Welcome to the OLC help manual. ( Volume IV. Updated 7/19/96) Table of Contents: A Brief Word from the Author How Do I begin and How should I start Chapter 1: The Area File Format Chapter 2. - Rooms and How much fun they are Chapter 3- Objects Galore Chapter 4.- MOBILES. (Monsters that are nasty Chapter 5.- Mob Guardians. (Those Nasty Guards Chapter 5.- RESETS; The hidden word for Confusion Chapter 6.- Shops. Those Fun places where you Buy things Tables A Brief Word From the Author. ----------------------------- I know that OLC can be a big pain in the butt when you have no clue what the heck you are doing. So I have wrote this manual to help you along the way. I believe that this manual will aid you in making very beautiful areas. So sit back, log into the mud with your favorite beverage (mine is a good beer) and practice as we go along. If you find a bug along the way PLEASE note it to immortal. Each section is divided into chapters and will guide you step by step on what to type. Remember that if you have more questions along the way there is on-line help as well. Beowolf of TSR Administration. How should I begin and How should I start? ------------------------------------------- So you think you are ready to build for TSR eh? More power to you. The building process can be long and draining at times...but in the end its well worth it. Remember that as a builder you have certain power that must not be abused. So take care brave one...and welcome. First off I would like to suggest that before you start your area that you sit down with your ideas and brainstorm them. Do this for about an hour and write all your ideas down. Then once you know the storyline and plot for your area, mail your idea to pdp10@sover.net. Once your idea has been approved then sit down with some graph paper, I suggest that if you don't have any, to invest in some, and map out your entire area. Don't forget to include vnums when you map. Once all of this is complete you will be ready to conquer the world of Building. Once you have read this manual and feel that you have a grasp of the basic idea then you will be ready to start. When you start I have found that the fastest way to use olc to its full potential is to edit all the room exits first. Don't worry about descripts or names for the room. Simply pull out your graphed map and do all your exits from room to room. Generally you will get about 50 rooms done in about 30 mins. Once all your exits and rooms are linked together take a few mins to walk around them and see that you created the exits the way you want them. My next suggestion is also an idea. Code in all your Mobs and when your done with mobs do all the objects. Save the Room names and Room descripts till the very end. Your area will move very quickly this way. If you prefer to use your own method then that is totally up to you. Well enough of my babbling...I bet you are really itching to begin your learning of TSR's Building. Thank you for your time and your area. Remember to have fun while you build and don't rush. Now let us begin your teaching... Chapter 1- The Area File. ------------------------- (Remember to type what it says in each step.) Also for further reference while on line you can type commands to see what OLC commands are available or see help olc. Also to see how your area is coming along at any time simple type show. To get out of the editor at any time type done. The first thing you will be exited about is making the first file in what your area goes into. This is perhaps the easiest thing in OLC. To see a the help file for editing an area type help aedit. Below is a look at what it will look like from inside the Area Editor. I have included Notes inside the *'s of what everything is: <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> *The Prompt* *when you hit return inside the editor this next part will be displayed. I take this example from the city I am creating* Name: [ 49] [ ALL ] The City of Shadows. File: shadow.are Vnums: [8600-8699] Age: [0] Players: [1] Security: [9] Builders: [Beowolf] Flags: [none] And Now what you have been waiting for...The Step by step introduction to what this all means... Step 1.) edit area create This command does exactly what it is saying. It creates your area. Note that this must be done...if you simply edit area...it will assume you are re-entering the current area to edit. Also once your done with this command you prob won't have to worry about this one again until your ready to start a new area. Step 2.) age 0 This sets the age of the area and is really unimportant. just type 0 for the age of the area. Step 3.) builder [insert your name here] example: builder beowolf This will set it up to show you that "hey damn it! I wrote that area, see!" Step 4.) filename [name]. example filename city This will create a brand new file in the area directory. There is no need to say oh lets call it bubba.are. It will automatically set the .are option for you. all you need to do is name it. Step 5.) name [name] example: name [ ALL ] The City of Majistar. This next step is a bit tricky. What you will need to do is actually hit the [ ] keys on your keyboard. Make sure that you insert the level of your area inside the []'s and make sure that there are 7 spaces in between the []'s. This will make the command "area" show the levels of the area. Step 6.) security [level] example: security 1 If this is your first area your security will be 1. As you become more trusted your security level will increase. Step 7.) vnum # # example: vnum 400 499 This will set your vnums for the area. These will be assigned to you by either Drakken or Skylord. DO NOT go over 100 vnums. If you need more please let one if the IMPS know. Step 8.) mprog title/edit example mprog 3001 title Fine day MOBprog This is a very difficult part of area building, and it is NOT necissary. It however gives your area so much more depth, and intresting things than a normal area. This emproaches opon something called MOBprogs. If you dont consider youself a expirienced area builder, skip this for now and come back to it when you are more comfortable. This command will allow to to create the actual MOBprogram, change its title, or see the current MOBprogs in the area you are editing. If you want to make a good area, and include MOBprogs, goto http://www.sover.net/~pdp10/mobprogs.txt and read the information in that. This commands full syntax can be found by typing mprog <invalid argument>. Step 9.) asave area This will save your area..use this command from any editor to save your work I suggest you do this pretty frequently. The last thing you will need to do is set any flags that you want for that area. For a list of all the flags please type ? AREA to display the flags. To get a flag in simply type that flag at the prompt. More than likely you will NOT have to use this option. I am still not sure exactly what it is...cause the only flags I get are changed and added...So basically don't use it. Chapter 2. - Rooms and How much fun they are. -------------------------------------------------------- (Remember to type what it says in each step.) Also for further reference while on line you can type commands to see what OLC commands are available or see help olc. Also to see how your area is coming along at any time simple type show. To get out of the editor at any time type done. In this section if you need more help see help redit. Below is a look at what it will look like from inside the Room Editor. I have included Notes inside the *'s of what everything is: <REDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> *Once again that wonderful prompt* *when you hit return inside the editor or type show this next part will be disp layed. I take this example from an immortal room.* Description: You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace. This is one of the many rooms where the heroes and gods come to socialize. It is by far one of the most comfortable! Name: [The Chat Room] Area: [ 11] [151 160] Immortal Zone Vnum: [ 1200] Sector: [inside] Room flags: [indoors private heroes_only] Mana Rate: [100] Heal Rate: [100] Characters: [beowolf] *this will show you who is in the room* Objects: [none] *if you have a obj in the room it will be displayed here* -South to [ 8601] Key: [ 0] Exit flags: [none] Asgard lies to the south. So now your saying, "what the hell is all that stuff and what does it m ean?" Well I am glad that you ask. Let me show you what commands you have avail able inside the <REDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> promt, or more commonly known, R OOM EDITOR. A listing of all the commands follows: ------------------------------------- commands create desc ed format name show mana heal north south east west up down mreset oreset mlist olist mshow oshow ? version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now in the previous versions of the OLC manual I have included a step-by-step method on how to make your rooms. I have came to find out more people like to know exactly how a command works. So I decided to trash that method and work with a more logical reference. I have a listing of each command, what it does, and how to use it. I. COMMANDS AND HOW TO USE THEM. 1.) Commands. Syntax: commands This command will show you the various commands of the editor that you are in. The example of this command is the line above, where all the commands are l isted. 2.) Create Syntax: edit room create vnum Example: edit room create 400 This command will create the room vnum that you wish to make. What else can I say about this? Any questions? Good. 3.) Desc Syntax: desc This command will throw you into the description editor of the room. Fr om here you will see the following editor. -=======- Entering APPEND Mode -========- Type .h on a new line for help Terminate with a ~ or @ on a blank line. -=======================================- > The > is the begining of your prompt simply type out your room descript...make sure its at least 4 lines long...( 3 for Hallways or roads minimim), oh and a hint...hit return each time you near the end of your screen...it will give you a new > prompt...and when your done hit the ~ or @ on a line of its own. Then when your done do a desc again and at the > prompt type .f This will format the room for you and make it look nice. Here is the .h help file within the editor. Sedit help (commands on blank line): .r 'old' 'new' - replace a substring (requires '', "") .h - get help (this info) .s - show string so far .f - (word wrap) string .c - clear string so far @ - end string Special note: The above line of help ONLY works from INSIDE the desc editor. 4.) Ed Syntax: ed add [keyword] ed edit [keyword] ed delete [keyword] ed format [keyword] Well this is a command that is long overdue for an explaination so let me give it to ya. What this command allows you to do is add hidden things in the room t hat you just wrote in. Let me rephrase that...lets say when you did a room descript ion that you said something about a book. Now if you wanted a player to type look book to learn more about it this is where this command will come into play. Her e is an example of what happens when you type it. <REDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> ed add book -=======- Entering APPEND Mode -========- Type .h on a new line for help Terminate with a ~ or @ on a blank line. -=======================================- > A fine and dusty looking book lies here. > @ <REDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> Now when you type look book in the room you will see the descript- A fine and dusty looking book lies here. I think that the rest of the ed commands are self explainitory and should not n eed any other explaination. If you think I should go into detail about this command please let me know. 5.) Format. Syntax: format This command is kind of a time saver. What it does is to alllow you to format the text of the description that you edited. Your probablly saying "what the hell is he talking about?" Well lets say your description of the room is re ally terrible looking...like this... You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace. This is one of the many rooms where the heroes and gods come to socialize. It is by far one of the most comfortable! Ouch! That is really ugly! Now if we were to format it....It would look like th is... You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace. This is one of the many rooms where the heroes and gods come to socialize. It is by far one of the most comfortable! 6.) Name Syntax: name [insert name here.] Example: name The hallway. This command gives the room its title. What else can I say about it? 7.) Show Syntax: show ALSO: [return] (hitting return is an alias for typing show) This command will show you the room statistics that you have been worki ng on. An example of this is at the top of this section. 8.) Mana Syntax: mana [Amount] Example: mana 100 Now this command should ONLY be used sparingly! Allanon has yet to put in the rules about this but watch for the rules soon. Let me explain what this command does for now. The default mana recovery rate is 100% (normal). However, you may adjust recovery of mana up or down to 1% or normal or 200% of normal. This makes the players recover mana either faster or slower depending on what you set it to. If it is higher than 100 they get it faster, if it is lower than 100 then they will recover mana more slowly. 9.) Heal Syntax: heal [Amount] Example: heal 100 This command is almost the same as the mana command. Lets repeat the rules for this. Now this command should ONLY be used sparingly! Allanon has yet to put in the rules about this but watch for the rules soon. Let me exp lain what this command does for now. The default heal recovery rate is 100% (normal) . However, you may adjust recovery of healing up or down to 1% or normal or 200 % of normal. This makes the players recover hitpoints either faster or slower dep ending on what you set it to. If it is higher than 100 they get it faster, if it is lower than 100 then they will recover hitpoints more slowly. II. *SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION OF TSR* The following commands are discussed elsewhere in this manual. Just remember to use these commands from INSIDE the ROOM EDITOR. 1.) north, south, east, west, up, down - These are found in the section that deals with exits. 2.) mreset, oreset, mlist, olist, mshow, oshow - These commands are found in the section dealing with resets. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMANDS ABOUT OLC. The following commands are to give you misc. information about OLC and/or help files that will help you. 1.) ? Syntax: ? [command] Example: ? area This command is rather simple. It will show you a listing of helps or flags or information depending on what you type in. Here is a list of everythin g you can type ? to. [command] [description] Area -Area attributes. Room -Room attributes. Sector -Sector types, terrain. Exit -Exit types. Type -Types of objects. Extra -Object attributes. Wear -Where to wear object. Spec -Available special programs. Sex -Sexes. Act -Mobile attributes. Affect -Mobile affects. 2affect -More Mobile affects. Act2 -More Mobile attributes. Wear-loc -Where mobile wears object. Spells -Names of current spells. Weapon -Type of weapon. Container -Container status. Liquid -Types of liquids. Ac -Ac for different attacks. Form -Mobile body form. Gate -Portal/Gate types. Furniture -Furniture flags. Part -Mobile body parts. Imm -Mobile immunity. Res -Mobile resistance. Vuln -Mobile vlnerability. Off -Mobile offensive behaviour. Guard_dir -Mobile guard direction behaviour. Action -Mobile guard action behaviour. Size -Mobile size. Position -Mobile positions. Material -Material mob/obj is made from. Wclass -Weapon class. Wtype -Special weapon type. 2.) Version Syntax: version Well...how else can I explain this one..heh. Lets just show you what ha ppens. ILAB Online Creation [Beta 1.0, ROM 2.3 modified] By Jason(jdinkel@mines.colorado.edu) Modified for use with ROM 2.3 By Hans Birkeland (hansbi@ifi.uio.no) Modified for use with ROM 2.4 By TSR Administration (realms.mat.net 9000) Nikki and Beowolf of TSR MUD. (Apr. 7, 1995 - ROM mod, Apr 16, 1995) Original by Surreality(cxw197@psu.edu) and Locke(locke@lm.com) IV. ROOM FLAGS, EXITS, AND SECTORS. 1.) ROOM FLAGS. Syntax: flag Example: dark This next section is the most complex section of the rooms. It deals wi th adding room flags and also sectors and exits. To add either a flag or a sector simply type out the flag or sector name by itself. To see a list of available r oom flags type ? room. This will give you a nice list of flags. simply type one or more of the flags that you want into the room at the prompt. I have found a printed manual should contain the flags. Since I got a question about what some of the flags were for I have included the flag as well as a brief description of it. dark-----------A light source must be carried to see in this room. no_mob-------Monsters can not enter this room. indoors--------Room is inside and is not affected by weather. private--------Room is limited to just two characters. safe-----------Safe from pkilling and agressive monsters. solitary--------One character only can enter this room. pet_shop------Must be set if the shop sells pets. no_recall------Players can not use the recall command to leave. imp_only------Player has to be level 160 to enter the room. gods_only-----Player must be level 153 or higher to enter the room. heroes_only---Player must be level 151 or higher to enter the room. newbies_only--Player must be level 1-5 to enter room. law------------UNUSED. nowhere-------UNUSED. bank-----------Must be set if the room is a bank. arena-----------Must be set if the area is part of the arena. (do not set). silence----------Players can not cast spells from this room. underground----The room is a cave and may cave in on the player. 2.) SECTOR: Syntax: flag Example: city To see a list of available sectors type ? sector. This will give you a list of all possible sector flags. To set this also just type the name of the sector you want at the prompt. Here is a current list of sector types and how many movement points it uses. Each should be self expainitory. Sector Movement points Misc Info -------- ---------------- ---------- inside 1 city 2 field 2 forest 3 hills 4 mountain 6 swim 4 Swimmable noswim - Boat required air - Fly spell required desert 9 Affects thirst and recovery. underwater 4 Breathe underwater spell required. 3.) EXITS. This is perhaps the hardest thing that people seem to mess up. In fact it is quite simple to understand. You first begin by typing out the direction in which you want an exit to go. (example: north.) This is followed by different commands depending on what you want it to do. I will give and example of each kind, due to the fact that most people get confused here. A.) Making an exit connect to a room that has not been created yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1.) direction dig vnum example: north dig 401 This creates room 401 as it links the room your working on to it. To be more precise...what this does is this...It makes a two way exit (north and south from the example I used) and creates a new room...*note-If the room on the other side already exists then DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT use this command....only do this if the other room you are linking this one to hasn't been made yet...otherwise you will see the following error... REdit: Room vnum already exists. If the command is successful you will get this on a line... Room created. Two-way link established. B.) Making an exit connect to an already existing room. ---------------------------------------------------- Step 1.) direction link vnum example: north link 401 This will link the room your working on to room 401. For example...lets say you have already made a room 401 and you are in room 400. All you have to do is use this command and the rooms will link... C.) Making a one way ONLY exit to a room. (use with caution.) -------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1.) direction room vnum example: north room 401 This will make a one way exit from the room you are working on to room 401. Be very careful with this one...This should be used sparsely...I will let you know if you are messing this command up... D.) Making an exit that can be only exited with a key. (note you must set the r oom flag to door and closed. Also you must have created a object that is a ke y and have its vnum. All of this is discussed later.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Step 1.) direction key [insert object key vnum] example: north key 400 This will make it so that no one can open the door without key number 400. E.) Naming a doorway. (This is quite fun). -------------------------------------- Step 1.) direction name [insert doorname] example: north name glass doorway. This gives the door a name. So if you want the players looking for that secret doorway use this command...For example instead of open door the player would have to type open glass to open this door...heck this is quite fun because you can call it anything you want...you could even call it the ground or something so the player would have to type open ground. Very cool and fun command...use this all you want...get brownie points with the imms for using this one :P F.) Describing the exit. ------------------- Step 1.) direction desc example: north desc This will once again put you into an editor and allow you to describe your exit. This is a very fun to do and makes your area much more alive. Once again a big brownie point from the imms here. :P G.) DELETING an exit. -------------------- Step 1.) direction delete example: north delete. This will delete the directions exit from the room you are currently editing. F.) Setting EXIT FLAGS. ----------------------- This is also a place where most people become extremely confused. IN fact it is quite simple. Step 1.) direction [insert flag or flags here.] example: north door closed locked This will set the door to the north to be closed, locked and a door. You can have all the flags on or you could have just one flag on. For a list of the exit flags type ? exit. For more information on exits see help exit. That concludes the OLC lesson in Room editing. Chapter 3- Objects Galore. -------------------------------- (Remember to type what it says in each step.) Also for further reference while on line you can type commands to see what OLC commands are available or see help olc. Also to see how your area is coming along at any time simple type show. To get out of the editor at any time type done. In this section if you need more help see help oedit. Below is a look at what it will look like from inside the Object Editor. I have included Notes inside the *'s of what everything is: <OEDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> *Once again that wonderful prompt* *when you hit return inside the editor or type show this next part will be disp layed. I take this example from the city I am creating* Name: [wicked short sword] Area: [ 49] [ ALL ] The City of Shadows. Vnum: [ 8600] Type: [weapon] Level: [ 100] Wear flags: [take wield] Extra flags: [glow hum] Material: [unknown] Condition: [ 100] Weight: [ 2] Cost: [ 100] Short desc: a wicked shortsword Long desc: A wicked shortshord lies here. [v0] Weapon class: sword [v1] Number of dice: [8] [v2] Type of dice: [8] [v3] Type: wrath [v4] Special type: none So now your saying it again, "what the hell is all that stuff and what does it mean?" Let me show you what commands you have available inside the <OEDIT> <100 0hp 1000m 1000mv> promt, or more commonly known, OBJECT EDITOR. A listing of all the commands follows: ------------------------------------- addaffect commands cost create delaffect ed long name short show v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 weight extra wear type material level condition ? version spell ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. COMMANDS AND HOW TO USE THEM. 1.) Addaffect & Delaffect Syntax: addaffect [location] [#mod] Syntax: delaffect [#affect] Example: addaffect str +3 Example: delaffect 0 Ok...here are where the modifications come into play...Lets say you want to make that cool new item a +3 to strength and -1 to inititive... cool...this is how you do it...Just remember that when using this command that you have a positive and a negative to it...Remember we are striving for balance here... Current listing of things you can affect: str (Strength) int (Intelligence) con (Constitution) dex (Dexterity) wis (Wisdom ) sex Charisma hitroll ac damroll mana hitpoints movement If you goof up and addaffect that you didn't want simply do a show.... (or hit return...) look at the number For example : Number Modifier Affects ------ -------- ------- [ 0] 1 strength Would be in the list...to delete this...simply use delaffect.... 2.) Commands. Syntax: commands This command will show you the various commands of the editor that you are in. The example of this command is the line above, where all the commands are l isted. 3.) Cost Syntax: cost [gold] Example: cost 10000 This simply sets the amount of gold that the object is worth. Please do not go too high when using this. 4.) Create Syntax: edit object create vnum Example: edit object create 400 This command will create the room vnum that you wish to make. What else can I say about this? Any questions? Good. 5.) Ed Syntax: ed add [keyword] ed edit [keyword] ed delete [keyword] ed format [keyword] This command is the exact same as the ROOM EDITOR command of ed. The only difference of this ed is that you set it on objects. 6.) Long Syntax: long [long desc] Example: long The longsword is resting on the ground in front of you. This sets the long description of the item. It is what the players see if they walk into a room and it is on the floor. 7.) Name Syntax: name [names] Example: name longsword sword This sets the names of the objects. If you call it just a longsword the n the players will have to type the whole word longsword to get it. it is always best to name it at least two things. 8.) Short Syntax: short [desc] Example: short a longsword. This is what is displayed when you look at a character or look in your inventory to see what you have. In this example if you were to have this item in your inventory you would read a longsword. Simple eh? 9.) Show Syntax: show ALSO: [return] (hitting return is an alias for typing show) This command is the same as the one in the ROOM EDITOR. 10.) V0, V1, V2, V3, & V4 Syntax: v0 [number or flag] Syntax: v1 [number or flag] Syntax: v2 [number or flag] Syntax: v3 [number or flag] Syntax: v4 [number or flag] Example: v0 12 This command is difficult to explain without all the differernt types explained in this section as well. So what I have decided to do is to place the Values of the Object at the bottom of the list in the APPENDIX. If you type v0 with NO arguments This will show you all the flags values. For example (this next part is from the header at the top of the objects section) <OEDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> v0 *what I typed* ITEM_WEAPON *what I got...* value 0 weapon class. value 1 number of dice to roll. value 2 type of dice to roll. value 3 weapon type. value 4 special weapon type. An up-to-date list of values can be obtained by typing ? WCLASS help WEAPON_DICE ? WEAPON ? WTYPE *Note: each item type should automatically display values (the v0's...) There are only a few objects that I know of that do NOT display...(one being furnature) I am planning on getting this fixed though...so if you find an object that is supposed to have values note it to me a.s.a.p so that I can add it into the code...* 11.) Weight Syntax: weight [number] Example: weight 10 This is really self explanatory. In this example we have set the items weight to 10. 12.) Extras Syntax: extra [flag] Example: extra glow hum This commands sets the the extra flag of the object. To see a complete list of extras type ? extra. So what exactly are extra flags? I am glad you asked. An extra flag is a visual effect and other controls on how the object may be used. A listing of extra flags are as follows: glow hum dark lock evil invis magic nodrop bless anti-good anti-evil anti-neutral noremove inventory nopurge rot-death vis-death nonmetal no_locate melt_drop had_timer sell_extract burn_proof nouncurse 13.) Wear Syntax: wear [flags] Example: wear take wield Wear flags determine where an object may be worn. Note that if you want the item to be able to be picked up that you MUST flag it as TAKE, as well as having a wear location flagged if the object is to be worn. Leaving off a take flag but flagging it wearable will make it impossible to pick up the object if the object is dropped. Also note that objects can NOT have multiple wear locations. (Take does NOT count as a wear location, it only determines if the item can be picked up). To see a complete list of flags for the wear command type ? wear. This will set the object if it is wearable or not. Here is an up-to-date list: take finger neck body head legs feet hands arms shield about waist wrist wield hold float no_sac 14.) Type Syntax: type [type] Example: type weapon The type is what kind of object the thing is. This is very important and it will determine what Values or (v0-v4) you will use. To see a complete list of types please type ? type. This will set the type of object it is. Here is a current list of types: light scroll wand staff weapon treasure armor potion furniture trash container drink-container key food money boat npc corpse fountain pill clothing protect map jukebox portal warp_stone room_key gem jewelry saddle *note that the jukebox type shouldn't be used...this is changing to bard. Instead of a jukebox playing you will hear a bard singing :) * 15.) Material Syntax: material [flag] Example: material This sets what the object is made out of . *Note- Right now there is no material set...so ? material shows none...I will try and fix this later though this isn't important to the MUD.* 16.) Level Syntax: level [number] This command sets the level of the object that you are making. Remember to set the level at the mobs level you are giving the object to. Also remember the 7 level rule. A player or a mob may wear eq higher than them by 7 levels. 17.) Condition Syntax: condition [number] This part is not fully implemented into the code yet but go ahead and u se this field. The number can range from 0 (ruined) to 100 (perfect). This concludes the Chapter on Objects. I have included a list of Tables at the end of this manual which contain ALL of the Values of Objects...Now your ready to tackle Mobs... 18.) spell Syntax: spell <add/delete> <spell name> <level> This is a very powerful command, and I dont want you to use it without GREAT reason, like for eq from a damn level 100 mob. this commands adds a permanent spell on an item. Be warned: I will strip eq from an area where spelled eq isn't justified. Chapter 4.- MOBILES. (Monsters that are nasty.) ----------------------------------------------------------- (Remember to type what it says in each step.) Also for further reference while on line you can type commands to see what OLC commands are available or see help olc. Also to see how your area is coming along at any time simple type show. To get out of the editor at any time type done. In this section if you need more help see help medit. Below is a look at what it will look like from inside the Mobile Editor. I have included Notes inside the *'s of what everything is: <MEDIT> <1000hp 1000m 1000mv> *Once again that wonderful prompt* *when you hit return inside the editor or type show this next part will be displayed. I take this example from the immortal zone.* Name: [Heimdall] Area: [ 11] [151 160] Immortal Zone Act: [npc sentinel warrior] Vnum: [ 1200] Sex: [male] Race: [human] Level: [57] Align: [ 0] Hitroll: [30] Hit dice: [ 1d1 +19999] Damage dice: [ 5d4 + 40] Mana dice: [ 1d1 + 499] Affected by: [none] 2 Affected by: [mute] Armor: [pierce: -200 bash: -200 slash: -200 magic: -100] Form: [edible poison magical instant_decay other animal sentient undead c onstruct mist biped mammal] Parts: [head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye] Imm: [mental] Res: [magic weapon] Vuln: [fire negative] Off: [area_attack bash berserk disarm dodge fast kick parry rescue trip crush assist_guard mob_is_guard] Act2: [mountable] Guard: [guard_up] Action: [check_race] Obj Pass: [4] Size: [large] Start pos. [standing] Default pos [standing] Gold: [ 0] Short descr: Heimdall Long descr: Heimdall, guardian of Bifrost, stands guard over the Rainbow Bridge. Description: Standing over 7 feet tall and muscled as only a god can be, Heimdall keeps his unsleeping gaze over the Rainbow bridge. His trusty Gjallor-horn never leaves his side, and shall remain unwinded until the dread ship Naglfar sails towards Valhalla on the dawn of Ragnarok. So now your saying it yet again, "what the hell is all that stuff and w hat does it mean?" Let me show you what commands you have available inside the <MEDIT> <100 0hp 1000m 1000mv> promt, or more commonly known, MOBILE EDITOR. A listing of all the commands follows: ------------------------------------- alignment commands create desc level long name shop short show spec sex ac act affect mprog form part imm res vuln material off size hitdice manadice damdice damtype race position gold hitroll action ? version ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok....Now lets begin the lesson with MOBs... I. COMMANDS AND HOW TO USE THEM 1.) Alignment Syntax: alignment [number] Example: alignment -1000 This is what determines the alignment of the mob. Alignments may range from -1000 to 1000. Any number in between is fine. Remember that 1000 is a real goody-goody and -1000 is the devil himself...namely me. *smirk* 2.) Create Syntax: edit mob create vnum. Example: edit mob create 400. This creates the mobile you will be making. 3.) Desc Syntax: desc. Simply type this to enter the description editor. This will allow you t o make a description of the mob when a player looks at it. Make it at least 2 lines. Use this editor just like editing Room descriptions. 4.) Level Syntax: level [number] Example: level 100 This sets the mobs level. Pretty easy to understand I would hope. 5.) Long Syntax: long [desc] Example: bo bo fet is standing here looking pissed off. This is what players see when the enter the room with the monster in it. Make sure there is a nice flavor here. Don't use so and so is standing her e, that gets rather old. 6.) Name Syntax: name [names] Example: name bo hunter alcoholic This command sets the names of the mobile. Make sure you name it at least the same thing that you see when a player sees its long description in the room. This is what the player must type to look at the mob. Please do NOT use player names or Immortal names. If you are caught doing this you will be given one warning. If you do it two times you will be deleted. 7.) Shop *OPTIONAL* If you wish that mob to be a shopkeeper please use the shop command. just type shop for further details. This is further detailed in the Shops section of this manual. 8.) Short Syntax: short [desc] Example: short bo bo fet. This sets the mobs short name. It is what is displayed on the shadow whisper channel when a player is killed by it. 9.) Spec Syntax: spec spec_[type] Example: spec spec_guard To see a list of spec types type ? spec. I have also included with this version of the OLC manual a detailed listing of what each spec is for. Here are a current list of spec types: Make sure to preceed special functions with 'spec_' breath_any---------Monster can use any breath spell. nasty---------------Monster attacks, robs, and runs (set act thief flag for thi s too) troll_member-------Monster attacks ogre gang members ogre_member------Monster attacks troll gang members patrolman----------Monster will break up gang fights questmaster--------Monster will give quests breath_acid--------Monster breathes acid in combat. breath_fire---------Monster breathes fire in combat. breath_frost--------Monster breathes frost in combat. breath_gas---------Monster breathes poison gas in combat. breath_lightning----Monster breathes lightning in combat. cast_adept--------Monster casts helpful spells on low level players. cast_cleric---------Mob casts cleric spells (set act cleric) cast_judge---------Mob fires blasts of bullet type spells. cast_mage---------mob casts mage spells (set act mage) cast_undead-------mob casts undead spells. executioner--------Mob attacks players will KILLER and THIEF flags fido----------------Mob will eat corpses guard--------------Mob will protect good-aligned players from attack. janitor--------------Mob picks up items on ground. mayor--------------Mob will do mayor type things. poison-------------Mob has poison attacks. thief ---------------Mob steals gold (set act thief) sect_guard---------Mob guards rooms (see the Mob guardian section) *Note that spec_questmaster will not be used by anyone but Beowolf...also DO NOT set any mobs with spec_mayor. These two are unique to the Main city.* 10.) Sex Syntax: sex [male, female] Example: sex male This sets the sex of the mob. Self explanatory. 11.) Ac Syntax: ac [# # # # ] Example: ac 9 9 9 9 This sets the mobs ac. See help Mob_ac for a list of ac's We want you to stick with. Also this is listed on a Table in the back of this manual. 12.) Act Syntax: act [flags] Example: act practice This sets what the mob is. For a list of flags type ? act for a list. I have decided yet again to explain what eact flag does. This is a current list of act flags and what they do: sentinel---------------Mob will not wonder. will stay in one room. scavenger------------Mob picks up items off the ground. aggressive------------Mob will attack any character who enters. stay_area-------------Mob will not leave the zone. wimpy----------------Mob will flee when hurt. pet-------------------Mob is a pet. train------------------Mob can train a player's trains practice--------------Mob can practice a players stats. undead--------------Mob has special undead powers. cleric----------------Mob has clerical powers mage----------------Mob has mage powers. thief------------------Mob has thief powers. warrior---------------Mob has warrior powers. noalign---------------Mob is unaligned. nopurge--------------Mob is not removed by purge or clean command. outdoors-------------Mob will not wonder outside a building. indoors---------------Mob will not wonder into a building. healer----------------Mob can heal players. gain------------------Mob can grant new skills. update_always-------Mob is always updated. (rarely needed) changer--------------Mob can change coins. banker---------------Mob runs a bank. 13.) Affect Syntax: affect [affect flags] Example: affect sanc This sets what the mob is affected by. I still did not see a reason to explain these flags. If you are still confused what these flags do then please recomend that I write what each ones does for Volume V of the OLC manual. For example you can have the mob all sanced and spelled up :). Use these with caution. Type ? affect for a list. Below is a current lis t of affects: blind invisible detect_evil detect_invis detect_magic detect_hidden detect_good sanctuary faerie_fire infrared curse poison protect_evil protect_good sneak hide sleep charm flying pass_door haste calm plague weaken dark_vision berserk swim regeneration slow *Note that to make a more realistic MUD...sometimes its fun to place bad spells on mobs. If you do sanc up a mob at least have a reason to do it* 14.) Form Syntax: form [flags] Example: form reptile This sets the form flags. For a list of these type ? form Here is a updated list: edible poison magical instant_decay other animal sentient undead construct mist intangible biped centaur insect spider crustacean worm blob mammal bird reptile snake dragon amphibian fish cold_blood 15.) Part Syntax: part [flags] Example: part head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear ey e This sets what body parts the mob has. For a list type ? part. Here is an updated list: head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye long_tongue eyestalks tentacles fins wings tail claws fangs horns scales tusks 16.) Imm Syntax: imm [flags] Example: imm magic This determines what the mob is immune to. For a list type ? imm Here is a list: summon charm magic weapon bash pierce slash fire cold lightning acid poison negative holy energy mental disease drowning light sound wood silver iron 17.) Res Syntax: res [flags] Example: res magic This determines what the mob is resistant to. For a list type ? res Same flags as imm...vuln is the same way too.. 18.) Vuln Syntax: vuln [flags] Example: vuln weapon This determines what a mob is vulnerable to. For a list type ? vuln. 19.) Material Syntax: material [material flag.] Example: material none This is not yet implemented into TSR code. 20.) Off Syntax: off [flags] Example: off bash This sets what happens when a mob attacks. For a list type ? off Here is a list and what they mean: area_attack-------------------Mob hits ALL characters fighting against it. backstab---------------------Mob can backstab to start combat. bash--------------------------Mob can bash characters off thier feet. berserk-----------------------Mob may go beserk in a fight. disarm------------------------Mob can disarm _without_ a weapon wielded. dodge------------------------Mob will dodge blows. fade--------------------------Mob can fade out of phase to avoid blows. fast---------------------------Mob is fater than most others, so has extra atta cks. kick--------------------------Mob can kick in combat for extra damage. dirt_kick---------------------Mob kicks dirt, blinding opponent. parry------------------------Mob can parry _without_ a weapon wielded. rescue----------------------Mob may rescue allies in a fight. tail--------------------------Mob can legsweep with its tail. trip-------------------------Mob trips in combat. (not the acid eating kind eit her :P) crush-----------------------Mob can crush opponents in its arms. assist_all--------------------Mob will help all other mobs in combat. assist_align------------------Mob will assist mobs of the same alignment. assist_race-------------------Mob will assist mobs of the same race. assist_players----------------Mob will assist players with same race and alignm ent. assist_guard------------------Mob will assist like a cityguard. assist_vnum------------------Mob assists other mobs of the same vnum only. mob_is_guard----------------Needed for Mob Guardian. 21.) Size Syntax: size [size] Example: size small This sets how big the mobile is. Here is a listing of the current flags : small medium large huge giant 22.) Hitdice Syntax: hitdice [#d#+#] Example: hitdice 1d2+6 This sets the hitdice of the mobile. A high number of dice makes for less variance in the mobs hitpoints. For a suggested list please see help hitdice. Try and use the values there. There is a table list at the end of this manual. 23.) Manadice Syntax: manadice <level> d 10 + 100 Example: manadice 100d10+100 All you need to know for this is to put the level in and type the rest out... pretty simple eh? 24.) Damdice Syntax: damdice [#d#+#] Example: damdice 2d3+2 This is how much damage that a mob will inflict to a player. please rea d help Damdice for a suggested list. Table at the end of this Manual. 25.) Verb Syntax: verb <damage verb> Example: verb acidic-bite A mobiles damage type defines three things: what message is seen when it attacks in combat, what armor class is used to defend against the attack, and also what type of resistance or vulnerability affects the damage received from the attack. The following damage types are supported. hit slice stab slash whip claw blast pound crush grep bite pierce suction beating digestion charge slap punch wrath magic divine-power cleave scratch peck-pierce peck-bash chop sting smash shocking-bite flaming-bite freezing-bite acidic-bite chomp 26.) Race Syntax: Example: This command will set what race the mob is. Here is a listing of the Ra ces: Available races are: unique human elf dwarf giant demon sprite vampre bodak sithid bat bear cat centipede dog doll dragon fido fox goblin hobgoblin kobold lizard modron orc pig rabbit school monster snake song bird troll water fowl wolf wyvern unique 29.) Position Syntax: Example: This will set the position that the mob is loaded into the room as. The default is standing. So unless you don't want the mob to be standing up You will not have to set this. Here are the positions for the mobs. sleeping resting sitting standing 30.) Gold Syntax: Example: This sets how much trasure is carried by the monster. Most mobs will carry no more than 100 coins per level, and usually much less unless they are supposed to be wealthy. Non-intelligent mobs should have 0 gold. 31.) Hitroll Syntax: Example: This statistic is normally 0, but with mobs with exceptional combat abilities it may be higher. Clumsy mobs may deserve a -1 or lower. If you do not wish to set this then don't worry about it. It will automatically set this to 0 for you. 32.) MOBprog Syntax: mprog <#> <vnum> add/delete <trigger> <argument> Example: mprog 1 3001 add speech fine day This is amother part of the ever complex MOBprogs. This command will link an existing MOBprog to a mobile. This is all explained in the MOBprog docs. (http://www.sover.net/~pdp10/mobprogs.txt) Chapter 5.- RESETS; is This the hidden word for Confusion? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well here we are in the tricky section of OLC...So you got your mobs and objects done eh? congratulations! Now your ready for resets and I am telling you these things are confusing...I will do my best to explain these things... For resets to be successful make sure that you add them in a logical order. For example if you are equiping a mobile don't load a container in the room and fill it with some objects and then continue equiping the mobile. It is likely that resets will backfire if they are not carefully entered. I. How the hell do I use these reset commands anyways and what are they? A listing of all the commands follows: ------------------------------------- reset mreset oreset mlist olist mshow oshow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you begin you should remember that you should be inside your room and also in the room editor. You will need to get familiar with all of the se commands. 1.) Reset Syntax: reset This command doesn't need to be done inside the room editor. You can check your rooms resets with this command. You will see something very simular to this: Resets: M = mobile, R = room, O = object, P = pet, S = shopkeeper No. Loads Description Location Vnum Max Min Description ==== ======== ============= ============= ======= ===== ===== ============ [ 1] M[10001] Goldmoon in room R[10002] [ 1] [ 1] Small Grove [ 2] O[10003] a blue crysta none M[10001] Goldmoon [ 3] O[10013] leather armor on the body M[10001] Goldmoon [ 4] M[10003] Riverwind in room R[10002] [ 1] [ 1] Small Grove [ 5] O[10008] silver longsw wielded M[10003] Riverwind [ 6] O[10013] leather armor on the body M[10003] Riverwind Your probably wondering what all that stuff means...well you will come to understand as we move through each command. 2.) Mreset Syntax: mreset <vnum> <max #> <min #> Example: mreset 400 4 2 Ok. This command will load your mob into the room. You type it in the order of mob vnum, how many can be in the mud at once, and finally how many will be loaded into the room. If you will be giving your mob any equipment make sure to do oreset next and then do your next mob. 3.) Oreset Syntax: oreset <vnum> <args> -no_args = into room -<obj_name> <number> = into obj -<mob_name> <wear_loc> = into mob This next bit is a bit tricky. Just make sure that if you are wanting objects loaded onto a mob that you do it in a logical order. Load the mob first then the equipment that the mob is to have. Then move to the next mob and use this command again. Hopefully the syntax should be good enough to get you going. So I will not go into great detail exept to give examples. EXAMPLES OF ORESET: A.) Loading a object into a room (ie. on the floor) Syntax: oreset vnum Example: oreset 400 B.) Loading a object into an object (ie. Gold into a chest) Syntax: oreset vnum objectname number Example: oreset 400 chest 2 This one needed to be explained a little. First off before you can use this command you have to load the object into the room. once the object is loaded into the room you can use this command. The number stands for how many items you are loading into the object. In the example I am loading object 400 (gold) into the chest. There will be 2 sets of gold (obj 400) in the chest to get. C.) Loading an object on a mob. Syntax: oreset vnum mobname wear_location. Example: oreset 400 beavis none This command can only be used if you have added a mob into the room with the mreset command FIRST. A following is a listing of wear_location flags you may use: none light lfinger rfinger neck1 neck2 body head legs feet hands arms shield about waist lwrist rwrist wielded hold float Simply type the none wear_location flag if you want the mob to have the item in its inventory. All other wear_locations will load the object to that part of the mob. 4.) Mlist Syntax: mlist <all/name> Example: mlist all Example: mlist puff This command will show you what mobs you have created inside your area. If you type mlist all it will show you the name of every mob that you have made in your area. This is very helpful if you forget about some of your mobs. You will also need this to tell you what that mobs vnum is so you can get the reset right. Here is an example of what mlist all would look like: [10001] Goldmoon [10002] Fewmaster toede [10003] Riverwind [10004] Baaz draconian [10005] The farmer [10006] Farm worker [10007] Barracuda [10008] Turtle dragon [10009] Farmers guarddog [10010] Strange fish [10011] Hobgoblin [10012] The white stag [10013] Old pooh bear [10014] A large rat [10015] A field mouse 5.) Olist Syntax: olist <all/name/item_type> Example: olist all Example: olist sword Example: olist weapon This command is very simular to the mlist command. It basically is the same thing and is used the same way except if you need to locate an item by what type it is you can do that as well. 6.) Mshow & Oshow Syntax: mshow <vnum> Syntax: oshow <vnum> Example: mshow 300 Example: oshow 300 This command is also a bit helpful if you don't feel like re-entering t he object and mobile editors to find out what a mob or object is. These commands will quickly show you what you need to know. Here is an example of what one of these commands looks like (Hopefully it will look familiar to you): Name: [Heimdall] Area: [ 11] [151 160] Immortal Zone Act: [npc sentinel warrior] Vnum: [ 1200] Sex: [male] Race: [human] Level: [57] Align: [ 0] Hitroll: [30] Hit dice: [ 1d1 +19999] Damage dice: [ 5d4 + 40] Mana dice: [ 1d1 + 499] Affected by: [none] 2 Affected by: [mute] Armor: [pierce: -200 bash: -200 slash: -200 magic: -100] Form: [edible poison magical instant_decay other animal sentient undead c onstruct mist biped mammal] Parts: [head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye] Imm: [mental] Res: [magic weapon] Vuln: [fire negative] Off: [area_attack bash berserk disarm dodge fast kick parry rescue trip crush assist_guard mob_is_guard] Act2: [mountable] Guard: [guard_up] Action: [check_race] Obj Pass: [4] Size: [large] Start pos. [standing] Default pos [standing] Gold: [ 0] Short descr: Heimdall Long descr: Heimdall, guardian of Bifrost, stands guard over the Rainbow Bridge. Description: Standing over 7 feet tall and muscled as only a god can be, Heimdall keeps his unsleeping gaze over the Rainbow bridge. His trusty Gjallor-horn never leaves his side, and shall remain unwinded until the dread ship Naglfar sails towards Valhalla on the dawn of Ragnarok. Well congradulations. You made it through the hairy things known as resets! The next sections have not changed. I decided that they looked good as they were. If you think I should change the way these next two are written be sure to let me know. Chapter 6.- Shops. Those Fun places where you Buy things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now this section really isn't hard at all...it is done within the Mob editor... So turn it on and lets go.... Step 1.) edit mob <vnum> example: edit mob 8600 make sure that this is the mob that you want to be the shopkeeper. step 2.) shop hours [#opening] [#closing] example: shop hours 1 24 This sets the shops hours. If you want the shop to only be open 1 hour a day it is possible...just set the time...a 1 24 shop is open 24 hours. step 3.) shop profit [#buying%] [#selling%] example: shop profit 10 100 This shopkeeper would sell things at 100% markup and buy things at 10% of thier price. step 4.) shop type [#0-4] [item type] example: shop type 0 weapon This would place the shop to buy weapons. You can set up to 5 of these. Same flags as object type. see ? type inside the editor. That is all there is to it...Make sure that you have the resets done right... You MUST have loaded the mob with the items you want it to sell into its inventory. example: oreset 8600 puff none This places object 8600 into puff's inventory...and thus if he is a shopkeeper will sell it. PETSHOPS -------------- These are done in the same fashion...only one difference...you DO NOT load the mobs onto the shopkeeper...you MUST make a room 1 vnum higher than the petshops room. DO NOT connect this room to the shop or to any room in the MUD. So for example if you have a petshop with the vnum of 6400 the petshop must have a backroom to keep the pets in...so 6401 would do it...just load the pets into room 6401 and you will be set....Also make sure you flag the room as pet_shop. Otherwise it won' work. Its as easy as that to make a petshop :). Oooops, I don't want the shop to buy those anymore.... simple just do this step... step 1.) shop delete [#0-4] example: shop delete 0 Its as easy as that...Now you should know everything you need to know about OLC . If you find anything that I have left out let me know at once! TABLES ----------- OBJECT VALUES TABLES ----------------------------------- In these tables only the appropriate values are given...ALL other values are assumed to be 0 (zero). Light- v2----------hours available, 0 dead, -1 infinite Weapons- v0----------weapon class. (see ? wclass ) v1----------number of dice to roll. (see help weapon_dice) v2----------type of dice to roll. (see help weapon_dice) v3----------weapon type. (see ? weapon) v4----------special weapon type. (see ? wtype) Furniture- V0 is the number of people that can fit onto the piece of furniture (in the case of the couch, 2 people). V1 is the total weight the piece of furniture can support (200 pounds here, meaning while in theory 2 people can sit on the couch, the people sitting on it can't weigh more than a total of 200 pounds). V2 is furniture flags, which determine the message to the room when the person uses the furniture in various different ways. The couch can be sat on, rested on, slept on, stood on, and have things put on it. However, a bathtub might be sit in, rest in, have no setting for sleep (sleeping in a bathtub is a bad idea) and allow things to be put in it -- hence the configurability on the messages. You can only flag the furniture with one of each type of message -- one sit, one rest, one sleep, one stand and one put -- and you don't have to use all of them, like I said in my bathtub example. V3 determines how much of a healing bonus or penalty the person receives for using the furniture -- V4 determines the mana recovery bonus or penalty. 100 is normal heal/mana recovery. A list of furniture flags for V2 follows: A Stand at F Sit in K Sleep on P Put Inside B Stand on G Rest at L Seep in C Stand in H Rest on M Put at D Sit at I Rest in N Put on E Sit on J Sleep at O Put in (Note that the Put flags in furniture are not yet enabled, but please design yo ur furniture using them anyhow, so that when the code is written, your area wil l be current to it.) Scolls, Potions, Pills- v0--------level v1--------spell name 1 v2--------spell name 2 v3--------spell name 3 v4--------unused An up-to-date list of spells can be obtained by typing: ? SPELLS [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all] Food- v0----------hours of food value v1----------0 v2----------0 v3----------poisoned? v4----------0 Staff or wands.- v0----------level of staff or wand v1----------max charges v2----------current charges v3----------spell names v4----------0 An up to date list of the spells can be found typing ? spells with the argument [ignore/attack/defend/self/object/all] Example: ? spells all This would list all the spells available. Armor- v0----------ac pierce v1----------ac bash v2----------ac slash v3----------ac exotic (magic) v4----------0 Container- v0----------weight compacity v1----------flags: closeable, pickproof, closed, locked v2----------key vnum v3----------0 v4----------0 Money- *NOTE this isn't working right now...will be working on getting fixed soon* v0----------value in Silver. v1----------Value in Gold. v2----------0 v3----------0 v4----------0 Drinks.- v0----------capacity v1----------current quantity v2----------liquid type (to see the list type ? liquid) v3----------poisoned? v4----------0 A list of liquids: water beer wine ale dark-ale whisky lemonade firebreather local-specialty slime-mold-juice milk tea coffee blood salt-water cola Portals.- V0 is the number of charges the portal has (for limited use portals) -- similar to how a wand or staff has charges. Set it to -1 for a permanent portal. V1 is exit flags -- see the section of #ROOMS dealing with doors for a listing of usable exit flags. V2 is gate flags, a listing of which is at the end of this example. V3 is the vnum of the room that the portal goes to. V4 is unused, and held with a zero. Gate flags: A Normal exit (should be set if no other portal flags are used) B No curse (can't be used by people who are cursed) C Go with (portal entrance moves with the person using it) D Gate buggy (chance it will teleport the person to a random room) E Random (will always teleport the person to a random room) Fountains- V0 and V1 for fountains are technically set the same as drink containers (max capacity and current capacity) but since a fountain holds an endless supply of liquid, usually V0 and V1 are set to some arbitrarily large number. Any number above zero should work fine. :) V2 is the type of liquid the fountain holds. Any liquid in the table associated with drink containers will work in a fountain. V3 and V4 are held with zeroes. (And yes, you can have fountains of wine, or fountains of coffee :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOB TABLES *********************************************************************** | Below are the Values you need to use for setting a mobs HITDICE: | *********************************************************************** | Lvl | Dice | Lvl | Dice | Lvl | Dice | *********************************************************************** | 1 | 1d2+6 | 51 | 10d176+905 | 101 | 12d573+2775 | | 2 | 1d3+15 | 52 | 10d183+980 | 102 | 12d584+2815 | | 3 | 1d6+24 | 53 | 10d190+1010 | 103 | 12d596+2860 | | 4 | 1d13+33 | 54 | 11d179+1040 | 104 | 12d607+2905 | | 5 | 1d17+42 | 55 | 11d186+1070 | 105 | 12d619+2950 | | 6 | 1d25+45 | 56 | 11d192+1100 | 106 | 12d631+2990 | | 7 | 2d17+57 | 57 | 11d199+1130 | 107 | 12d643+3035 | | 8 | 2d22+69 | 58 | 11d206+1160 | 108 | 12d655+3080 | | 9 | 3d19+82 | 59 | 11d214+1195 | 109 | 12d667+3125 | | 10 | 3d22+96 | 60 | 11d221+1225 | 110 | 12d679+3175 | | 11 | 3d28+111 | 61 | 11d228+1255 | 111 | 12d692+3220 | | 12 | 4d25+124 | 62 | 11d236+1290 | 112 | 12d704+3265 | | 13 | 4d29+137 | 63 | 11d243+1325 | 113 | 12d717+3310 | | 14 | 5d27+151 | 64 | 11d251+1351 | 114 | 12d730+3355 | | 15 | 5d30+161 | 65 | 11d259+1390 | 115 | 12d743+3405 | | 16 | 5d35+180 | 66 | 11d267+1425 | 116 | 12d755+3450 | | 17 | 6d33+195 | 67 | 11d275+1455 | 117 | 12d769+3500 | | 18 | 6d37+211 | 68 | 11d284+1490 | 118 | 12d782+3545 | | 19 | 6d41+227 | 69 | 11d292+1525 | 119 | 12d795+3595 | | 20 | 6d45+244 | 70 | 11d300+1560 | 120 | 12d808+3640 | | 21 | 7d43+261 | 71 | 11d309+1595 | 121 | 12d822+3690 | | 22 | 7d47+278 | 72 | 11d318+1630 | 122 | 12d836+3740 | | 23 | 7d51+296 | 73 | 11d327+1665 | 123 | 12d849+3785 | | 24 | 7d56+315 | 74 | 11d336+1700 | 124 | 12d863+3835 | | 25 | 8d53+334 | 75 | 11d345+1735 | 125 | 12d877+3885 | | 26 | 8d57+353 | 76 | 11d354+1775 | 126 | 12d891+3935 | | 27 | 8d62+373 | 77 | 11d363+1810 | 127 | 12d905+3985 | | 28 | 8d66+393 | 78 | 11d373+1845 | 128 | 12d920+4035 | | 29 | 8d71+414 | 79 | 12d351+1885 | 129 | 12d934+4085 | | 30 | 9d61+416 | 80 | 12d360+1920 | 130 | 12d949+4135 | | 31 | 9d72+431 | 81 | 12d369+1960 | 131 | 12d963+4185 | | 32 | 9d77+453 | 82 | 12d378+2000 | 132 | 12d978+4235 | | 33 | 9d82+485 | 83 | 12d387+2035 | 133 | 12d993+4265 | | 34 | 9d87+518 | 84 | 12d396+2075 | 134 | 12d1008+4335 | | 35 | 9d92+541 | 85 | 12d406+2115 | 135 | 12d1023+4390 | | 36 | 9d97+564 | 86 | 12d415+2150 | 136 | 13d958+4440 | | 37 | 9d103+588 | 87 | 12d425+2190 | 137 | 13d972+4490 | | 38 | 9d108+612 | 88 | 12d435+2230 | 138 | 13d987+4545 | | 39 | 9d114+637 | 89 | 12d445+2270 | 139 | 13d1001+4600 | | 40 | 10d108+662 | 90 | 12d455+2310 | 140 | 13d1015+4650 | | 41 | 10d114+687 | 91 | 12d465+2350 | 141 | 13d1030+4700 | | 42 | 10d119+712 | 92 | 12d475+2395 | 142 | 13d1045+4755 | | 43 | 10d125+738 | 93 | 12d486+2435 | 143 | 13d1059+4810 | | 44 | 10d131+765 | 94 | 12d496+2475 | 144 | 13d1074+4860 | | 45 | 10d137+891 | 95 | 12d507+2515 | 145 | 13d1089+4915 | | 46 | 10d143+818 | 96 | 12d518+2560 | 146 | 13d1104+4970 | | 47 | 10d149+846 | 97 | 12d528+2600 | 147 | 13d1119+5025 | | 48 | 10d156+873 | 98 | 12d539+2645 | 148 | 13d1135+5080 | | 49 | 10d162+901 | 99 | 12d550+2685 | 149 | 13d1150+5135 | | 50 | 10d169+920 | 100 | 12d562+2730 | 150 | 13d1166+5190 | *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** | Below are the Values you need to use for setting a mobs DAMDICE: | *********************************************************************** | Lvl | Dice | Lvl | Dice | Lvl | Dice | *********************************************************************** | 1 | 1d2+0 | 51 | 5d10+25 | 101 | 5d20+50 | | 2 | 1d2+1 | 52 | 5d10+26 | 102 | 5d20+51 | | 3 | 1d3+2 | 53 | 5d11+26 | 103 | 5d21+51 | | 4 | 1d4+2 | 54 | 5d11+27 | 104 | 5d21+52 | | 5 | 2d3+2 | 55 | 5d11+27 | 105 | 5d21+52 | | 6 | 2d3+3 | 56 | 5d11+28 | 106 | 6d18+53 | | 7 | 2d4+3 | 57 | 5d12+28 | 107 | 6d18+53 | | 8 | 2d4+4 | 58 | 5d12+29 | 108 | 6d18+54 | | 9 | 2d5+4 | 59 | 5d12+29 | 109 | 6d18+54 | | 10 | 2d5+5 | 60 | 5d12+30 | 110 | 6d18+55 | | 11 | 3d4+5 | 61 | 5d12+30 | 111 | 6d19+55 | | 12 | 3d4+6 | 62 | 5d12+31 | 112 | 6d19+56 | | 13 | 3d5+6 | 63 | 5d13+31 | 113 | 6d19+56 | | 14 | 3d5+7 | 64 | 5d13+32 | 114 | 6d19+57 | | 15 | 3d5+8 | 65 | 5d13+32 | 115 | 6d19+57 | | 16 | 3d5+9 | 66 | 5d13+33 | 116 | 6d19+58 | | 17 | 4d4+8 | 67 | 5d14+33 | 117 | 6d20+58 | | 18 | 4d5+9 | 68 | 5d14+34 | 118 | 6d20+59 | | 19 | 4d5+9 | 69 | 5d14+34 | 119 | 6d20+59 | | 20 | 4d5+10 | 70 | 5d14+35 | 120 | 6d20+60 | | 21 | 4d5+10 | 71 | 5d14+35 | 121 | 6d20+60 | | 22 | 4d6+11 | 72 | 5d14+36 | 122 | 6d20+61 | | 23 | 4d6+11 | 73 | 5d15+36 | 123 | 6d21+61 | | 24 | 4d6+12 | 74 | 5d15+37 | 124 | 6d21+62 | | 25 | 4d6+12 | 75 | 5d15+37 | 125 | 6d21+62 | | 26 | 4d6+13 | 76 | 5d15+38 | 126 | 6d21+63 | | 27 | 4d6+13 | 77 | 5d15+38 | 127 | 6d21+63 | | 28 | 4d7+14 | 78 | 5d16+39 | 128 | 6d21+64 | | 29 | 4d7+14 | 79 | 5d16+39 | 129 | 6d22+64 | | 30 | 5d6+15 | 80 | 5d16+40 | 130 | 6d22+65 | | 31 | 5d6+15 | 81 | 5d16+40 | 131 | 6d22+65 | | 32 | 5d6+16 | 82 | 5d16+41 | 132 | 6d22+66 | | 33 | 5d6+16 | 83 | 5d17+41 | 133 | 6d22+66 | | 34 | 5d7+17 | 84 | 5d17+42 | 134 | 6d22+67 | | 35 | 5d7+17 | 85 | 5d17+42 | 135 | 6d23+67 | | 36 | 5d7+18 | 86 | 5d17+43 | 136 | 6d23+68 | | 37 | 5d7+18 | 87 | 5d18+43 | 137 | 6d23+68 | | 38 | 5d8+19 | 88 | 5d18+44 | 138 | 6d23+69 | | 39 | 5d8+19 | 89 | 5d18+44 | 139 | 6d23+69 | | 40 | 5d8+20 | 90 | 5d18+45 | 140 | 6d23+70 | | 41 | 5d8+20 | 91 | 5d18+45 | 141 | 6d24+70 | | 42 | 5d8+21 | 92 | 5d18+46 | 142 | 6d24+71 | | 43 | 5d9+21 | 93 | 5d19+46 | 143 | 6d24+71 | | 44 | 5d9+22 | 94 | 5d19+47 | 144 | 6d24+72 | | 45 | 5d9+22 | 95 | 5d19+47 | 145 | 6d24+72 | | 46 | 5d9+23 | 96 | 5d19+48 | 146 | 6d24+73 | | 47 | 5d10+23 | 97 | 5d20+48 | 147 | 6d25+73 | | 48 | 5d10+24 | 98 | 5d20+49 | 148 | 6d25+74 | | 49 | 5d10+24 | 99 | 5d20+49 | 149 | 6d25+74 | | 50 | 5d10+25 | 100 | 5d20+50 | 150 | 6d25+75 | *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a list of MOB Armor Class. Please Follow this when making mobs: ****************************************************************** | Lvl | pierce | bash | slash | exotic | ****************************************************************** | 1 | 95 | 95 | 95 | 95 | | 2 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 94 | | 3 | 81 | 81 | 81 | 94 | | 4 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 88 | | 5 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 85 | | 6 | 63 | 63 | 63 | 81 | | 7 | 56 | 56 | 56 | 81 | | 8 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 75 | | 9 | 44 | 44 | 44 | 75 | | 10 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 70 | | 11 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 69 | | 12 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 63 | | 13 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 63 | | 14 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 56 | | 15 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 55 | | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | | 17 | -6 | -6 | -6 | 50 | | 18 | -13 | -13 | -13 | 44 | | 19 | -19 | -19 | -19 | 44 | | 20 | -25 | -25 | -25 | 40 | | 21 | -31 | -31 | -31 | 38 | | 22 | -38 | -38 | -38 | 31 | | 23 | -44 | -44 | -44 | 31 | | 24 | -50 | -50 | -50 | 25 | | 25 | -55 | -55 | -55 | 20 | | 26 | -63 | -63 | -63 | 19 | | 27 | -69 | -69 | -69 | 19 | | 28 | -75 | -75 | -75 | 13 | | 29 | -81 | -81 | -81 | 13 | | 30 | -90 | -90 | -90 | 5 | | 31 | -94 | -94 | -94 | 5 | | 32 | -100 | -100 | -100 | 0 | | 33 | -106 | -106 | -106 | 0 | | 34 | -113 | -113 | -113 | -6 | | 35 | -120 | -120 | -120 | -10 | | 36 | -125 | -125 | -125 | -13 | | 37 | -131 | -131 | -131 | -13 | | 38 | -138 | -138 | -138 | -19 | | 39 | -144 | -144 | -144 | -19 | | 40 | -150 | -150 | -150 | -25 | | 41 | -156 | -156 | -156 | -25 | | 42 | -163 | -163 | -163 | -31 | | 43 | -169 | -169 | -169 | -31 | | 44 | -175 | -175 | -175 | -38 | | 45 | -180 | -180 | -180 | -40 | | 46 | -188 | -188 | -188 | -44 | | 47 | -194 | -194 | -194 | -44 | | 48 | -200 | -200 | -200 | -50 | | 49 | -206 | -206 | -206 | -50 | | 50 | -215 | -215 | -215 | -55 | | 51 | -219 | -219 | -219 | -56 | | 52 | -225 | -225 | -225 | -63 | | 53 | -231 | -231 | -231 | -63 | | 54 | -238 | -238 | -238 | -69 | | 55 | -245 | -245 | -245 | -70 | | 56 | -250 | -250 | -250 | -75 | | 57 | -256 | -256 | -256 | -75 | | 58 | -263 | -263 | -263 | -81 | | 59 | -269 | -269 | -269 | -81 | | 60 | -275 | -275 | -275 | -90 | | 61 | -281 | -281 | -281 | -90 | | 62 | -288 | -288 | -288 | -94 | | 63 | -294 | -294 | -294 | -94 | | 64 | -300 | -300 | -300 | -100 | | 65 | -305 | -305 | -305 | -105 | | 66 | -313 | -313 | -313 | -106 | | 67 | -319 | -319 | -319 | -106 | | 68 | -325 | -325 | -325 | -113 | | 69 | -331 | -331 | -331 | -113 | | 70 | -340 | -340 | -340 | -120 | | 71 | -344 | -344 | -344 | -120 | | 72 | -350 | -350 | -350 | -125 | | 73 | -356 | -356 | -356 | -125 | | 74 | -363 | -363 | -363 | -131 | | 75 | -369 | -369 | -369 | -131 | | 76 | -375 | -375 | -375 | -138 | | 77 | -381 | -381 | -381 | -138 | | 78 | -388 | -388 | -388 | -144 | | 79 | -394 | -394 | -394 | -144 | | 80 | -400 | -400 | -400 | -150 | | 81 | -406 | -406 | -406 | -150 | | 82 | -413 | -413 | -413 | -156 | | 83 | -419 | -419 | -419 | -156 | | 84 | -425 | -425 | -425 | -163 | | 85 | -431 | -431 | -431 | -163 | | 86 | -438 | -438 | -438 | -169 | | 87 | -444 | -444 | -444 | -169 | | 88 | -450 | -450 | -450 | -175 | | 89 | -456 | -456 | -456 | -175 | | 90 | -463 | -463 | -463 | -181 | | 91 | -469 | -469 | -469 | -181 | | 92 | -475 | -475 | -475 | -188 | | 93 | -481 | -481 | -481 | -188 | | 94 | -488 | -488 | -488 | -194 | | 95 | -494 | -494 | -494 | -194 | | 96 | -500 | -500 | -500 | -200 | | 97 | -506 | -506 | -506 | -200 | | 98 | -513 | -513 | -513 | -206 | | 99 | -519 | -519 | -519 | -206 | | 100 | -525 | -525 | -525 | -213 | | 101 | -531 | -531 | -531 | -213 | | 102 | -538 | -538 | -538 | -219 | | 103 | -544 | -544 | -544 | -219 | | 104 | -550 | -550 | -550 | -225 | | 105 | -556 | -556 | -556 | -225 | | 106 | -563 | -563 | -563 | -231 | | 107 | -569 | -569 | -569 | -231 | | 108 | -575 | -575 | -575 | -238 | | 109 | -581 | -581 | -581 | -238 | | 110 | -588 | -588 | -588 | -244 | | 111 | -594 | -594 | -594 | -244 | | 112 | -600 | -600 | -600 | -250 | | 113 | -606 | -606 | -606 | -250 | | 114 | -613 | -613 | -613 | -256 | | 115 | -619 | -619 | -619 | -256 | | 116 | -625 | -625 | -625 | -263 | | 117 | -631 | -631 | -631 | -263 | | 118 | -638 | -638 | -638 | -269 | | 119 | -644 | -644 | -644 | -269 | | 120 | -650 | -650 | -650 | -275 | | 121 | -656 | -656 | -656 | -275 | | 122 | -663 | -663 | -663 | -281 | | 123 | -669 | -669 | -669 | -281 | | 124 | -675 | -675 | -675 | -288 | | 125 | -681 | -681 | -681 | -288 | | 126 | -688 | -688 | -688 | -294 | | 127 | -694 | -694 | -694 | -294 | | 128 | -700 | -700 | -700 | -300 | | 129 | -706 | -706 | -706 | -300 | | 130 | -713 | -713 | -713 | -306 | | 131 | -719 | -719 | -719 | -306 | | 132 | -725 | -725 | -725 | -313 | | 133 | -731 | -731 | -731 | -313 | | 134 | -738 | -738 | -738 | -319 | | 135 | -744 | -744 | -744 | -319 | | 136 | -750 | -750 | -750 | -325 | | 137 | -756 | -756 | -756 | -325 | | 138 | -763 | -763 | -763 | -331 | | 139 | -769 | -769 | -769 | -331 | | 140 | -775 | -775 | -775 | -338 | | 141 | -781 | -781 | -781 | -338 | | 142 | -788 | -788 | -788 | -344 | | 143 | -794 | -794 | -794 | -344 | | 144 | -800 | -800 | -800 | -350 | | 145 | -806 | -806 | -806 | -350 | | 146 | -813 | -813 | -813 | -356 | | 147 | -819 | -819 | -819 | -356 | | 148 | -825 | -825 | -825 | -363 | | 149 | -831 | -831 | -831 | -363 | | 150 | -838 | -838 | -838 | -369 | | 151 | -844 | -844 | -844 | -369 | | 152 | -850 | -850 | -850 | -375 | | 153 | -856 | -856 | -856 | -375 | | 154 | -863 | -863 | -863 | -381 | | 155 | -869 | -869 | -869 | -381 | | 156 | -875 | -875 | -875 | -388 | | 157 | -881 | -881 | -881 | -388 | | 158 | -888 | -888 | -888 | -394 | | 159 | -894 | -894 | -894 | -394 | | 160 | -900 | -900 | -900 | -400 | ****************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON DICE These are the values the server generates automatically when converting a merc-format mobile to ROM format. A higher number of dice gives less variance in damage. There is no dice-bonus on weapon dice. levels: dice levels dice 1: 1d8 78-83: 6d14 2-3: 2d5 84-89: 6d15 4-5: 2d6 90-96: 6d16 6-9: 4d4 97-102: 6d17 10-12: 4d5 103-108: 6d18 13-15: 5d4 109-115: 6d19 16-21: 5d5 116-121: 6d20 22-26: 5d6 122-127: 6d21 27-31: 5d7 128-134: 6d22 32-36: 5d8 135-140: 6d23 37-42: 5d9 141-146: 6d24 43-47: 5d10 147-153: 6d25 48-50: 5d11 154-160: 6d26 51-52: 6d9 53-58: 6d10 59-64: 6d11 65-71: 6d12 72-77: 6d13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MOB TABLES were compiled by Terram and made pretty by Beowolf. So a special thanks goes out to Terram. See anything from this document I failed to hit on? If so mail me and I will add it in and give you thanks here :) That concludes the OLC manual for TSR. I hope that this has helped you become a better and more successful area builder. Good luck on that area. -Beowolf, Allanon, and Draven. This document is Copyright 1996 by TSR. For permission to use this document on any other mud please send email to beowolf@mat.net.