keywords : aliases info :~ Usage: alias list current aliases alias <command> <format> assign a new alias to the given command alias <command> delete an existing alias Aliases are used to restring one command into another command. Aliases can take arguments, and they can also reference other aliases. If you would like to make an alias take arguments, you must use $1, $2, ... $9 in the alias format, where the number specifies which word in a list of arguments the argument will expand to. Example: > alias dyslexia say $2 $1 Alias set. > dyslexia hello, world! You say, 'world! hello,' In addition to the $1, $2, ... $9 arguments, there is also a catch-all $* argument which means "all of the arguments together". Example: > alias chat chat --> $* <-- Alias set. > chat hello, world! You chat, '--> hello, world! <--' Notice that in the above example, even though the alias called itself, the normal 'chat' command still executed? This is because when an alias is executed, it tells the mud it does not need to expand aliases any more. If you would like to embed an alias within another alias, you have to put square brackets around it. Like normal aliases, these embedded aliases can also take arguments by putting them within the square brackets as well. Example: > alias greeting hello Alias set. > alias greet [chat [greeting], $*! How are you?] Alias set. > greet world You chat, '--> hello, world! How are you? <--' You can also set up aliases to perform multiple commands. Each command must be separated by a semicolon. Example: > alias multigreet [chat [greeting], $*!]; [chat How are you?] Alias set. > multigreet world You chat, '--> hello, world! <--' > You chat, '--> How are you? <--' -