60	Start of Mob
hunter elf ~	names
an elven hunter
A hunter blends into the forest floor.
	This man is about 5 feet tall and thin through the hips.  His shoulders
are quite wide though, and he seems to posses a wiry strength uncommon for such
a slight build.  His dark hair and features, as well as his humble leather
clothing allow him to blend seamlessly into the forest.

18 17 12 11 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
45 214000 0 	long_data
0 14 15 12 15 13 17 6 2 60 1 0 1 4 0 150 50 100 450 
12 16 35 0 150 50 100 2 100 100 0 80 100 100 4 5 3 4 100 100 
100 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1028 1028 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 60 0 10	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

61	Start of Mob
woman young elf ~	names
a young elven woman
A young elven woman is here watching her toddler.
This beautiful young elven woman is all smiles as she watches her toddler
walking around clumsily.  She has the dark complexion and hair common to
elves and is dressed in a light brown dress, which wraps itself gently
around her legs as a breeze blows by.

18 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
40 120000 0 	long_data
0 12 12 12 17 12 12 5 2 50 1 0 0 4 0 150 100 100 750 
14 5 40 0 150 100 100 2 90 100 0 80 80 70 3 5 4 5 120 120 
120 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1028 0 	cur_stats
102 12 -1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
103 -1	inv
 61 0 3	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

68	Start of Mob
toddler elf ~	names
an elven toddler
An elven toddler stumbles around gurgling happily.
This child is clothed in a funky little brown jump suit.  He is wandering
around in small circles drooling on everything he sees.  Better watch out,
this little fellow just fixed his glistening eyes on you!

18 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 1000 0 	long_data
0 5 1 1 18 1 9 0 0 100 1 5 1 4 0 1 1 25 800 
1 5 0 0 1 1 25 2 1000 1 0 90 90 90 0 5 0 0 100 100 
100 0 10 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1024 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 68 0 3	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

71	Start of Mob
Nirmal elf ~	names
Nirmal stands here at ease.
Nirmal, the famous elven archer, stands here at ease.  He is not of noble
blood, but his legendary skill with the bow has made him beloved of Lord Lyral
and the elven people.  He stands tall for an elf at a little under six feet and
his wide shoulders give you an idea of his strength.  He looks warily at you as
you enter the room.

18 12 11 10 7 6 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
100 750000 0 	long_data
0 18 13 13 15 15 18 15 8 30 2 0 1 4 0 355 100 150 350 
18 5 0 0 355 100 150 2 80 100 0 70 70 70 6 5 5 7 150 100 
100 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1028 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 71 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

75	Start of Mob
bear black ~	names
a large black bear
A large black bear shuffles through the forest.
This is a truly formidible beast.  It stands five feet at the shoulders and
weighs over 200 pounds.  Two inch claws nicely decorate each large paw.  What
a beautiful pelt though!

18 17 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 250000 0 	long_data
0 20 8 20 8 8 20 10 5 30 2 0 0 5 16 450 40 150 -100 
12 5 0 0 450 40 150 2 100 100 0 80 80 100 5 5 4 5 100 100 
100 0 220 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1029 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 75 0 10	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
16 5 4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
112        skin number

83	Start of Mob
bird ~	names
a chirping bird
A small bird flies about chirping.
	This red colored bird is small and very loud. Its orange beak brings forth
a veritable cacophany of what it must surely hear as beautiful music.

18 3 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 500 0 	long_data
0 0 1 1 1 1 7 0 0 100 1 0 0 1 16 1 10 40 0 
1 5 0 0 1 10 40 2 100 1 0 90 90 90 0 5 0 0 2 2 
2 0 1 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1024 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 83 0 20	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
17 4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
-1  End of mob proc scripts

84	Start of Mob
fox ~	names
a red fox
A red fox moves carefully here.
A small, reddish-grey fox looks at you warily, not sure whether you are friend
or foe.  Its ears swivel back and forth, and its nose is lifted into the air
gently testing the winds.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 30000 0 	long_data
0 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 85 1 0 1 1 16 80 25 70 0 
4 5 0 0 80 25 70 2 100 100 0 100 100 80 5 5 1 4 1 1 
1 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1025 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 84 0 30	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
16 5 4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
747        skin number

85	Start of Mob
wolf ~	names
a wolf
A wolf stands here.
	This grey wolf is the size of an average dog with large canine teeth. It
notices you and its hackles raise slightly as it growls very softly.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0 45000 0 	long_data
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 0 89 1 0 1 1 16 100 50 100 0 
5 5 0 0 100 50 100 2 100 100 0 100 100 90 5 5 2 3 3 3 
3 0 30 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1029 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 85 0 30	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
16 5 4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
746        skin number

86	Start of Mob
child ~	names
an elven child
An elven child plays here.
This child looks to be about 10 years old. Eyes wide with innocence.
Green clothing lets the child blend in with the foliage if danger is present.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
12 50700 0 	long_data
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 75 1 0 1 1 11 100 50 100 200 
5 5 15 0 100 50 100 2 100 100 0 100 100 100 0 5 1 6 10 10 
10 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1025 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 86 0 8	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

87	Start of Mob
elven citizen ~	names
an elven citizen
An elven citizen walks peacefully here.
This citizen is slender and wears green clothing. The citizen looks warily
about for any
danger that might show itself. Under dangerous circumstances they would run
to tell the guards.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
25 95000 0 	long_data
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 70 1 0 0 2 0 200 100 100 10 
8 5 15 0 200 100 100 2 100 100 0 50 80 40 0 5 1 10 5 5 
5 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1025 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 87 0 20	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

88	Start of Mob
elf sentry ~	names
an elf sentry
An elf sentry stands watch here.
This elf is aware of all that transpires about him. His job is mark and keep
an eye on all tresspassers. If they are enemies he is to kill them. He wears
green clothes that help keep him camoflauged.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
58 218600 0 	long_data
0 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 49 1 0 1 1 11 373 100 100 39 
12 5 0 0 373 100 100 2 100 100 0 80 40 60 0 5 2 4 5 5 
5 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1028 1029 0 	cur_stats
105 9 104 12 -1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 88 0 30	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

90	Start of Mob
fletcher Milva ~	names
Milva the fletcher stands here patiently.
Milva is an elderly elf but she makes some of the best bows in these parts.
Her skin is stark tan and she wears brown clothing with a green cloak. A small
walking stick helps her to move around but her hands are extraordinarily

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
130 800000 0 	long_data
0 14 14 14 14 14 14 1 1 12 1 0 0 2 0 750 200 200 100 
20 5 0 0 750 200 200 2 100 100 0 50 50 50 5 5 3 8 10 10 
10 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1025 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
107 -1	inv
 90 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
 120 40 18 0	shop_data shorts
48 47 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
107 88 467 -1  End of perm_inv

91	Start of Mob
elven guard ~	names
an elven guard
An elven guard stands here.
The elven guard seems a friendly man but the gait of his stride and the
thickness of his arms makes you realize he could hurt you if he wished.
He glances briefly at you sizing you up and continues warily on his way.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
35 480000 0 	long_data
0 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 10 2 0 1 1 11 600 200 200 100 
17 5 0 0 600 200 200 2 100 110 0 50 50 50 0 5 4 4 20 20 
20 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1027 0 	cur_stats
104 12 -1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
106 -1	inv
 91 0 9	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-

93	Start of Mob
Kytlar baker ~	names
Kytlar the baker stands here.
This baker is an elderly elven woman.
She wears a white and green outfit covered in flour.
She greets you with a warm smile.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
35 600000 0 	long_data
0 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 0 1 0 0 2 0 700 200 200 100 
20 5 0 0 700 200 200 2 100 100 0 50 50 50 0 5 2 6 10 10 
10 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1025 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
108 -1	inv
 93 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
 100 100 7 21	shop_data shorts
61 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
108 -1  End of perm_inv

94	Start of Mob
lyvarn shopkeeper ~	names
Lyvarn the shopkeeper
Lyvarn the shopkeeper waits here patiently.
Lyvarn is a chubby male elf. 
He wears brown clothing and has a white apron on..his grey hair marks him as
elderly as he greets you with a warm smile.

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
35 500000 0 	long_data
0 12 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 -10 1 0 1 8 0 700 200 200 100 
20 5 0 0 700 200 200 2 100 100 0 70 70 70 0 5 2 6 30 30 
30 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1031 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
110 109 -1	inv
 94 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
 100 100 18 0	shop_data shorts
59 58 50 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
110 109 -1  End of perm_inv

95	Start of Mob
magic glornl ~	names
Glornl the Mage
Glornl the Mage levitates here.
This elderly man blazes with an aura of power. He is also the owner of the
elven magic shop and the towns head mage. He wears green robes with archaic
symbols. His smile is warm for his friends.

18 3 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
300 900000 0 	long_data
0 10 17 15 15 15 15 10 10 -30 1 0 1 3 0 700 700 200 200 
20 5 10 0 700 700 200 2 100 100 0 50 50 50 3 5 2 7 20 20 
20 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1027 0 	cur_stats
-1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
114 113 -1	inv
 95 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
 100 100 13 0	shop_data shorts
69 58 56 53 52 51 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
114 113 -1  End of perm_inv

96	Start of Mob
otal ~	names
Otal, the old healer and trainer, stands here.
This elf is beyond ancient in years. He spends his time passing on knowledge
to others and telling stories about the Silver lady , his old friend. His green
clothes are old but very expensive looking. He usually is holding his magic

18 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
400 950000 0 	long_data
0 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 10 -40 1 0 1 7 11 700 500 500 300 
20 5 0 0 700 500 500 2 90 110 0 50 50 50 4 5 2 9 10 10 
10 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1024 1031 0 	cur_stats
115 10 -1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 96 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
4 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
9 6 2 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
1    here starts a valid say_proc_cell.
silver lady
Otal tells you, "Hmmm.. The Silver Lady. She is my oldest and best friend.
She is so kind. For some reason she hates visitors though she welcomes friends
of mine. Ok, I will tell you where she is. In her living quarters the
Silver room. Open the north wall by opening leaf. It is a huge silver leaf
that blends in well with the silver walls. It was a gift from me. Leave me be
please as I remember her.

0 0	 end of say_proc_cell
-1    end of say_proc_cells
Otal stares at you and says "Leave me be!"

Otal stares at you and says "Leave me be!"

Otal stares at you and says "You are no student of mine. Be gone!"


98	Start of Mob
lord lyral ~	names
Lord Lyral
The elven lord Lyral stands here thinking.
Lyral is in his middle years and has grey hair and blue eyes. He spends
much time in this room planning defenses. He wears a green and blue outfit
and wields a slender dagger. He was put in charge here by the hidden elven
base. The lord puts much into proper respect.

18 5 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
500 1200000 0 	long_data
0 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 -50 2 0 1 1 11 750 500 500 300 
21 5 0 0 750 500 500 2 100 100 0 50 50 50 0 5 2 9 10 10 
10 0 0 0 	shrt_cur_stats
1026 1031 0 	cur_stats
114 4 118 9 -1	eq: num, posn
-1	affected_by
-1	inv
 98 0 1	mob#, tmp_num, max_n_game
17 4 1 0 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
9 -1  -:| bitfield |:-
0	int1, above bitfield started spec_data
1  Start of a mob proc script
say 0 -1 0	 Trigger Command, targ, actor 
 look %M;
 tell %M I am here to protect and help the elves, not you!;

-1  End of mob proc scripts