
Uploaded: 24 Feb, 2008
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Cyric

Downloads: 461


What you have here is a classic. WileyMUD III is a cleaned up release of the mud that ran at WMU for several years back in 1992, and then again briefly in 1995.

You will find a pretty well balanced game, using traditional AD&D second edition rules. You'll find multi-classing. You'll find mobs that are somewhat more clever than usual. You'll also find an entire world, all original, and over 3000 rooms in size.

You won't find lots of flashy ANSI colours, nor will you find Ub3r-D3tH Swordz that do 9999 points of damage. You won't find a cuddly mud school to wipe the noses of players who are used to being immortal inside of a week.

WileyMUD II was considered one of the hardest muds out there during its time, and I believe it still is. I'm releasing this to the public so that it won't disappear if my hard drive crashes, as none of the original staff have the time or inclination to keep it going.

So, feel free to use or abuse it… but please send me a note if you start one up (I'd love to see it).

UPDATE 2009.11.18: I updated the file so it now reflects the current state, more or less. As a result, it will require you have PostgreSQL and ECPG installed, although it's not much work to disable if you don't like it. It should also compile on 64-bit platforms.
There *IS* a bug in the imc code somewhere, but I haven't tracked it down yet. That was a fairly ugly hack anyways, but it does seem to work.

UPDATE 2009.12.05: Fixed ONE bug in IMC2, which I'm pretty sure is the previous one I was trying to find. Re-touched the build process again, hopefully it might work this time?

UPDATE 2011.06.04: Changed to connect to I3, also included a more recent SQL dump.

UPDATE 2011.07.01: Cleanup up the distribution a little bit to hopefully make things simpler.

UPDATE 2014.04.06: Removed SQL code, fixed a few bugs, cleanup for newest gcc. A while back, I started using github to
handle all my updates and revisions, so this is simply a direct tag release from that repository. I'll try to remember to upload a
new snapshot every so often, but check github if you're curious.

-Dread Quixadhal (quixadhal -at- a waste of time -dot- net)