// room_reset.c
// Personally, I prefer to do all of my zone resetting through scripts because
// of the flexibility it allows for. However, I know some people are not
// too inclined towards scripting, so this is an effort to provide an easy
// way for those people to handle room resets.

#include "mud.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "room.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "body.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "exit.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "prototype.h"
#include "hooks.h"
#include "room_reset.h"

// mandatory modules
#include "items/items.h"
#include "items/container.h"
#include "items/furniture.h"
#include "items/worn.h"
#include "scripts/scripts.h"
#include "scripts/pyplugs.h"

// reset list
struct reset_list {
  char       *key; // our key in the world
  LIST    *resets; // our list of resets

RESET_LIST *newResetList(void) {
  RESET_LIST *list = malloc(sizeof(RESET_LIST));
  list->resets = newList();
  list->key    = strdup("");
  return list;

void deleteResetList(RESET_LIST *list) {
  if(list->resets) deleteListWith(list->resets, deleteReset);
  if(list->key)    free(list->key);

RESET_LIST *resetListCopy(RESET_LIST *list) {
  RESET_LIST *newlist = malloc(sizeof(RESET_LIST));
  if(list->resets) newlist->resets = listCopyWith(list->resets, resetCopy);
  else             newlist->resets = newList();
  newlist->key =   strdupsafe(list->key);
  return newlist;

void resetListCopyTo(RESET_LIST *from, RESET_LIST *to) {
  if(to->resets)   deleteListWith(to->resets, deleteReset);
  if(from->resets) to->resets = listCopyWith(from->resets, resetCopy);
  else             to->resets = newList();
  if(to->key)      free(to->key);
  to->key =        strdupsafe(from->key);

STORAGE_SET *resetListStore(RESET_LIST *list) {
  STORAGE_SET *set = new_storage_set();
  store_list(set, "resets", gen_store_list(list->resets, resetStore));
  return set;

RESET_LIST *resetListRead(STORAGE_SET *set) {
  RESET_LIST *list = calloc(1, sizeof(RESET_LIST));
  list->resets = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "resets"), resetRead);
  return list;

LIST *resetListGetResets(RESET_LIST *list) {
  return list->resets;

void resetListAdd(RESET_LIST *list, RESET_DATA *reset) {
  listPut(list->resets, reset);

void resetListRemove(RESET_LIST *list, RESET_DATA *reset) {
  listRemove(list->resets, reset);

void resetListSetKey(RESET_LIST *list, const char *key) {
  if(list->key) free(list->key);
  list->key = strdupsafe(key);

const char *resetListGetKey(RESET_LIST *list) {
  return list->key;

// reset data
struct reset_data {
  int        type; // what kind of reset are we?
  int       times; // how many times should it be executed?
  int      chance; // what is our chance of success?
  int         max; // what is the max number of us that can be in the game?
  int    room_max; // what is the max number of us that can be in the room?
  BUFFER     *arg; // what is our reset arg (e.g. mob proto, direction name)
  LIST        *in; // what resets do we put into ourself?
  LIST        *on; // what resets do we put onto ourself?
  LIST      *then; // if this succeeds, what else do we do?

const char *reset_names[NUM_RESETS] = {
  "load object",
  "load mobile",
  "find object",
  "find mobile",
  "purge object",
  "purge mobile",
  "open exit or object",
  "close exit or object",
  "lock exit or object",
  "change mobile position",
  "run script"

const char     *resetTypeGetName (int type) {
  return reset_names[type];

RESET_DATA    *newReset         () {
  RESET_DATA *reset = calloc(1, sizeof(RESET_DATA));
  reset->type     = RESET_LOAD_OBJECT;
  reset->arg      = newBuffer(1);
  reset->times    = 1;
  reset->chance   = 100;
  reset->max      = 0;
  reset->room_max = 0;
  reset->in       = newList();
  reset->on       = newList();
  reset->then     = newList();
  return reset;

void           deleteReset      (RESET_DATA *reset) {
  // delete all that are attached to us
  deleteListWith(reset->in,   deleteReset);
  deleteListWith(reset->on,   deleteReset);
  deleteListWith(reset->then, deleteReset);

void           resetCopyTo      (RESET_DATA *from, RESET_DATA *to) {
  // first, delete everything attached to us
  deleteListWith(to->in,   deleteReset);
  deleteListWith(to->on,   deleteReset);
  deleteListWith(to->then, deleteReset);

  to->in   = listCopyWith(from->in,   resetCopy);
  to->on   = listCopyWith(from->on,   resetCopy);
  to->then = listCopyWith(from->then, resetCopy);

  resetSetType(to,        resetGetType(from));
  resetSetTimes(to,       resetGetTimes(from));
  resetSetChance(to,      resetGetChance(from));
  resetSetMax(to,         resetGetMax(from));
  resetSetRoomMax(to,     resetGetRoomMax(from));
  resetSetArg(to,         resetGetArg(from));

RESET_DATA    *resetCopy        (RESET_DATA *reset) {
  RESET_DATA *newreset = newReset();
  resetCopyTo(reset, newreset);
  return newreset;

STORAGE_SET   *resetStore       (RESET_DATA *reset) {
  STORAGE_SET *set = new_storage_set();
  store_int   (set, "type",     reset->type);
  store_int   (set, "times",    reset->times);
  store_int   (set, "chance",   reset->chance);
  store_int   (set, "max",      reset->max);
  store_int   (set, "room_max", reset->room_max);
  store_string(set, "arg",      bufferString(reset->arg));
  store_list  (set, "in",       gen_store_list(reset->in,   resetStore));
  store_list  (set, "on",       gen_store_list(reset->on,   resetStore));
  store_list  (set, "then",     gen_store_list(reset->then, resetStore));
  return set;

RESET_DATA    *resetRead        (STORAGE_SET *set) {
  RESET_DATA *reset = malloc(sizeof(RESET_DATA));
  reset->type     = read_int(set, "type");
  reset->times    = read_int(set, "times");
  reset->chance   = read_int(set, "chance");
  reset->max      = read_int(set, "max");
  reset->room_max = read_int(set, "room_max");
  reset->on       = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "on"),   resetRead);
  reset->in       = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "in"),   resetRead);
  reset->then     = gen_read_list(read_list(set, "then"), resetRead);
  reset->arg = newBuffer(1);
  bufferCat(reset->arg, read_string(set, "arg"));
  return reset;

int            resetGetType     (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->type;

int            resetGetTimes    (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->times;

int            resetGetChance   (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->chance;

int            resetGetMax      (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->max;

int            resetGetRoomMax  (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->room_max;

const char    *resetGetArg      (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return bufferString(reset->arg);

BUFFER *resetGetArgBuffer       (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->arg;

LIST          *resetGetOn       (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->on;

LIST          *resetGetIn       (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->in;

LIST          *resetGetThen     (const RESET_DATA *reset) {
  return reset->then;

void           resetSetType     (RESET_DATA *reset, int type) {
  reset->type = type;

void           resetSetTimes    (RESET_DATA *reset, int times) {
  reset->times = times;

void           resetSetChance   (RESET_DATA *reset, int chance) {
  reset->chance = chance;

void           resetSetMax      (RESET_DATA *reset, int max) {
  reset->max = max;

void           resetSetRoomMax  (RESET_DATA *reset, int room_max) {
  reset->room_max = room_max;

void           resetSetArg      (RESET_DATA *reset, const char *arg) {
  bufferCat(reset->arg, arg);

void           resetAddOn       (RESET_DATA *reset, RESET_DATA *on) {
  listPut(reset->on, on);

void           resetAddIn       (RESET_DATA *reset, RESET_DATA *in) {
  listPut(reset->in, in);

void           resetAddThen     (RESET_DATA *reset, RESET_DATA *then) {
  listPut(reset->then, then);

// resetRun and all of its related functions

// needs to be declared...
bool resetRun(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type,
	      const char *locale);

// Perform resetRun on all the reset commands in the list, using
// initiator and initiator_type
void resetRunOn(LIST *list, void *initiator, int initiator_type, 
		const char *locale) {
  if(listSize(list) > 0) {
    LIST_ITERATOR *list_i = newListIterator(list);
    RESET_DATA     *reset = NULL;
    ITERATE_LIST(reset, list_i)
      resetRun(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);

// try performing an object load, based on the reset data we have
bool try_reset_load_object(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			   int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  const char *fullkey = get_fullkey_relative(resetGetArg(reset), locale);
  PROTO_DATA   *proto = worldGetType(gameworld, "oproto", fullkey);
  // if there's no prototype, break out
  if(proto == NULL || protoIsAbstract(proto))
    return FALSE;

  // see if we're already at our max
  if(resetGetMax(reset) != 0 && 
     count_objs(NULL, object_list, NULL, fullkey, FALSE) >= 
    return FALSE;
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM && resetGetRoomMax(reset) != 0 &&
     (count_objs(NULL, roomGetContents(initiator), NULL, fullkey,
		 FALSE) >= resetGetRoomMax(reset)))
    return FALSE;

  OBJ_DATA *obj = protoObjRun(proto);
  if(obj == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  // to the room
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    obj_to_room(obj, initiator);
  // inside of the object
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_IN_OBJ)
    obj_to_obj(obj, initiator);
  // to inventory
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_IN_MOB)
    obj_to_char(obj, initiator);
  // equip the mobile
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ON_MOB) {
    // see if we can equip it
    bool equipped = (objIsType(obj, "worn") && 
		     try_equip(initiator, obj, NULL, wornGetPositions(obj)));
    // we failed! Extract the object
    if(!equipped) {
      return FALSE;

  // we're being loaded after a mobile was loaded... let's go to the same room
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    obj_to_room(obj, charGetRoom(initiator));
  // we're being loaded after an object was loaded... let's go wherever it went
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ) {
      obj_to_room(obj, objGetRoom(initiator));
    else if(objGetContainer(initiator))
      obj_to_obj(obj, objGetContainer(initiator));
    else if(objGetCarrier(initiator))
      obj_to_char(obj, objGetCarrier(initiator));
    else if(objGetWearer(initiator)) {
      bool equipped = (objIsType(obj, "worn") && 
		       try_equip(objGetWearer(initiator), obj, NULL, 
      // we failed! Extract the object
      if(!equipped) {
	return FALSE;
  // hmmm... we shouldn't get this far
  else {
    return FALSE;

  // now, run all of our stuff
  resetRunOn(reset->on,   obj, INITIATOR_ON_OBJ,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->in,   obj, INITIATOR_IN_OBJ,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->then, obj, INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ, locale);

  return TRUE;

// try performing a mobile load, based on the reset data we have
bool try_reset_load_mobile(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			   int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  const char *fullkey = get_fullkey_relative(resetGetArg(reset), locale);
  PROTO_DATA   *proto = worldGetType(gameworld, "mproto", fullkey);
  // if there's no prototype, break out
  if(proto == NULL || protoIsAbstract(proto))
    return FALSE;

  // see if we're already at our max
  if(resetGetMax(reset) != 0 && 
     count_chars(NULL, mobile_list, NULL, fullkey, FALSE) >= resetGetMax(reset))
    return FALSE;
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM && resetGetRoomMax(reset) != 0 &&
     (count_chars(NULL, roomGetCharacters(initiator), NULL, fullkey,
		  FALSE) >= resetGetRoomMax(reset)))
    return FALSE;

  CHAR_DATA *mob = protoMobRun(proto);
  if(mob == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  // to the room
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    char_to_room(mob, initiator);
  // to a seat
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ON_OBJ) {
    if(!objIsType(initiator, "furniture") || objGetRoom(initiator)==NULL) {
      return FALSE;
    char_to_room(mob, objGetRoom(initiator));
    char_to_furniture(mob, initiator);
    charSetPos(mob, POS_SITTING);
  // after an object
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ) {
    if(objGetRoom(initiator) == NULL) {
      return FALSE;
    char_to_room(mob, objGetRoom(initiator));
  // after another mob
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    char_to_room(mob, charGetRoom(initiator));
  // we shouldn't get this far
  else {
    return FALSE;

  // now, run all of our followup stuff
  resetRunOn(reset->on,   mob, INITIATOR_ON_MOB,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->in,   mob, INITIATOR_IN_MOB,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->then, mob, INITIATOR_THEN_MOB, locale);

  return TRUE;

// handles "find" and "purge" in one function
bool try_reset_old_object(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator,int initiator_type,
			  int reset_cmd, const char *locale) {
  const char *fullkey = get_fullkey_relative(resetGetArg(reset), locale);
  OBJ_DATA       *obj = NULL;

  // is it the room?
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    obj = find_obj(NULL, roomGetContents(initiator),  1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);
  // is it in a container?
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_IN_OBJ)
    obj = find_obj(NULL, objGetContents(initiator),   1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);
  // is it in a person's inventory?
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_IN_MOB)
    obj = find_obj(NULL, charGetInventory(initiator), 1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);
  // is it in a person's equipment?
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ON_MOB) {
    LIST *eq = bodyGetAllEq(charGetBody(initiator));
    obj = find_obj(NULL, eq, 1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);

  // if we didn't find it, return false
  if(obj == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  // now, run our reset sscripts
  resetRunOn(reset->on,   obj, INITIATOR_ON_OBJ,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->in,   obj, INITIATOR_IN_OBJ,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->then, obj, INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ, locale);

  // if this is a purge and it wasn't our initiator, kill it
  // if we purge our initiator, we might run into some problems
  if(obj != initiator && reset_cmd == RESET_PURGE_OBJECT)
  return TRUE;

// find an object
bool try_reset_find_object(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			   int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  return try_reset_old_object(reset, initiator, initiator_type, 
			      RESET_FIND_OBJECT, locale);

// purge an object
bool try_reset_purge_object(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			    int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  return try_reset_old_object(reset, initiator, initiator_type, 
			      RESET_PURGE_OBJECT, locale);

// handles "find" and "purge" in one function
bool try_reset_old_mobile(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator,int initiator_type,
			  int reset_cmd, const char *locale) {
  const char *fullkey = get_fullkey_relative(resetGetArg(reset), locale);
  CHAR_DATA      *mob = NULL;

  // is it the room?
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    mob = find_char(NULL, roomGetCharacters(initiator),1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);
  // is it furniture?
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ON_OBJ)
    mob = find_char(NULL, objGetUsers(initiator), 1, NULL, fullkey, FALSE);
  // after an object
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ) {
    if(objGetRoom(initiator) == NULL)
      return FALSE;
    mob = find_char(NULL, roomGetCharacters(objGetRoom(initiator)), 1, NULL,
		    fullkey, FALSE);
  // after another mob
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    mob = find_char(NULL, roomGetCharacters(charGetRoom(initiator)), 1, NULL,
		    fullkey, FALSE);

  // if we didn't find it, return FALSE
  if(mob == NULL)
    return FALSE;

  // if we found it, do the reset of the commands
  resetRunOn(reset->on,   mob, INITIATOR_ON_MOB,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->in,   mob, INITIATOR_IN_MOB,   locale);
  resetRunOn(reset->then, mob, INITIATOR_THEN_MOB, locale);

  // if this is a purge and it wasn't our initiator, kill it
  // if we purge our initiator, we might run into some problems
  if(mob != initiator && reset_cmd == RESET_PURGE_MOBILE)

  return TRUE;

// find a mobile
bool try_reset_find_mobile(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			   int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  return try_reset_old_mobile(reset, initiator, initiator_type, RESET_FIND_MOBILE, locale);

// purge a mobile
bool try_reset_purge_mobile(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, 
			    int initiator_type, const char *locale) {
  return try_reset_old_mobile(reset, initiator, initiator_type, RESET_PURGE_MOBILE, locale);

// try forcing a mobile to change positions
bool try_reset_position(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type){
  if(!initiator || initiator_type != INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    return FALSE;
  int pos = posGetNum(resetGetArg(reset));
  if(pos < 0 || pos >= NUM_POSITIONS)
    return FALSE;
  charSetPos(initiator, pos);
  return TRUE;

// the blanket function for reset_open/close/lock
bool try_reset_opening(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type,
		       bool closed, bool locked) {
  // we're trying to open an exit
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM) {
    EXIT_DATA *exit = roomGetExit(initiator, resetGetArg(reset));
    int      dirnum = DIR_NONE;

    // are we using an abbreviation?
    if(exit == NULL && (dirnum = dirGetAbbrevNum(resetGetArg(reset)))!=DIR_NONE)
      exit = roomGetExit(initiator, dirGetName(dirnum));

    // did we find a valid exit?
    if(exit == NULL)
      return FALSE;

    exitSetLocked(exit, locked);
    exitSetClosed(exit, closed);
    return TRUE;

  // we're trying to open a container
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ) {
    if(!objIsType(initiator, "container"))
      return FALSE;
    containerSetLocked(initiator, locked);
    containerSetClosed(initiator, closed);
    return TRUE;
  // we shouldn't get this far
    return FALSE;

// try opening something
bool try_reset_open(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type) {
  return try_reset_opening(reset, initiator, initiator_type, FALSE, FALSE);

// try closing and unlocking something 
bool try_reset_close(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type) {
  return try_reset_opening(reset, initiator, initiator_type, TRUE, FALSE);

// Try closing and locking something
bool try_reset_lock(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type) {
  return try_reset_opening(reset, initiator, initiator_type, TRUE, TRUE);

// Try running a script on the initiator
bool try_reset_script(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type,
		      const char *locale) {
  PyObject *pyme = NULL;
  PyObject *dict = NULL;
  if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_ROOM)
    pyme = roomGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_OBJ)
    pyme = objGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
  else if(initiator_type == INITIATOR_THEN_MOB)
    pyme = charGetPyFormBorrowed(initiator);
    return FALSE;

  // build our dictionary and add ourself to it as 'me'
  dict = restricted_script_dict();
  PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "me", pyme);

  // run the script
  run_script(dict, resetGetArg(reset), locale);

  // check to see if we had an error
  if(!last_script_ok()) {
    char *tb = getPythonTraceback();
    log_string("Reset script in locale %s terminated with an error:\r\n%s\r\n"
	       "\r\nTraceback is:\r\n%s\r\n", 
	       locale, resetGetArg(reset), tb);

  // garbage collection and return our outcome
  return last_script_ok();

// run the reset data
bool resetRun(RESET_DATA *reset, void *initiator, int initiator_type,
	      const char *locale) {
  // possible problem: how do we know what to return if we're
  // running the reset data multiple times?
  bool ret_val = FALSE;

  // go through for however many times we need to
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < resetGetTimes(reset); i++) {
    // If we don't make our reset chance, continue onto the next check
    if(rand_number(1, 100) > resetGetChance(reset))
    switch(resetGetType(reset)) {
      ret_val = try_reset_load_object(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);
      ret_val = try_reset_load_mobile(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);
      ret_val = try_reset_find_object(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);
      ret_val = try_reset_find_mobile(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);
      ret_val = try_reset_purge_object(reset, initiator, initiator_type,locale);
      ret_val = try_reset_purge_mobile(reset, initiator, initiator_type,locale);
    case RESET_OPEN:
      ret_val = try_reset_open(reset, initiator, initiator_type);
    case RESET_CLOSE:
      ret_val = try_reset_close(reset, initiator, initiator_type);
    case RESET_LOCK:
      ret_val = try_reset_lock(reset, initiator, initiator_type);
      ret_val = try_reset_position(reset, initiator, initiator_type);
    case RESET_SCRIPT:
      ret_val = try_reset_script(reset, initiator, initiator_type, locale);
      return FALSE;
  return ret_val;

// initialization function

// room reset hook. Whenever a room is reset, apply all of its reset rules
void room_reset_hook(const char *info) {
  char  *zone_key = NULL;
  hookParseInfo(info, &zone_key);
  ZONE_DATA *zone = worldGetZone(gameworld, zone_key);

  LIST_ITERATOR *res_i = newListIterator(zoneGetResettable(zone));
  char           *name = NULL;
  const char   *locale = zoneGetKey(zone);
  RESET_LIST     *list = NULL;
  ROOM_DATA      *room = NULL;
  ITERATE_LIST(name, res_i) {
    if((room = worldGetRoom(gameworld, get_fullkey(name, locale))) != NULL) {
      // first apply all of our prototype resets
      LIST            *protos = parse_keywords(roomGetPrototypes(room));
      LIST_ITERATOR  *proto_i = newListIterator(protos);
      char             *proto = NULL;

      // try to run each parent reset, and finally our own
      ITERATE_LIST(proto, proto_i) {
	if((list = worldGetType(gameworld, "reset", proto)) != NULL)
	  resetRunOn(resetListGetResets(list), room, INITIATOR_ROOM, locale);
      } deleteListIterator(proto_i);
      deleteListWith(protos, free);
  } deleteListIterator(res_i);

void init_room_reset(void) {
  hookAdd("reset", room_reset_hook);