// *Misc snippets i have done over the years and haven't released due to being lazy.* // // *Use these as you see fit, but don't let me catch people calling them theirs.. i'll be evily angry.* // // *Please note, these were designed years ago, so if they suck, i really don't care* // // *They are roughly 10 years old, so from when i started coding, but i hope someone* // // *out there enjoys them.* // // *I know some of these functions are useful, and others, not-so-much, but hey, gimme a break* // // *These were written like, 10 years ago. And don't mind the nasty comments in some of them.* // // *I had an evil girlfriend at the time. She payed for being evil in my code. :) and ya.. fun fun* // // *Also, just on to note, some of these functions are modified for mud-use, but were originaly* // // * written to be self-sustaining compiled executables, as i was still learning how to code* // // * So if anything looks familiar, look at a old C/C++ book, you may see where i was learning* // // * from.* // // *Syntax Errors: Ya, sorry if there are any syntax errors, i copy/pasted the code out of my* // // *mud and tried to remember what all the function names were for stock rom to convert the code* // // *back as much as i could, so i expect there to be afew syntax-errors, if there are, just let me know and* // // *i will fix them and re-release it.* // // * Contact me on msn or in email via: ldevil@hotmail.com * // // ********************************************************************************************************** // Makefile Fun, Enhancing your mud by preventing stupidity from happening The following will enhance your makefile so you will have a cleaner compiled mud Warning, this means you will have todo a WHOLE heck of allot more code then before // ********************************************************************************************************** // // *Anyone up for some kicks? I am..* // In your Makefile, where it says -Wall put beside it -pedantic -ansi so -Wall -pedantic -ansi Now try to compile your mud, make sure your doing a clean make.. And WATCH the errors fly. You will notice that you are enforcing ansi C compiler rules, which makes the compiler pick up almost every last little thing it doesn't like.. This can be massively evil todo if you don't have much of a coding background, for those that do. It is a fun little challenge to clean-up a base. IE.. Rom24 using -pedantic -ansi stock ofcourse, will bug-out-hard-core. So if your mud has allot of downtime i would recommend putting those in, and fixing the warnings/errors that pop up, you may just save your mud. That being said, don't try it without being prepaired for a long day or two of debugging. On a side note of this, when you compile things to the standards as it were, you cut down on the possibilities of bugs, leaking memory, the works. There are more compiler flags, you can find them in man gcc from your linux shell. I recommend putting most of them on, they will make your mud cleaner then ever, which is a REALLY good thing Trust me on that one.. My mud is probobly the most stable mud i have ever been on, because i enabled the proper compiler flags, and fixed all of the issue's that arose, one by one, until there weren't any left. // *************************************************************************************************************************************** // Personal Note to new Coders: Use valgrind, it can be found at http://valgrind.kde.org It is a memory debugger, you will find lots of issues with corrupted memory by usage of this program, it is in my opinion, the best one i have ever had the privalage to use. It will honestly save your code. // *************************************************************************************************************************************** // Now.. Onto the Snippets.. Please Enjoy as my ranting is pretty much done // *This is designed to go at the top of your 'main' function, to log this only at bootup.* // // *frankly, i have no clue on why i made it its own function, but i did.. Meh. Enjoy it.* // // *My mud uses it, but then again, it also details this information in the memory command* // // *so my immortals can see the last time the current-running of my mud was compiled.* // // *So it will show on boot in your logs Last compiled on Aug 8 1999 at 11:15:21 * // void log_last_compile_time(void) { log_string("Last compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__"."); } // *******************************************************// Signal Handling // *******************************************************// // *Yes, i know there are a million signal handler's out there, this one is probobly FAR from the best* // // *however, it has served me well for a good 10 years, the only one i am unsure of working is the* // // *segv_handle function, mine works, but my game_loop is rewritten heavily, so i don't know, this may* // // *cause 'issues' if it does, just make it abort(); instead of restarting the loop.* // // *Floating Point Acception* // static void fpe_handle(int sig) { log_string("Floating Point Acception caught, Aborting Process"); abort(); } // *This 'SHOULD' make the mud restart looping, mine does, but mine is a bit modified* // static void segv_handle(int sig) { log_string("Segmentation violation Caught, restarting Game Loop"); game_loop_unix(control); } static void term_handle(int sig) { DESCRIPTOR *d, *d_next; log_string("Request to Finish process recieved."); // *Save our players, and disconnect all connections.* // for(d = descriptor_list; d; d = d_next) { d_next = d->next; if(d->character) save_char_obj(d->character); CloseSocket(d); } // *Shut us down Safely* // exit(1); } static void hup_handle(int sig) { log_string("sighup caught and ignored. Stupid hup signal..."); } static void ill_handle(int sig) { log_string("sigill recieved.. I don't know what todo.. Lets play dumb and keep going."); } static void sig_usr1(int sig) { log_string("user1 signal recieved"); } static void sig_usr2(int sig) { log_string("user2 signal recieved"); } // *Signal Handling* // void start_handling(void) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGKILL, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGHUP, hup_handle); signal(SIGILL, ill_handle); signal(SIGFPE, fpe_handle); signal(SIGTERM, term_handle); signal(SIGSEGV, segv_handle); signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr1); signal(SIGUSR2, sig_usr2); } put start_handling in your int main, so like start_handling(); right before boot_db(); // ***********************************************************************************// Resource Limit Monitor //************************************************************************************// // *This should show you how your system has handled with your mud-running* // // *It details system usage pretty well actauly, i don't use the fprintf(stdout though...* // // *I have my own log_string function that handles formats, so it goes straight to my* // // *Log file. I hope this can be of some use to you.* // // *I also use this later on in my code in my memory command, to grab the information* // // *So i can review how my mud is doing.* // in main at the top, put struct rusage r_usage; struct rlimit r_limit; int priority; Then right before where it says 'Normal termination...' put this.. getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r_usage); fprintf(stdout, "CPU Usage: User = %ld.%06ld, System = %ld.%06ld\n", r_usage.ru_utime.tv_sec, r_usage.ru_utime.tv_usec, r_usage.ru_stime.tv_sec, r_usage.ru_stime.tv_usec); priority = get_priority(PRIO_PROCESS, getpid()); fprintf(stdout, "Current Priority = %d\n", priority); getrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, &r_limit); fprintf(stdout, "Current FSIZE limit: soft = %ld, hard = %ld\n", r_limit.rlim_cur, r_limit.rlim_max); // ******************************************************************// Time Handler // ******************************************************************// // *I don't know about the rest of you, but i got tired of* // // *using different time functions, so i made acouple* // // *functions todo the work for us, so you don't need to * // // *Ever remember how to use the damned strftime crap :P* // // *Plus they make life a whole hell of allot easier on me ;)* // // *So like... whatever = grab_date(current_time)* // // * and that would return like 04/06/28* // // *my current_time is a time_t, not sure about yours though ;)* // char *grab_date(time_t the_time) { static char lickmenow[200]; struct tm *tm_ptr; lickmenow[0] = '\0'; tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time); //* Easier then my ex girlfriend. *// snprintf(lickmenow, 200, "%02d/%02d/%02d\n",tm_ptr->tm_year +1900, tm_ptr->tm_mon+1, tm_ptr->tm_mday); return lickmenow; } // *Same as grab_date, just it uses - instead of /, and it doesn't put \n at the end* // char *grab_date_log(time_t the_time) { static char lickmenow[200]; struct tm *tm_ptr; lickmenow[0] = '\0'; tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time); //* Easier then my ex girlfriend. *// snprintf(lickmenow, 200, "%02d-%02d-%02d",tm_ptr->tm_year +1900, tm_ptr->tm_mon+1, tm_ptr->tm_mday); return lickmenow; } // *Return the time as a nice, little string.* // char *grab_time(time_t the_time) { static char lickmenow[200]; struct tm *tm_ptr; lickmenow[0] = '\0'; tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time); //* Easier then my ex girlfriend. *// snprintf(lickmenow, 200, "%02d:%02d:%02d\n",tm_ptr->tm_hour, tm_ptr->tm_min, tm_ptr->tm_sec); return lickmenow; } // *Same as grab_time, just without the \n at the end.* // char *grab_time_log(time_t the_time) { static char lickmenow[200]; struct tm *tm_ptr; lickmenow[0] = '\0'; tm_ptr = gmtime(&the_time); //* Easier then my ex girlfriend. *// snprintf(lickmenow, 200, "%02d:%02d:%02d",tm_ptr->tm_hour, tm_ptr->tm_min, tm_ptr->tm_sec); return lickmenow; } // ******************************************************************************************* // New Log System // ******************************************************************************************* // Here is a replacement for your log_string function, it isn't as indepth as my other released one, but this one atleast allows you to have more fun. This is my first rendition of the one i released, but the one i released was allot more powerful then this one, however, i recently looked at the online one, and found that it has afew issues that require fixing, so i will be re-releasing that one, until then, this one here is wicked cool :) If you are the system owner, please define this, this will add extra logging, using the syslog system which btw, if you define this, you will need to #include at the top of your file. // #define IAMSERVEROWNER // *Now saves log based on the days date, appends it, and drops a wiznet* // void log_string(char *string) { FILE *logfile; char *date; char logname[100]; date = grab_date_log(current_time); snprintf(logname, 100, "../log/%s.log", date); // * Open for Append * // logfile = FileOpen(logname, "a"); // Log here ya go :) fprintf(logfile, "%s:: %s", grab_time_log(current_time), string); // Make sure its finished writing before we close. fflush(logfile); // Run the close FileClose(logfile); // *Only do this if there are people connected* // if(descriptor_list) { // Empty the string (just incase) date[0] = '\0'; sprintf(date, "%s:: %s\n", grab_time_log(current_time), string); // Wiznet the string off. wiznet(date, NULL, WIZ_SECURE, 0, CREATOR); } #ifdef IAMSERVEROWNER // Empty the string (just incase) date[0] = '\0'; sprintf(date, "%s:: %s", grab_time_log(current_time), string); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", date); #endif } // ***************************************************************************************** // WARNING: threads are evil, brutaly EVIL, and before you Proceed, heed my warning, threads if done wrong, WILL cause massive Problems, and will most definetly ANNOY you, that being said If you debug using valgrind, you will need to enable its pthread handling Or else it will generate bugs out of nothing (it really does) // *****************************************************************************************// For kicks, I threaded commands, i learnt from my mistakes though, and stopped It was a smart idea, don't get me wrong. But it played some nasty issue's later on. I don't recommend it. to create a thread, you need todo afew things.. Here is my reletively easy example. void do_thread_test(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { int res; pthread_t a_thread; void *thread_result; res = pthread_create(&a_thread, NULL, thread_function, (void *)ch); if(res != 0) { perror("Thread Creation Failed"); exit (0); } send_to_char("Waiting for thread to finish.\n\r"); res = pthread_join(a_thread, &thread_result); if(res !=0) { perror("Thread join failed"); exit(0); } printf_to_char("%s\n", (char *)thread_result); } // *This function is essentaily the name of the function your threading. Done this way for simplicity* // void *thread_function(void *ch) { send_to_char("This is a test of a thread\n\r",(CHAR_DATA*)ch); pthread_exit("Closing the thread now"); } // ** // Okay, so here is the lowdown of what just happened. We created a thread, we sent the function thread_function to it, with char_data, we sent a message to the character, and returned a new message. Then we joined the open thread, grabbed the returned message, and then once again, sent it to the character. and exited the function. This is a small, silly example of how todo a thread, This is a good way to learn how to thread, but doing this in your interp.c in the interpret command is not a smart way todo it :P i threaded every command. at the end of interpret, there is the whole thing like (CHAR_DATA *) (DO_FUN *) or something, i don't remember since my code is long since changed, but instead of launching the command that way, i did it via use of pthreads. I don't recommend it unless your REALLY ballsy ;). // *************************************************************************************************************** // // * Pipe your System* // // *Basic Immortal command, for the owner only. My mud has commands that only I the owner* // // * may use because they are flagged owner commands. And my character is programmed in as* // // * the owner (simple really) IN anycase, here is a nice little way to pipe the system* // // *Personal favorite for me is pipe_system ps ux* // // *Use it as you see fit.* // // *Fancy seeing a security risk here.. just don't type pipe_system rm -rf ~/* bad things will happen ;)* // void pipe_system(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { FILE *read_fp; char buffer[MSL *2]; int chars_read; memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer)); read_fp = popen(argument, "r"); if(read_fp != NULL) { chars_read = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), MSL *2, read_fp; if(chars_read > 0) { page_to_char(buffer, ch); } pclose(read_fp); } return; } // ******************************************************************************************************* // My File Open/Close System, i've seen dozens of them out there But frankly, none of them are as good as this one. Atleast in my books. WARNING: This system uses functions i cannot release due to licencing So.. CREATE is alloc_mem, LINK_SINGLE is a wrapper for single linked lists Look at how your char_list is set, and set it like that, just using the file_list Same deal for UNLINK_SINGLE, requires the use of unlinking from a singly linked list. Or you can rip these functions from Smaug mud, and FirstMud. Smaug for CREATE/DISPOSE, and FirstMud for LINK_SINGLE/UNLINK_SINGLE // ******************************************************************************************************* // // *Replace all fopen's with FileOpen, and fclose with FileClose* // // *Remove all referances to fpReserve (minus the FILE *fpReserve in comm.c)* // // *And the inital opening of the fpReserve in comm.c, also leave the fopen* // // *for the fpReserve in your copyover function(if you have one) These are the only *// // *Instances for you to leave them.* // // *This system can really help your mud out, and if you do a good job, it won't delay* // // *Your mud at all :) if everything is closed properly, your mud won't use any extra mem :)* // in merc.h add the following typedef struct file_data FILE_DATA; struct file_data { FILE_DATA *next; FILE *fp; char *filename; char *mode; // *Where they were called from* // char *file; char *function; int line; }; in the externs area, add extern int FilesOpen; extern FILE_DATA *file_list; in the prototypes add. FILE *__FileOpen(char *filename, char *mode, const char *file, const char *function, int line); void FileClose(FILE *fp); #define FileOpen(filename, mode) __FileOpen(file, mode, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) in db.c at the top add int FilesOpen; FILE_DATA *file_list; // *If you have SERIOUS issue's, unrem that, and watch the system go wild.* // // #define DEBUG_FILEDATA at the bottom, add the following. FILE *__FileOpen(char *filename, char *mode, const char *file, const char *function, int line) { FILE *fp; if(IS_NULLSTR(filename) || IS_NULLSTR(mode)) { log_string("FileOpen called improperly."); return NULL; } // *Close the reserve* // if(fpReserve) fclose(fpReserve); fp = fopen(filename, mode); if(!fp) { perror(filename); return NULL; } else { // *If you want to be really picky, define this* // #ifdef DEBUG_FILEDATA FILE_DATA *file_data; for(file_data = file_list; file_data; file_data->next) { if(file_data->fp == fp) { log_string("FileOpen: Double opening of a file!"); } } #endif FILE_DATA *filedata; CREATE(filedata, FILE_DATA, 1); filedata->filename = str_dup(filename); filedata->mode = str_dup(mode); filedata->file = str_dup(file); filedata->function = str_dup(function); filedata->line = line; filedata->fp = fp; LINK_SINGLE(filedata, next, file_list); FilesOpen++; } return fp; } // *Close the file-data* // void FileClose(FILE *fp) { if(fp) { FILE_DATA *filedata, *filedata_next; for(filedata = file_list; filedata; filedata = filedata_next) { filedata_next = filedata->next; if(filedata->fp == fp) { UNLINK_SINGLE(filedata, next, FILE_DATA, file_list); DISPOSE(filedata->filename); DISPOSE(filedata->file); DISPOSE(filedata->function); DISPOSE(filedata->mode); DISPOSE(filedata); break; } } fclose(fp); FilesOpen--; // ReOpen the Reserve :) fpReserve = fopen(NULL_FILE, "r"); if(FilesOpen < 0) { FilesOpen = 0; log_string("FileClose passed a null fp somewhere and schewed the list."); } } } // *ALL files should be closed. I mean that, there is 100% no need to have an open file, unless your a sloppy coder* // // *Remember that, what this does is link all the open file-data, and display it to you, this will allow you to find out * // // *Where, and why your mud is crapping out. I plugged this into a base, i forget which one, and after it compiled * // // *I booted the mud up, and when i typed fileio, the damned thing had almost 30 open files because they didn't * // // *Close the files properly, so i recommend this to people, because, if you have open files. This will be a perfect* // // * Way to find them, see exactly where they were opened, and why (mode) thus allowing you to find why they.* // // *didn't close* // void do_fileio(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { BUFFER *output = new_buf(); FILE_DATA *filedata; char buf[MSL]; int count = 0; if(file_list) { add_buf(output, "Filename Mode Opened Function Line\n\r"); } for(filedata = file_list; filedata; filedata = filedata->next) { sprintf(buf, "%16s %16s %16s %16s %15d\n\r", filedata->filename, filedata->mode, filedata->file, filedata->function, filedata->line); add_buf(output, buf); } // *Add to the evil* // add_buf(output, "\n\r"); // *Make sure the count is right.* // FilesOpen = count; // *Send it out, and Enjoy* // page_to_char(buf_string(output), ch); free_buf(output); } // ***************************************************************************************** // I don't know why i created this function, and i never really use it, however someone may find use for it, and i salute them. // ***************************************************************************************** // You will need to include sys/stat.h and dirent.h in whatever file you put this function in. void printdir(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, int depth) { DIR *dp; struct direct *entry; struct stat statbuf; if(argument[0] == '\0') { argument = "~/"; } if((dp = opendir(argument)) == NULL { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open directory: %s\n\r", argument); return; } chdir(argument); while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL { lstat(entry->d_name, &statbuf); if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { if(strcmp(".", entry->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..", entry->d_name) == 0 ) continue; printf_to_char(ch, "%*s%s/\n, depth, " ", entry->d_name); printdir(ch, entry->d_name, depth+4); } else printf_to_char(ch, "%*s%s\n",depth, " ", entry->d_name); } chdir(".."); closedir(dp); } void do_print(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { char arg[MSL]; argument = one_argument(argument, arg); // *I think this is right, i honestly never tested... this command to-date.. Wow.. i'm lazy :P* // printdir(ch, argument, atoi(arg)); } // ************************************************************************************************************** // Put this in the startup of your program, before getting to the boot_db This stops people from running your mud as root, i know, i know, who would do it, well Someone must have (points to his brother who conviently stopped doing it after getting hacked) See, people do stupid things :P Just protect yourself by stopping stupid actions. // ************************************************************************************************************** // You will need to include pwd.h for this to work if i remember correctly. You may want to put in unistd.h aswell, and stdio.h just to be sure. void moron_check(void) { uid_t uid; if((uid = getuid()) == 0) { log_string("Warning, you are a moron. Do not run as root."); exit(1); } } // ********************************************************************************************************** // // ********************************************************************************************************** //