SOCIAL EDITING======== by Azrael for Godshone address: port 6969 webpage(under const) I searched for 3 days on the web, and couldnt find one socials.txt helpfile So I made one. This social file is for OFFLINE social making, and is based on ROM2.4b6/ROGUE2.4 MUDs. Creating a social step by step =================================================================================== 1) Create a social name.(e.g. what the social will be called, and how it is used in the mud[smile, chuckle, etc]) 2a) Arguments. I will do these one at a time, with an example in []'s at the end. 2b) Variables: $n - name of social initiator(typed the command) $N - name of the 'target' of the social $s - his/hers/its based on sex of $n $S - his/hers/its based on sex of $N 2c) each line is to be followed by a 'tilde' or ~ 3) "Char no-arg" meaning what the character who typed the social sees, with out giving an 'argument' ex["chuckle" (char sees) YOu chuckle politely.] 4) "Others no-arg" same as char no-arg, but what OTHERS see. ["chuckle" (others see) $n chuckles politely] 5) "Char Found" means that the 'argument' or 'victim' of your social is found. ["chuckle" (char sees) You chuckle at $S joke.] 6) "Others found" as char found, but what OTHERS see. ["chuckle" (others see)$n chuckles at $N's joke.] 7) "vict found" is what the 'victim' sees when being the 'target' of the social ["chuckle" (vict sees) $n chuckles at your joke.] 8) "Char auto" is when 'self' or 'char' are the target/argument ["chuckle" (char sees)You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.] 9) "Others auto" same as char auto, just viewed 3rd person ["chuckle" (others see)$n chuckles at $s own joke, since none of you would.] IN a quick layout format: All socials should be mailed to the IMP as so: and w/o furthur ado: ;) format ======================================================================== name~ char no-arg~ others no-arg~ char found~ others found~ vict found~ char auto~ others auto~ ======================================================================== ======================================================================== chin~ You rub your chin thoughtfully.~ $n rubs $s chin thoughtfully.~ You rub your chin thoughtfully, pondering what $N said.~ $n rubs $s chin thoughtfully, pondering what $N said.~ $n rubs $s chin thoughtfully, pondering on what you said.~ You rub your chin, wondering why you did that.~ $n rubs $s chin, wondering why they did that.~ ======================================================================== chuckle~ You chuckle politely.~ $n chuckles politely.~ You chuckle at $S joke.~ $n chuckles at $N's joke.~ $n chuckles at your joke.~ You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.~ $n chuckles at $s own joke, since none of you would.~ ======================================================================== cig~ You break out a cigarette and light it with a {cZ{gi{Wp{gp{c0 ({WtM{c){x.~ $n pulls out a cigarette and lights it with a {cZ{gi{Wp{gp{c0 ({WtM{c){x.~ You take a deep drag off your cigarette and blow the smoke in $N's face.~ $n takes a deep drag off $s cigarette and blows the smoke in your face!~ $n takes a deep drag off $s cigarette and blows the smoke in your face!~ You take a deep, long drag... Aaaaaaah.~ $n takes a deep, long drag from a cigarette. Aaaaaaah.~