My first snippet ever. Works in SWFotE I'm assuming you already have freeship in tables.c and mud.h if not you'll have to add it. Ain't that hard just find the listings for skills/commands and add. In space.c find do_freeship and replace with code below. void do_freeship( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { SHIP_DATA *ship; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; send_to_char ("&z+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\r", ch); send_to_char ("&z| &cShip &z| &YRent &z| &RLocation &z |\n\r", ch); send_to_char ("&z+---------------------------|------------|------------------------------------+\n\r", ch); for ( ship = first_ship; ship; ship = ship->next ) { if ( !str_cmp(ship->owner, "Public") ) { if ( ship->in_room ) { sprintf (buf, "&z| %s%-25.25s &z| &Y%-10ld&z | &R%-34.33s &z|\n\r", ship->type == SHIP_REPUBLIC ? "&r": ship->type == SHIP_IMPERIAL ? "&g": "&B", ship->name, get_ship_value(ship)/100, ship->in_room->name); send_to_char (buf, ch); } else { sprintf (buf, "&z| %s%-25.25s &z| &Y%-10ld&z | &RSpace &z|\n\r", ship->type == SHIP_REPUBLIC ? "&r": ship->type == SHIP_IMPERIAL ? "&g": "&B", ship->name, get_ship_value(ship)/100); send_to_char (buf, ch); } } } send_to_char ("&z+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\r", ch); return; }