables 
M 38 17340 1 17399 load in riding horse 
M 39 17341 1 17399 med warhorse 
M 40 17342 1 17399 heavy warhorse 
* Define the shopkeeper in #SHOPS. 
0 0 0 
0 0 
100 100 
0 23 
* That's it...it's that easy! 
The #SPECIALS section: 
Spec_funs allow your mobs to have special abilities like the beastly 
fidos and Khellis cityguards. They can really bring an area to life.
However, Please think of specials as just that, special. If too many
of your mobs are special, the area will lose it's meaning.

Speco_funs are just like spec_funs, except they are attached to objects.

** Example ** 
M 29006 spec_cast_mage                * gives this mob some elf spells 
M 29005 spec_thief                            * makes this mob rob PCs 
O 17325 speco_drain_hp           * makes this skull attack holder's hp
Specials are C code functions (BR is written in C) that are "attached"
to mobs or objects.  They periodically (every few seconds) check their
environment, and can respond accordingly.  They cannot directly
respond to a character's commands or actions.  They very literally
respond to CONDITIONS in it's vicinity at the moment it is "activated"
by the game-clock.  A mob might check to see what room it's in, who's
nearby, and what the weather is like.  An object might check if it's
being carried or worn, by whom, if it contains anything, if its
carrier is fighting (and who is being fought), etc.

You can choose different functions from the current special function
tables (13a and 13b) or possibly design new ones for your areas.
Because these functions are written in C, and require a good
understanding of the MUD code, writing new ones is best left to the
coders.  If you would like new a special function or two in your area,
you can send the details to BR and we will write the code for you.  Be
sure to provide us with all of the necessary details so that we can
program them correctly.

Be creative, and tell us any ideas you come up with. (for your area or
just in general)

Speco functions are new and so the selection of functions is still
small.  Here are some examples of what COULD be done with specos:

 The Drunken Bastard Sword - at random moments, switches the wielder
  between being drunk and sober. [Note: A plus is that it can be used
  to sober up the wielder, then unwielded.]

 The Guardian Idol - a container with a speco_fun. Whenever it finds
  itself holding four gems of different colors, it unlocks the door it

 DevilSlicer - A sword that does only moderate damage, EXCEPT against
  one particular level-100 mob which it kills instantly.

 The All-Seeing Ball - Emits a special glow whenever a hidden or
  sneaking mob or PC is in the same room.

 The Blob - Parasitically attaches itself to a body slot, yielding no
  bonuses and destroying whatever item was in the slot before.
  Noremove, and can move from one body slot to another. Removed only
  by death (it kills you when all your other body slots are empty), or
  by the ...

 BlobRemover - <grin> Found elsewhere in your area.
 The Transmogrifier - Insert several specific items, and transform
  them into a single super-item.
 The Speaker of Legends - Recites useful information when in
  particular rooms (like the self-guide radios/tape players in
The end: 
#$                                   * MUST end your .are file with this 

                               Section 4: 
                       SUBMITTING A COMPLETED AREA 
Send the file by e-mail to mcmahan@cs.wcu.edu (Amadeus). The subject 
line should contain the #AREA line of the file 
  subject: #AREA  { 1  50 }  Amadeus  Realms of Gold~ 
Also, please provide every bit of information that you think is needed 
in order to implement your area.  This includes connection point 
identification, area terrain, storyline, considerations, etc. 
If you have pine-mail, this can be sent as one mail message, with the 
instructions being the first part, and the file being an attachment. If 
not, please send 2 mail messages: one being the file, the other being 
this information.  You can also include the implementor information in a 
help section.  
Please include your everyday e-mail address IF it's not the one that you 
sent your area from. In addition, please note the IP address of other 
MUDs that you frequent, so that Amadeus can "find" you in a timely 
manner if he needs to consult with you.  
The submission address is subject to change. We recommend consulting an 
IMM prior to sending in a completed area. It is your responsibility to 
follow up with area implementors to ensure that your area was received 
intact. It goes without saying that Internet mail is "send and pray".  
                               Section 5: 
                              VALUE TABLES 
There are two different types of values, "unique" and "additive". If an 
area item refers to a unique table, then a single value must be chosen 
from the table. If an area item refers to an additive table, then any 
desired values can be added together from the table. 
* You are strongly encouraged to use the bar ("|") format for additive 
values. Don't add the values up, just type in all of the individual 
values separated by bars (ex: 1|8|16|1024). The program will 
automatically add the values together for you. This makes it much easier 
to understand the values by simply examining the area text file. 
TABLE 1 - ACT bits (Mobiles)                             additive values 
NPC                        1        * (Auto-set, denotes non-player|) 
SENTINEL                   2        * Stays in one room 
SCAVENGER                  4        * Picks up objects 
AGGRESSIVE                32        * Attacks PC's on sight 
STAY_AREA                 64        * Won't leave area 
WIMPY                    128        * Flees when hurt 
PET                      256        * (Auto set for pets) 
TRAIN                    512        * Can train PC's (BR: enhance) 
PRACTICE (BR:elf)       1024        * Can practice PCs (BR: elf skills) 
HEALER                  2048        * Can buy heals from 
UNDEAD                  4096        * ? (MZF explains as Mob can summon) 
                                    (From here down are BR specific) 
MEMORY                     8        * Remembers past 3 attackers and 
                                       attacks on sight 
PRACTICE (druid)        8192        * Can practice PC's druid skills 
PRACTICE (kender)      16384        * Can practice PC's kender skills  
PRACTICE (human)       32768        * Can practice PC's human skills 
PRACTICE (dwarf)       65536        * Can practice PC's dwarf skills 
ID                    131072        * Can identify objects 
REPAIR                262144        * Can repair armor 
+10 lvls sell         524288        <-For shopskeepers -  
+20 lvls sell        1048576        <-raises the item levels 
+30 lvls sell        2097152        <-of the objects for sale 
STAY_TERRAIN         8388608        * Mob stays in terrain type 
TABLE 2 - Affected Bits (Mobiles)                        additive values 
BLIND                      1     * These all act like permanent versions 
INVISIBLE                  2       of the corresponding spells 
DETECT_EVIL                4 
DETECT_INVIS               8 
DETECT_MAGIC              16 
DETECT_HIDDEN             32 
SANCTUARY                128 
FAERIE_FIRE              256 
INFRARED                 512 
CURSE                   1024 
POISON                  4096 
PROTECT                 8192 
SNEAK                  32768 
HIDE                   65536 
SLEEP                 131072 
CHARM                 262144 
FLYING                524288 
PASS_DOOR            1048576 
PLAGUE               2097152 
TABLE 3 - Item Types (Objects)                              unique value 
(numbers in () indicate the corresponding table) 
Item           Type#   V0          V1          V2          V3 
----           -----   ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 
LIGHT            1     0           0           hours       0 
SCROLL           2     level       spell1(14)  spell2(14)  spell3(14) 
WAND             3     level       max_charge  cur_charge  spell(14)    
STAFF            4     level       max_charge  cur_charge  spell(14) 
WEAPON           5     0           0           0           hit_type(4) 
TREASURE         8     0           0           0           0 
ARMOR            9     0           0           0           0 
POTION          10     level       spell1(14)  spell2(14)  spell3(14) 
FURNITURE       12     0           0           0           0      
TRASH           13     0           0           0           0 
CONTAINER       15     max_weight  state(5)    key_onum    0   
DRINK_CON       17     max_cap     cur_cap     liquid(6)   poison 
KEY             18     0           0           0           0 
FOOD            19     hours       0           0           poison 
MONEY           20     amount      0           0           0 
BOAT            22     0           0           0           0 
FOUNTAIN        25     0           0           0           0 
PILL            26     level       spell1(14)  spell2(14)  spell3(14) 
BREATHE WATER   27     0           0           hours       0  (BR only*)         
FLY             28     0           0           0           0  (BR only*) 
QUIVER          29     max_weight  state(5)    key_onum    0  (BR only*) 
THROW           30     0           0           0           0  (BR only*) 
* terms: 
   hours=LIGHT or BREATHE WATER: number of functioning hours 
         FOOD: hours hunger is suppressed 
   level=level of spells on magic items 
   max/cur_charge=the max and current charges on magic items 
   max/cur_cap=max and current capacity in drinks 
   max_weight=maximum holding capacity in weight 
   key_onum=onum of the key that unlocks this container (use -1 if none) 
   poison=0 for fine, non-0 for poisoned 
   amount=amount of coins object is worth 
* BR only: 
   BREATH WATER - allows PC to enter underwater rooms 
   FLY          - makes PC fly if worn 
   QUIVER       - holds THROW type objects, allows automatic wield-throw 
                   in a single round 
   THROW        - can be thrown at mobs in room, or in adjacent rooms 
TABLE 4 - Weapon Types (Objects)                            unique value 
       0 hit            7 pound 
       1 slice          8 crush 
       2 stab           9 grep 
       3 slash         10 bite 
       4 whip          11 pierce   * permits backstab, use sparingly 
       5 claw          12 suction 
       6 blast  
TABLE 5 - Container States (Objects)                     additive values 
       1 closeable      4 closed 
       2 pickproof      8 locked 
TABLE 6 - Liquid Values                                     unique value 
liquid# Name          Thirst Value   Food Value      Drunk Value 
------- ----          ------------   ----------      ----------- 
 0      Water               10             1               0 
 1      Beer                 5             2               3 
 2      Wine                 5             2               5 
 3      Ale                  5             2               2 
 4      Dark Ale             5             2               1 
 5      Whiskey              4             1               6 
 6      Lemonade             8             1               0 
 7      FireBreather         0             0               1 
 8      Local Speciality     1             1               1 
 9      Slime Mold Juice    -2             1               0 
10      Milk                 2             1               0 
11      Tea                  6             1               0   
12      Coffee               6             1              -1 
13      Blood                0             1               0 
14      Salt Water          -3             1               0 
15      Cherry Cola          5             1               0 
16      Tequila              4             1              10 
17      Margaritta           4             1              10 
18      Pepsi                3             1               0 
19      Mountain Dew         4             1               1 
20      Grape Slushee        3             1               0 
21      Cherry Slushee       4             1               0 
22      Cola Slushee         3             1               0 
23      Screw Driver         3             1               3 
24      Vodka                3             1               5 
* The chart is in proportions!!! What this means is there is no way to 
  predict EXACTLY how much of each will increase, only how they will 
  increase in relation to each other. 
    Dark Ale:   Thirst       Food          Drunk 
                   5           2             1 
                  10           4             2 
                  15           6             3 
TABLE 7 - Extras (Objects)                               additive values 
GLOW                 1  * Item glows 
HUM                  2  * Item hums 
DARK                 4 
LOCK                 8 
EVIL                16  * PCs with 'detect evil' see red aura 
INVIS               32  * PC needs 'detect invis' to see 
MAGIC               64  * For weapon can't enchant, can enflame 
NODROP             128  * Item cannot be dropped 
BLESS              256 
ANTI_GOOD          512  * Above 332 align get zapped and drop it if worn 
ANTI_EVIL         1024  * Below -332 align get zapped and drop it if 
ANTI_NEUTRAL      2048  * From -332 to 332 align get zapped and drop it 
                           if worn 
NOREMOVE          4096  * Item cannot be removed if worn 
INVENTORY         8192 
HOVER            32768  * Object floats in the air, will float out of 
                           room (BR only) 
FLAMING          65536  * Enhanced damage for spells (BR only) 
TABLE 8 - Wear Flags (Objects)                           additive values 
TAKE                  1  * MUST have this in order to be picked up! 
FINGER                2 
NECK                  4 
BODY                  8 
HEAD                 16 
LEGS                 32 
FEET                 64 
HANDS               128 
ARMS                256 
SHIELD              512 
ABOUT              1024 
WAIST              2048 
WRIST              4096 
WIELD              8192 
HOLD              16384 
TWO-HANDED        32768  * Requires both wield and offhand, but 
                           causes 2.5x damage (BR only) 
TABLE 9 - Apply Types  (Objects)                            unique value 
NONE             0 
STR              1 
DEX              2 
INT              3 
WIS              4 
CON              5 
MANA            12 
HIT             13 
MOVE            14 
AC              17 
HITROLL         18 
DAMROLL         19 
TABLE 10 - Room flags (Rooms)                            additive values 
DARK                      1  * PC requires a light/infravision 
NO_MOB                    4  * Mobs can't enter (can use for mob-lock) 
INDOORS                   8  * PC does not see weather 
ARENA                    64  * Pkilling arena room (GET PERMISSION FOR) 
ANTI_MAGIC              128  * Doesn't allow spellcasting 
PRIVATE                 512  * Only 1 char in a room at a time 
SAFE                   1024  * No killing allowed 
SOLITARY               2048  * Only 2 characters at a time 
PET_SHOP               4096  * Special for pet shop 
NO_RECALL              8192  * PC cannot recall 
BANK                  16384  * Room is bank 
CURRENT_NORTH         32768  * Affects mv, pushes PC in appropriate 
CURRENT_EAST          65536     direction (BR only: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) 
CURRENT_SOUTH        131072    
CURRENT_WEST         262144    
CURRENT_UP           524288    
CURRENT_DOWN        1048576    
TABLE 11 - Sector Types (Rooms)                             unique value 
INSIDE             0 
CITY               1 
FIELD              2 
FOREST             3 
HILLS              4 
MOUNTAIN           5 
WATER_SWIM         6  * can be walked through 
WATER_NOSWIM       7  * requires boat/fly 
AIR                9  * requires fly 
DESERT            10 
UNDERWATER        11  * BR only: requires scuba & no fly 
MAX               12  * maximum mvs cost to move through 
* Mobs are able to enter any sector without spells or eq. Use no-mob 
  or stay-area to prevent certain mobs from certain sectors. 
TABLE 12 - Wear Locations (Resets)                          unique value 
NONE              -1 
LIGHT              0 
FINGER_L           1 
FINGER_R           2 
NECK_1             3 
NECK_2             4 
BODY               5 
HEAD               6 
LEGS               7 
FEET               8 
HANDS              9 
ARMS              10 
SHIELD            11 
ABOUT             12 
WAIST             13 
WRIST_L           14 
WRIST_R           15 
WIELD             16 
HOLD              17 
WEAR/OFFHAND      18  ?? 
TABLE 13a - Special Mobile Functions (Specials)             unique value 
spec_align_change         * Can change PC's align in battle (BR only) 
spec_breath_any           * Casts: all breath spells 
spec_breath_acid          * Casts: acid breath (causes PC harm; damages 
                             armor; destroys containers) 
spec_breath_fire          * Casts: fire breath (causes PC harm; destroys 
                             containers, potions, scrolls, staves, food, 
                             wands, and pills) 
spec_breath_frost         * Casts: frost breath (causes PC harm; 
                             destroys containers, drink containers, and 
spec_breath_gas           * Casts: gas breath (causes all PCs in room 
spec_breath_lightning     * Casts: lightning breath (causes PC harm) 
spec_cast_adept           * Casts: armor, bless, cure blindness, cure 
                             poison, cure light, cure poison, and 
                             refresh (on BR: for players level 1-10 only) 
spec_cast_cleric          * Casts: blindness(0), cause serious(3), 
                             earthquake(7), cause critical(9), dispel 
                             evil(10), curse(12), change sex(12), 
                             flamestrike(13), harm(15), dispel magic(16) 
                             (the numbers indicate the minimum mob level 
                             to cast that spell) 
spec_cast_judge           * Casts: high explosive (causes all PCs in room 
spec_cast_mage            * Casts: blindness(0), chill touch(3), 
                             weaken(7), teleport(8), color spray(11), 
                             change sex(12), energy drain(13), 
                             fireball(15), acid blast(20) 
                             (the numbers indicate the minimum mob level 
                             to cast that spell) 
spec_cast_undead          * Casts: curse(0), weaken(3), chill touch(6), 
                             blindness(9), poison(12), energy drain(15), 
                             harm(18), teleport(21), gate(24) 
                             (the numbers indicate the minimum mob level 
                             to cast that spell) 
spec_executioner          * Pushes KILLER/THIEF out of room, sucks up 
                             blood (BR modified) 
spec_fido                 * Eats corpses 
spec_guard                * Attacks KILLER/THIEF, protects the innocent 
spec_janitor              * Picks up trash, mops up bloodtrails 
spec_mayor                * Constable's program (DO NOT USE) 
spec_poison               * Poisonous bite 
spec_thief                * Robs PC's gold 

TABLE 13b - Special Object Functions (Specials)             unique value 
speco_airfill             * Insert scuba device & coins, and it refills
                             air supply
speco_attach              * Attaches to player, then bounces in and out
                             of eq onto floor
speco_blob                * Attaches to a wear-location, destroys any eq
                             in spot, moves to new spot, when all eq is
                             gone player dies
speco_burper              * Forces player to randomly burp
speco_drain_hp            * Drains hp slowly if in inventory, faster if
speco_drunker             * Keeps switching player between drunk & sober
speco_morph               * On a weapon, morphs into mob that looks like
                             the player
speco_recycler            * Insert trash and get money back
speco_social              * Forces player to do random socials

TABLE 14 - Spell Numbers (Objects)                          unique value 
   0  NULL                 70  acid blast 
   1  armor                 3  bless            
   4  blindness             5  burning hands 
   6  call lightning       63  cause critical 
  62  cause light          64  cause serious 
  82  change sex            7  charm person 
   8  chill touch          10  colour spray 
  57  continual light      11  control weather 
  12  create food          80  create spring 
  13  create water         14  cure blindness 
  15  cure critical        16  cure light 
  43  cure poison          61  cure serious 
  17  curse                18  detect evil 
  44  detect hidden        19  detect invis 
  20  detect magic         21  detect poison 
  22  dispel evil          59  dispel magic 
  23  earthquake           24  enchant weapon 
  25  energy drain         72  faerie fire 
  73  faerie fog           26  fireball 
  65  flamestrike          56  fly 
  83  gate                 39  giant strength 
  27  harm                 28  heal 
  53  identify             77  infravision 
  29  invis                58  know alignment 
  30  lightning bolt       31  locate object 
  32  magic missile        69  mass invis 
  74  pass door            33  poison 
  34  protection           81  refresh 
  35  remove curse         36  sanctuary 
  67  shield               37  shocking grasp 
  38  sleep                66  stone skin 
  40  summon                2  teleport 
  41  ventriloquate        68  weaken 
  42  word of recall      200  acid breath 
 201  fire breath         202  frost breath 
 203  gas breath          204  lightning breath 
 100  astral              300  bamf 
 600  Buddha finger       601  chin kang palm 
 602  concentrate         609  frenzy 
  83  gate                603  iron monk 
 604  laughing Buddha     605  medicine 
 606  prayer              607  quivering palm 
TABLE 15 - Maximum "Wieldable" Weight Per Strength (Objects-Weapons) 
Strength       Max Wieldable Weight 
--------       -------------------- 
  13                  13 
  14                  14 
  15                  15 
  16                  16 
  17                  22 
  18                  25 
  19                  30 
  20                  35 
  21                  40 
  22                  45 
  23                  50  * Dwarves only 
  24                  55  * Dwarves only 
  25                  60  * Dwarves only 
* Since only Dwarves are able to enhance str beyond 22, A weapon weight 
  above 50 will constitute a Dwarf only weapon 
                               Section 6: 
                             OBJECT BALANCE 
It is very important that the objects that you create in your area do 
not blow the curve of already existing objects! It's better to attempt 
to fill a niche than to try to one-up existing powerful objects. The 
following section describes Lok's method of achieving balanced objects 
in your area. 
Some things to note before you start: 
- The object level is the level of the mob that carries it. (actually 
  it can vary slightly, but we'll assume it's always the same) 
- If the object is not on a mob, then use the level of the closest 
  intervening mob. In other words the level of the guard at a treasure 
  room door determines the level of the treasure. 
- Because the spell level on magic items is set separately from the 
  object level, you should set the spell level to be equal to, or less 
  than the object level. 
1) If your object is a magic item (pill, potion, scroll, staff, wand) 
   then you first need to determine the base-charges. This is the 
   number of charges your item should hold. The actual charges can be 
   raised at a cost to "advantages", or lowered at a cost to 
   "limitations" (more about those later). Use this formula (round 
   fractions up): 
2) Next you need to compute the active value your object can have. This 
   is (fractions are rounded up in players favor): 
      ACTIVE = LEVEL * (1 + LIMITATIONS) / 2 
   Limitations are expressed in quarters (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, etc.). This 
   number cannot exceed 2. The chart below is a guide for limitations. 
   You cannot use the same limitation twice for the same object. If you 
   feel you have a significant new limitation, use the existing values 
   in the chart to establish an appropriate new value. 
   LIMITATION                                   value 
   only works for two alignments                0.25 
   only works for one alignment                 0.5 
   object in tough to reach area*               0.25 
   object in tough area*                        0.25 
   object carried by tough mob*                 0.25 
   object only useable by one or two races      0.5 
   uses only 1/2 of base charges                0.25 
   uses only 1/4 or fewer of base charges       0.5   
   nodrop item                                  0.25   
   noremove item                                0.25   
   requires 18str to wield                      0.25   
   invisible                                    0.25 
   Imp likes this object                        0.25 
   * A tough to reach area has at least one of the following: 
      locked door with separated key, past a random section, no 
      teleport zone, no astral zone, more than 50 moves from recall 
      (not counting random zone) 
   * A tough area has at least one of the following: 
      no recall, no spell use, many assisting aggressive mobs. 
   * A tough mob has at least one of the following: 
      sanctuary, spell use. 
2) Now determine the current 'cost' of your object with (fractions are 
   rounded down in the players favor): 
   The following is the table for advantages. Like limitations, if 
   you have a new advantage, use the current table to derive an 
   appropriate value.  
   ADVANTAGE                             value 
   spell is continuous                   1.0 
   uses 2 * base charges                 0.25 
   uses 3 * base charges                 0.5 
   uses 4 * base charges                 0.75 
   enchantable weapon                    0.25 
   12 strength can wield it              0.25 
   'Points' is the total of all the modifiers and/or spell points on 
   the object. Below is the table of modifiers, and the power table for 
   spells. Values are added for each instance of an element. Meaning, 
   for an object with +3 damroll the value would be 6, and for a potion 
   with 2 heal spells the value would be 20. 
   APPLY MODIFIER           value 
   + 1 hitroll*              1 
   + 1 damroll*              2 
   + 1 attribute             3 
   + 2 hp                    1 
   + 2 mana                  1 
   +10 moves                 1 
   - 1 ac                    2 
   - 1 savings throw         2 
   * Hitroll and damroll additions should not exceed: LEVEL / 8 
   SPELL        value       SPELL        value       SPELL        value 
   Bamf             7       Cause Critical   4       Chin Kang Palm   4 
   Curse            4       Cure Critical    4       Enchant Weapon  20 
   Endurance       20       Energy Drain     5       Frenzy           7 
   Gate            10       Giant Strength   4       Harm             7 
   Heal            10       Iron Monk       15       Locate Object    4 
   Mass Heal       20       Mass Invis       4       Pass Door       20 
   Plague           4       Prayer           7       Quivering Palm   7 
   Sanctuary       15       Summon          10       Teleport         7 
   Weaken           4 
                  *** ALL other spells cost 3 points *** 
  (Point cost for spells based on a mana/5 rule for a level 56 warrior) 
3) Compare COST to ACTIVE. If COST < ACTIVE, you have a balanced 
   object. Otherwise, it is a good idea to go back, and try to balance 
   out some of the features. You should also try to avoid having many 
   mobs with several objects with COST right at the ACTIVE limit. Its 
   OK to have the kingpin mob of the area geared up, but if all your 
   mobs are overloaded, it becomes excessive. And that's all there is 
   to it! 
** Examples ** 
1. Blue Diamond wand. 
(lvl 14 wand of create food, 12 charges) 
The blue diamond wand is carried by Lucky, a 14th mob which is 
invisible. Lucky is not in a particularly tough area, and does not use  
spells or have sanctuary, so LIMITATIONS = 0. 
   ACTIVE = 14*(1+0)/2= 7 points 
Now we want 'create food' on the wand. Since create food is not 
specifically listed it is a 3 point spell. The base number of charges 
on the wand would be 14/5 = 3 charges. If I want to increase this to 
12, I would need to have 4*base charges, a 0.75 advantage. So cost is: 
   COST = (1.75)*3=5.25 = 5 points. 
Since (COST=5) < (ACTIVE=7), the object is balanced. 
2. Twinkling Ball of Light 
(light, +1 int, wis, hr, dr) 
The ball of light is carried by the 15th level Faerie queen, this 
'kingpin' mob of the area is behind a guarded locked door in a room 
with a brownie, pixie, sprite, and nixie reset, and she casts spells 
and has sanctuary. 
Her limitations are: 
   tough mob (sanct, spelluse)          = 0.25  
   tough area (many mobs assisting)     = 0.25  
   * note that I don't consider her to be tough to reach 
   So ACTIVE = 15*(1+.5)/2 = 11.25= 11 
Now for cost. Total the modifiers: 
   +1 hr  = 1 pt 
   +1 dr  = 2 pts 
   +1 int = 3 pts 
   +1 wis = 3 pts 
Note that 15/8=2, the limit for the hr, dr of an item. Since we are 
only +1, it's OK. 
   So COST = (1+0)*9= 9pts 
Since (COST=9) < (ACTIVE=11), the object is not abusive 
3. Moonbeam 
(invis, +2hr, +2dr, enchantable) 
Twinkletoes carries a moonbeam. Her ACTIVE is different for this 
object, since this object is invis. 
   LIMITATIONS = 0.75 (tough mob, tough area, invis object) 
   ACTIVE = 15*(1.75)/2 = 13.125 = 13 
Enchantable is a 0.25 advantage. Lets compute the cost: 
  +2 hr = 2 pts 
  +2 dr = 4 pts 
The +2hr, +2 dr is right at the limit for a 15th weapon. 
   COST = 6*(1+0.25) = 7.5 rounds to 7 in the players favor 
Since (COST=7) < (ACTIVE=13), the object is in balance. 
4. An Abusive object, Shieldbreaker 
(+10hr, +10 dr, +50hp, -10vs spell, noremove, invis) 
Shieldbreaker is carried by the 27th level lieutenant of the guard in  
Solace, a mob with sanct, invis, and in the 20ish room complex of the 
guard HQ. Only shopkeepers, Goldmoon, and the Captain are higher than 
him in Solace, so you could say he is a kingpin. Lets also say that he 
is in a hard to reach area, because you need to search and map the 
guard complex with det invis to find him. The weapon is magic, so it 
can not be enchanted. 
   LIMITATIONS = 1 (tough mob=0.25, tough to reach=0.25, 
                    noremove = 0.25, invis =0.25) 
   ACTIVE = 27*(1+1)/2 = 27 points 
Cost modifiers: 
   +10hr   = 10pts  * WARNING, EXCEEDS 27/8 = +3 lmt 
   +10dr   = 20pts  * WARNING, EXCEEDS 27/8 = +3 lmt 
   +50hp   = 25pts 
   -10save = 20pts 
   COST = 75*(1+0) = 75 
Since (COST=75) > (ACTIVE=27) the object is out of balance. Even with 
the 'Imp likes it' limitation, it is out of balance. It also fails on 
the hr, dr limitation. An object of this power should be carried by a 
75th mob. Strahd who created this item says the mob for which it was 
intended, was originally much higher level, and it and farslayer were 
intended to be items so desirable that mortals would die over and over 
in their futile attempts to obtain them. 
* Lok's object point system is a guide, not a commandment, and under  
  revision always from play testing. There are some objects in the game  
  which are well off the curve. Probably the ultimate swords in the game  
  are farslayer and shieldbreaker for spellcasters, and excalibur,  
  scalpels, keyboards, vibroblades, ultima weapons, and other  
  enchantables for fighter types. Look to these items as being the top  
  end, and try not to blow the curve beyond them. For BR, if any of your 
  objects blow the curve, it had better be a really good area! ;) 
                               Section 7: 
* Other docs 
The Barren Realms area builder's reference. 
This is the bare-bones version of this text, focusing on syntax and 
table values, with few comments. It is intended for more experienced 
* For MS-Windows 
Make.Zones.Fast! (MZF) 
An excellent Windows area editor. It allows you to set up many aspects 
of your world automatically (like the values from section 6) and it has 
the very useful ability to globally renumber all vnums in your area. The 
help files included with this program are full of great hints and tips 
for area builders. A BR specific version is due out soon, with future  
versions allowing complete compatibility with ALL BR-specific features! 
It's available at <ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/software/mud>. 
The filename is mzf????.zip where ???? is the version number. 
*The current version is: 0.94c 
Merc 2.2 for Windows    
Great for debugging areas. Requires Windows TCP/IP Sockets and Win32, 
or a 32-bit Windows OS such as Windows NT or Windows 95. 
See accompanying documentation for details. It's also available at  
<ftp://ftp.indirect.com/pub/software/mud/>. The file names are 
mercw32.zip and mercw32a.zip. 
* Usenet 
* Mailing lists 
* World Wide Web 
Rainman's Barren Realms builder's Homepage! 
Scavenger's Quasi-Official Barren Realms Homepage! 
Make.Zones.Fast on WWW! 
Rainman will gladly debug your area for you.  
Send to: rwiley@cris.com 
The information contained herein was compiled from many sources. Thanks  
to all who have had a part in it's development. 
This document contains information from 'database.doc', 'dbsup.doc',  
and 'values.doc', part of the original Diku mud release and copyrighted 
by the Diku folks. See their accompanying license. 
This document is also a conglomeration of building.txt and the other  
area building files included in the MERC 2.2 package then expanded and  
edited them to make it easier for first-time area builders. 
All thanks go out to the creators of MUD!!! 
Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 
All Rights Reserved 
                             DikuMud License 
                      Program & Concept created by 
Sebastian Hammer 
Prss. Maries Alle 15, 1 
1908 Frb. C. 
(email quinn@freja.diku.dk) 
Michael Seifert 
Nr. Soeg. 37C, 1, doer 3 
1370 Copenhagen K. 
(email seifert@freja.diku.dk) 
Hans Henrik St{rfeldt 
Langs} 19 
3500 V{rl|se 
(email bombman@freja.diku.dk) 
Tom Madsen 
R|de Mellemvej 94B, 64 
2300 Copenhagen S. 
(email noop@freja.diku.dk) 
Katja Nyboe 
Kildeg}rdsvej 2 
2900 Hellerup 
31 62 82 84 
(email katz@freja.diku.dk) 
This document contains the rules by which you can use, alter or publish 
parts of DikuMud. DikuMud has been created by the above five listed  
persons in their spare time, at DIKU (Computer Science Institute at  
Copenhagen University). You are legally bound to follow the rules  
described in this document. 
!! DikuMud is NOT Public Domain, shareware, careware or the like !! 
You may under no circumstances make profit on *ANY* part of DikuMud in 
any possible way. You may under no circumstances charge money for 
distributing any part of DikuMud - this includes the usual $5 charge 
for "sending the disk" or "just for the disk" etc. 
By breaking these rules you violate the agreement between us and the 
University, and hence will be sued. 
You may not remove any copyright notices from any of the documents or 
sources given to you. 
This license must *always* be included "as is" if you copy or give 
away any part of DikuMud (which is to be done as described in this 
If you publish *any* part of DikuMud, we as creators must appear in the 
article, and the article must be clearly copyrighted subject to this 
license. Before publishing you must first send us a message, by 
snail-mail or e-mail, and inform us what, where and when you are 
publishing (remember to include your address, name etc.) 
If you wish to setup a version of DikuMud on any computer system, you 
must send us a message , by snail-mail or e-mail, and inform us where 
and when you are running the game. (remember to include  
your address, name etc.) 
Any running version of DikuMud must include our names in the login 
sequence. Furthermore the "credits" command shall always contain 
our name, addresses, and a notice which states we have created DikuMud. 
You are allowed to alter DikuMud, source and documentation as long as 
you do not violate any of the above stated rules. 
The DikuMud Group 
We hope you will enjoy DikuMud, and encourage you to send us any reports 
on bugs (when you find 'it'). Remember that we are all using our spare 
time to write and improve DikuMud, bugs, etc. - and changes will take  
their time. We have so far put extremely many programming hours into  
this project. If you make any major improvements on DikuMud we would be  
happy to hear from you. As you will naturally honor the above rules, you  
will receive new updates and improvements made to the game.